The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

The battle between the Bellids and Karuwimans was fierce. Whenever the Karuwimans launched offensive attacks to cross the lake, the Bellids fiercely resisted. Due to the Bellids’ adamant resistance, the Karuwimans weren’t able to secure a bridge to cross the lake yet.

In this intense battle, Zich’s two servants were bravely fighting on. Hans was stationed on the frontlines, and he directly engaged with the Bellid knights. Even though he was lower-skilled than his opponents’, he maintained his ground. Zich’s sinister, almost perverted training was showing its full effect again.

‘In this area, I have to—!’ Hans found a small opening between the Karuwiman knights in front of him and moved his sword to stab a Bellid knight.



A Bellid knight quickly smacked Hans\' cleverly positioned sword away. The force of the Bellid knight’s sword made Hans’ hands shake. However, Hans didn’t let go of his sword and hurriedly backed away.



The Bellid, who lost his balance from Hans’ attack, was hit by a Karuwiman knight and fell down. Hans continued to look for more openings.

‘My body moved almost by instinct.’

The only time Hans experienced a large-scale battle like this was in the Dracul estate at Ospurin. However, since he was already in his second battle, his body skillfully moved along with his allies’ movements. Even he surprised himself.

‘Sir Zich’s training really makes people speechless.’

Hans thought his competency in this battle was all thanks to Zich’s training. However, that was not the only reason. Previously, Zich remarked that Hans’ talent was comparable to Glen Zenard, one of the few people Zich approved of in strength alone; and through Zich’s extreme training, Hans’ talent was beginning to blossom in full display.

Likewise, Snoc also played a significant part in this battle. He stood on a stepping stone in the center of a lake and fired his power over the earth towards his enemies.

Bam! Bam!

Huge earth pillars sprouted out from the walls of the cave next to the Bellid knights. The Bellid knights crushed the earth pillars with their swords. Even though they didn’t receive much damage from these attacks, the pillars continued to pop out and hamper their focus.

‘If I destroy the pathway that the frontline is standing on, I can attack them all at once.’ Snoc felt regretful. However, in a situation where they had to increase more paths across the lake, he couldn’t afford to destroy any pathways.

‘Is it because I’m still lacking in skill?’ Even though Snoc was able to safely bring out Nowem’s strength, he couldn’t bring out all of it. If he could, then the first thing he would have done was to break this cave’s ceiling and fill up the lake.

‘Ah, but would Sir Zich scold me because the entire cave might collapse?’

No, if he could completely bring out Nowem’s strength, he might be able to destroy everything that supported the cave and still hold up the entire cave with just his strength. Snoc glanced at Hans. Hans was his senior who joined Zich’s team earlier than him and had longer experience being Zich’s servant. Even though Hans didn’t have a special existence like Nowem next to him, he was showing enormous skills using just his natural abilities.

‘I should also work harder.’

Even though Hans was embarrassed by it, his efforts and goals (with Zich’s advice) to become a hero greatly inspired Snoc.

‘If I work hard like my senior, Hans, maybe I can also…’ If he worked hard, maybe his childhood dream he nervously told Sam might become a reality. Snoc blocked the Bellid’s attacks and used his earthly powers to support shaky bridges; simultaneously, he continued to attack the Bellids.

The battle went on. Without either side gaining a clear advantage, sacrifices were made with each passing minute. However, nothing went on forever. A change began to appear on the battlefield.




In the center of the area protected by the barrier, a few Bellids were hit critically by the Karuwimans’ light attacks. Regardless of which side they were on, both the Karuwimans and Bellids were shocked. On the other hand, both of the leaders from these two sides were quick to adapt.

“The barrier has weakened! Immediately attack those outside the barrier!”

“Get closer inside the barrier! Quickly!”

The two sides immediately followed their superiors’ orders. The Bellids who were now outside the barrier quickly moved back; however, not all of them were able to avoid the Karuwimans’ speedy attacks.



The number of Bellid followers who died from the Karuwimans’ light attacks increased. The Karuwiman knights focused their utmost attention on the areas where the barrier had disappeared.

“Get your act together! Block them from coming closer!”

The Bellids also quickly responded and fought back. However, their efforts were fruitless. The barrier kept getting smaller, and the energy of Bellu that supported the Bellids also decreased substantially; soon enough, the entire barrier disappeared. When the Bellids felt all of Bellu’s energy disappear, their faces became filled with despair. In contrast to their despair, the Karuwimans responded back with greater energy and shouted a loud outcry.

Weig tightly clenched his fists. The menacing pressure on his body was gone.

‘It seems like Zich was successful.’

* * *

“What happened?” Trislowa had been full of confidence after finally being able to capture Zich, but he was now hesitant and his expression froze. At the intense vibrations inside the cave, Trislowa looked up. The other knights were also surprised and looked around their surroundings.


There was another shock, and then a large vibration. Some rock dust fell down from the ceiling. Even though sounds of an explosion could be heard every time the barrier blocked attacks from the Karuwiman, the sound this time sounded a bit different. Moreover, just the sound of an explosion would not be enough to shake the entire temple so that rock and debris dust would fall from the ceiling.

It felt ominous. Anxiety began to fill up the hearts of all the Bellid followers.

Then a calm voice spoke from somewhere, “It’s nothing important, so don’t worry about it.”

