Astral Pet Store

Chapter 213 Violence and Solution

Chapter 213 Violence and Solution

Zhou Feng never intended to resort to violence right there. A little bluff to show who was boss should have been enough. But as soon as he saw Su Ping’s eyes, he felt showered by frigid fear, as if he were looking at a viper about to pounce at his throat. Something told him that the man in front of was not human at all. That was a vicious monster who had just climbed out of the underworld. Grim, and merciless.

Su Ping slowly turned to look at Zhou Feng’s friends, who all looked ready to humiliate the students moments before.

Slap! Slap!

Without any forewarning, each of the four team members received a loud and solid slap in the face, which left a red, palm-shaped bruise behind.

It took them a full second to register the pain, before they hastily put up their astral shields and warily looked around to find out who had just done that.

Zhou Feng’s proud look slowly changed into fear as he was pretty sure that Su Ping was the culprit, even though he didn’t see him move, either.

The students also knew what was going on somewhat. Of course, they felt really good seeing their adversaries be disgraced like this.

“Team Night Wolf, right? How much merit did you get again? 3.6 million? Sure. I won’t ask for too much... Give us 3 million and I’ll let things slide. You can keep the rest. I’m pretty generous, you know?”.

Su Ping didn’t know, nor did he care how many merit points Su Lingyue’s group was due. Since this settler team could shamelessly and unfairly take away most of the points, he could definitely repay in kind.

But what about rules? There were no rules in the settler base. People spoke with their strength. They always did.

Zhou Feng grimaced. “Who the heck are you?”

Su Ping didn’t care. “You know what? I won’t even bother telling you, a**hole.”

Zhou Feng felt his concentrated rage almost seeping through his skin, but he still managed to stay put when he thought about Su Ping’s “invisible face-slap” that suggested high-level skills.

Zhou Feng didn’t think Su Ping was enough to take all of his team members down, yet he didn’t want to anger a man who was possibly a rich member of an influential clan.

He looked at Su Ping directly in the eyes. “We Team Night Wolf may not be one of the best, but we’re still a silver-tier team. Most people around here know our names. How about we both take a step back? I’ll give these brats 1.5 million. That’s the best compromise I can accept.”

Zhou Feng didn’t care about the points since 3 million didn’t mean much to his team. Still, he couldn’t hand everything over for real since that would surely stain their reputation.

“Your names, you say?” Su Ping tried to make his mocking as clear as possible. “How many people can remember the name of a second-rate team, I wonder? Come on, 3 million, full payment. I don’t want to see a single point missing. If you don’t agree, I’ll just make sure your very few admirers never hear from you ever again.”

Zhou Feng widened his eyes in shock; he had never expected Su Ping to go this far.

Unfortunately, he was too caught up to remember that he was the one who had gone too far first by sending the students away without paying them.

Zhou Feng’s teammates also grew furious when they all realized who had just assaulted them.

“Watch what you’re saying, kid!” “Our team may be small, but we don’t tolerate crooks like you!”

“Want to tell us which clan are you from, coward?? We’ll back off if you truly are a bigwig or something. If not, stop acting like one!”

Despite their attitude, none of them did anything for real because they were also wary of Su Ping’s “big background” like Zhou


Meanwhile, Su Yanying and her friends were also shocked to see the unknown side of Su Ping.

“I’m trying to end this matter in peace, but it seems you want it the hard way, huh??” Zhou Feng had decided to go on the offense. “Let me make it clear then, I won’t give a fu*king cent to you losers! Deal with it!”

Even though they were a small team, Zhou Feng didn’t wish to suck it up and take the shame when everyone was looking. He planned to find some connections later and perhaps reach a better solution with Su Ping in private. At the moment, however, he had to win the dispute in the open.

Su Ping grinned.

“I’ll deal with you, sure.”

The astral power around Su Ping took form and became a large hand which was launched toward Zhou Feng’s position.

