Astral Pet Store

Chapter 567 - A Sleeping Tiger

The Situ family and the Wang family were deemed as influential forces and the elders of the two families would be treated as honorable guests when they visited other forces.

However, one girl had humiliated both families!

Who is she?

Clairvoyance, the biggest intelligence organization, had collected enough information in less than half an hour after the event.

Tang Ruyan, 23.


Former candidate to become the future family head of the Tang family.

She had actually been a decoy to protect the real future family head.

The talented girl reached the seventh rank when she was 18 years old!

She once tried the dragon bone tower challenge at Longtai Mountain, the Mysterious Realm! She vanished directly from the Mysterious Realm due to unknown reasons. Later, people reported seeing her in the Longjiang Base City, the base city close to the border at the south but the rumor was never verified.

Today, there was confirmation that she reached the titled rank!

Probably at the peak of the titled rank!

She had a beast king battle pet, an unknown kind that had never been recorded.

The other battle pet she had was a strange skeleton that was able to... kill legendary battle pet warriors!

Tang Ruyan’s information was dug out soon. Upon hearing this, people had to admit that the supposed decoy of the Tang family was mysterious and had a complex background. She had achieved amazing results on many occasions, including the past Elite League.

She could be what people called a talent.

But... that was it.

The world was never short of talents.

The change started to happen to the girl after she disappeared from the Mysterious Realm.

Barely half a year had passed since she disappeared and reappeared. She was at the seventh rank before she went off the grid, then she was already at the titled rank when she emerged in public again. She had evidently bumped into a big fortune during the time she was missing!

She leaped from the seventh rank to the peak of the titled rank!

Even though there was no proof that she was indeed at the peak, she had indeed wiped out two families by herself; even calling her a legendary battle pet warrior was reasonable.

Apart from Tang Ruyan, another thing that had caught the public eye was that skeleton. According to some videos that got out, people saw how the legendary battle pet warrior was killed right after he arrived at the Tang family territory. He barely said anything before that skeleton killed him!

That skeleton killed a legendary battle pet warrior with one punch!

No other legendary battle pet warrior could have done that!

A legendary battle pet warrior, someone that people deemed as the most powerful human being in the world had died after a single blow!

The skeleton also did amazingly in the Situ family and the Wang family’s territories. According to the video footage, people noticed that without that skeleton, Tang Ruyan and her beast king wouldn’t have cleaned out the two families so easily. She would have taken longer to finish!

For a while, many people hurried to Clairvoyance to ask about the skeleton.

All the people who were below the legendary rank thought that legendary rank creatures were mysterious. They were dying to find out the details about the skeleton and why it was so incredible.

Of course, the details shocked the world.

Clairvoyance was treating all the information about the skeleton as confidential. Some big forces went to Clairvoyance, bearing heavy presents and money, but failed to get them to talk!

Clairvoyance revealed Tang Ruyan’s information but kept the skeleton a secret. Why?

That was enough to make people wonder.

Some supposed that the skeleton wasn’t really Tang Ruyan’s pet.

After all, witnesses were saying that Tang Ruyan and the skeleton sat together as they flew back.

She didn’t summon the skeleton in public. The skeleton was also outside even on their way back to the Tang family. That was interesting.

Tianlan Base City.


Many flying battle pets were seen coming from a distance, while some were dispersing clouds. They slowly landed in front of Clairvoyance.

The battle pet warriors jumped off from their flying pets immediately and hurried to the door.

Some of the battle pet warriors were at the master level and some at the titled rank. Either way, they were all walking as they approached; that was enough proof of the level of respect Clairvoyance inspired.

Clairvoyance was an intelligence organization, but it wasn’t a weak one. To put it simply, it wouldn’t be able to collect so much privileged information without the most powerful battle pet warriors.

“What a crowd. This day has gathered more people than the whole previous month.”

Two titled battle pet warriors were hurrying into the Clairvoyance building. The clothes they wore indicated which family or force they were from.

The people in Clairvoyance, influenced by what they constantly saw and heard, were able to recognize the uniqueness of each force and family’s uniform when the visitors didn’t deliberately show it.