The Bellid followers looked towards the direction of the voice. They didn’t need to look any further.

The person who spoke was Zich.

‘What is that fucking bastard scheming again?’ Trislowa thought and said, “…What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said. That sound is nothing important.” Zich looked completely different. It was difficult to imagine that he had been running away while gasping for breath a few moments ago. The wound on his side was still pouring out blood, but Zich had his back straight unlike before.

And with a carefree attitude, he told the Bellid followers shocking news. “It’s just that the barrier protecting the temple disappeared, so the Karuwimans are attacking the temple. That’s all.”


Every single follower was astonished. For the Bellids who were at a disadvantage to the Karuwiman in terms of both numbers and quality, the barrier had been crucial in defending their temple. But if that barrier disappeared…

“Did you…!” Trislowa finally realized that Zich hadn’t run to escape but to lure him and the remaining guards out of the ritual room.

Then, Zich helped erase all of Trislowa’s doubts. “Yes, that’s right. I lured you guys out.”

Zich moved his body from side to side; he was mocking Trislowa and the knights, showing that his wound didn’t debilitate him at all. For Zich, moving with this kind of injury was nothing.

“You, bastard…! Did other intruders…!” What Trislow had prayed to not happen occurred. However, the situation was a bit different from his expectations.

“No, I’m the only intruder. Even in this place, there are people who are willing to take my side.”

“What bullshit! No one among the Bellid followers who faithfully worship Bellu will cooperate with Karuwiman’s dog like you!”

“I also don’t want to join hands with you Bellid bastards. The people who joined my side are from a completely different group.”

Zich pointed below him with his fingers. “The people who used to be down there.”

“…The sacrifices?” Trislowa hadn’t even thought of the sacrifices as a possibility, so he became speechless for a moment. But soon, rage overtook him. “So…our brothers…died from…the sacrifices…out of all things?”

If the Karuwimans were their mortal enemies, the sacrifices were livestock or toys at best. He couldn’t believe that the high priests who maintained the barrier died from such low-class things.

“It’s too bad. I will send you my condolences.”

“Yooooou bastard!” Trislowa was enraged countless times today. His eyes became so bloodshot that it looked like tears of blood would pour down any moment now.

“Your grace! We have to go to the ritual room immediately!” One of the knights said to Trislwowa, but Trislowa shook his head.

“It’s too late. If the Karuwimans have attacked the temple, it means the barrier is gone now. In other words, all the priests in the ritual room have left to join Bellu’s side.”

“Kuh!” The knight tried to calm his fury.

“Focus on the enemy in front of you. We have to take back the sacred object that guy stole. That’s our top priority.”

“Wow, you are a terrible boss. Shouldn’t you try to comfort the feelings of those saddened by their comrades’ deaths? For what reason are you all working for a boss like that?” Zich continued to annoy Trislowa.

“Kill him.” Trislowa clenched his teeth and gave his command. The knights moved with the strong conviction to not let Zich die an easy death once they caught him.

“Come on, I was saying that for your own good. Fine, since I’m in a good mood, I will personally lead you all to the ritual room!” Zich suddenly sank to his knees and touched the ground with his hands. Trislowa couldn’t understand Zich’s behavior and attacked. With impressive control, holy power brushed past the running knights. The knights were shocked as the attack closely passed by them, but Trislowa didn’t care. Attacking Zich was much more important than caring about his shocked knights.

Zich quickly took off his hand from the floor and jumped. Trislowa’s holy power missed Zich and struck the ground.


It didn’t even make a loud sound. Trislowa’s attack made a clean dent on the temple’s floor.

“Do you think I will let you escape through the secret passageway again?!” Trislowa already knew that Zich could use another secret passageway he wasn’t aware of and prepared for such a scenario. Thus, as soon as Zich looked like he was trying to escape, Trislowa immediately blasted the surface that Zich was standing on top of.

“You can no longer use that secret pass—!” Trislowa trailed off.

Although Zich looked like he had jumped to escape the attack, he was using the temple’s high ceiling to move behind them while kicking the walls.

“What are you guys doing!? Chase—!” Trislowa stopped in the middle of his command.

The knights, who had been confident while cornering Zich, were now faltering. Their balance had been shaken from Trislowa’s sudden attack, and it took them a moment to get into position again.


Zich leisurely stepped down behind them. Then, he twirled around with one foot.


And with those raised feet, he clapped his feet together.

“A secret passageway? There was something like that?” Zich asked calmly, and Trislowa stared—no, glared at the place he had attacked. In the place where he attacked, there was only a large hole and nothing that resembled a secret passageway. Trislowa had been played again.

“Heh, I didn’t know that you knew of a passageway that even I didn’t know of. As expected of Bellid’s Honorary Cardinal. The information you have is on another level—!”


Zich easily evaded Trislow’s angry attack.

“Kiiiiiiill him!” Trislowa’s voice sounded desperate now. The knights passed Trislowa and chased after Zich again.

“You want to chase me again? I’m all for it. But let’s decide on a destination this time.” Zich turned his back and said calmly. He didn’t have to act like he was cornered anymore and healed his wounds by drinking potions.

“I told you guys that I would take you to the ritual room, right? We should go together. Let’s see what state the priests are in. I am curious too.” Zich led the Bellid knights and began to run.

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