“Those people must be scared,”one of the titled battle pet warriors in Clairvoyance commented after he smoked his water pipes. “Look, the Holy Light Base City has sent someone here. Well, well, well... Looks like we have a She-Devil here. I think people are freaking out.” He chuckled.

The middle-aged titled battle pet warrior nodded to the old man but he sounded more solemn. “It’s natural for the Holy Light Base City to feel the pressure. That She-Devil is now the nominal family head of the Tang family. If the legendary battle pet warriors from the Tower don’t make a move, no one can stop her from destroying the Subcontinent District, and that includes us, Clairvoyance.”

The old man shook his head. “She has already left and I don’t suppose she’s that ambitious. The Yugong family would have been gone already if she wanted to unify the Subcontinent District. She managed to finish two families so quickly. So, what was one more? She was just sending a signal to the other families and forces. She, the previous decoy, was not a trophy girl.”

The middle-aged man was surprised how the old man was able to remain calm. “Man, I don’t think you’re the least worried. What you said makes sense but this girl is just freaky. She’s like a wolf mingling in a flock of sheep. Even a sleeping wolf would scare the sheep.”

“I don’t worry because there is nothing to be worried about.” The old man grinned. “Besides, say she’s a wolf, there’s still a tiger up here. A sleeping tiger...”

The old man squinted to hide the flash of terror.

“Sleeping tiger? Do you mean the Tower?” The middle-aged man was baffled.

The old man shook his head but said nothing.

“Let’s go. Time for us to be on duty. Don’t sweat over such trivial things. You’ve just joined Clairvoyance; you’ll get used to such things.” The old man stood up and patted the dust off his robe. The middle-aged man was a bit speechless. Two families that had had a history of hundreds of years were ruined and that was not a big thing? Could there be bigger things?! The middle-aged man caught up with the old man and asked, “Anyway, why did our Master keep the information about that skeleton confidential? Where does that skeleton come from?”

That information was not just kept from the public. It was also confidential to some among the Clairvoyance staff.

“The Master must have his reasons. Don’t learn what you shouldn’t know and don’t you dare go around and ask about it. You can get yourself in trouble,” the old man cautioned his new colleague.

The middle-aged man was startled.

What could make the Master so wary? Why couldn’t they ask about it?

Longjiang Base City.

Pixie Pet Store.

“Have you heard? The Situ family and Wang family are doomed.” “I cannot believe that. This must be some conflict between those big families!”

“That’s curious. I think I’ve seen the She-Devil in that video!”

“Mr. Su, where’s that pretty attendant? I didn’t see her today.”

The customers discussed.

The destruction of the Situ and Wang families had reached even the remote Longjiang Base City. Of course, such information was limited to those in the upper class. For people who were in the store, discussing the matter was proof of their social status.

On the other hand, the information arrived much later to battle pet warriors without a strong background. They tried to be all ears and listen.

“I gave her a couple of days off,” Su Ping answered casually.

Many of the customers were well aware that Su Ping was far from being a common man. What he did could hardly be kept confidential; the fact that he had stopped the beast strikes and saved the Longjiang Base City was stunning enough.

The average battle pet warriors didn’t have a clear idea about the Otherworld Heavenly King; they just knew it was something more powerful than other beast kings.

Because of all his fame and reputation, the customers would always behave when they stopped by. They weren’t so stressed out when they realized that Su Ping was apparently not the vicious sort.

“Mr. Su, you’re so nice to your employees.”

“Mr. Su, do you need more people working for you? I don’t have to take a salary.”

Some customers began to recommend themselves.

Su Ping darted a glance at the customer. “I do need more employees, but I do have a high standard that not many can reach.”

The customers were getting more curious.

“What standard?”.

They were eager to have a try.

If they could work there and stay with Su Ping for a long time, they would be able to get much closer to him; this would pave a promising future for them.

“First, the person has to be at the legendary rank and the talents have to be good,” Su Ping answered without thinking.

He was naming the standard for formal employees, thinking that anyone below that rank would be of little use to him. After all, according to his current cultivation progress, he would soon be able to take beast kings to train.

Employees would be scared by the beast kings if they weren’t at the legendary rank. That would be humiliating.

Therefore, the legendary rank was the most basic requirement.


Customers filled with anticipation were left dumbstruck.

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