Zhou Feng felt both surprised and glad that Su Ping made the first move in this settler base. Now he had an excuse to act in “self defense”.

“Ha! You asked for it!” He brought up the best combat skill he could use by coating his body inside an astral armor, before he charged at Su Ping. “Let me show you how to properly fight someone up close-“

Bang! He didn’t get to approach Su Ping before a giant force fell onto his head and slammed him to the floor. He collapsed face-first into the ground, shattering both several stone bricks and his nose.

Su Ping used Astral Telekinesis to pick up Zhou Feng by a leg and swung his body around, before slamming him into the floor again, creating another crater.

Zhou Feng did not and could not retaliate during the whole process. The first hit on the head almost knocked him out. The second impact made sure he would stay out cold for a while.

Zhou Feng’s teammates watched with terrified looks as their captain was flailed in the air by something they couldn’t see, while Su Ping stood there completely unmoving. The students more or less expected such a result, but this didn’t prevent them from marveling at Su Ping’s strength again. A moment before, they thought they were just inexperienced kids who had to bear with Zhou Feng’s bullying. But the “big bully” became the one being bullied.

“It’s just a small punishment for offending a gold-tier settler.” Su Ping looked away from Zhou Feng and “slapped” one of Zhou Feng’s friends again using an invisible force, making the man lose several teeth. “Payment. Now.”

None of Zhou Feng’s teammates responded, since they were still trying to figure out why their captain suddenly began hugging the floor by himself.

Almost at the same time, they all thought about something that might have made this happen, which was the strength of a titled warrior. What Su Ping showed them was a common move used by titled warriors.

But, a titled warrior? A young man who seemed to be in his twenties??

A woman in Zhou Feng’s team trembled as she spoke up, “You—you’re a gold-tier settler??”

A settler needed to earn a total of 5 million merit points to reach this tier. Each member in Zhou Feng’s team could receive about 500,000 points for their previous mission if they distributed the points evenly, meaning, they had to do the same thing ten times to become gold-tier settlers.

Ten times didn’t sound like much, but it was actually a hard thing to do. Their previous mission almost left them with casualties if not for Su Yanying’s Lightning Rat assisting them. If they proceeded with ten similar missions without getting good help, they would never come back alive to enjoy the rewards.

The woman saw Su Ping giving her a cold gaze and quickly continued, “The—the points have been deposited in the captain’s account. He’s the only one who can take them out.”

Su Ping frowned and remotely lifted Zhou Feng again.

His action just proved that he was indeed a titled battle pet warrior.

Zhou Feng’s teammates were regretting their decision already. For many reasons, angering a young titled warrior could be several times worse than offending an older one.

Su Ping slapped Zhou Feng’s face violently to wake the man up. Zhou Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked around with a blank expression. It took him a moment to realize that he was floating in midair in a very awkward manner.

“Go. Don’t waste my time.” Su Ping put him down.

Zhou Feng felt his mind overwhelmed by great embarrassment for being defeated by a “kid.” But the burning agony all over his body quickly reminded him of what just happened. And the final balance left him with fear.

A small part of him didn’t want to admit that he had been knocked out by Su Ping in an instant. But the looks of his team members convinced him. “Cap-captain? We-we should do as he says...” the woman suggested carefully.

For a moment, Zhou Feng couldn’t trust reality anymore because this woman had always been the one who caused trouble to the team due to her bossy character. It was as if her inner core had been replaced all of a sudden.

The other members also muttered to agree. None of them wanted to be the enemy of a titled battle pet warrior.

Zhou Feng took a deep breath. “All right. We lost this one.”

Su Ping maintained his cold look. He didn’t plan to let these people go on after “this one;” he was going to make sure they never gave him trouble again. It was wise to wipe out loose ends once and for all. He had learned it the hard way while exploring the dangerous cultivation planes.

After all, humans weren’t so different from beasts when it came to plotting. Or we could say that humans were even more dangerous.

With Zhou Feng in the lead, they silently went to a counter at the base for managing merit point transfers.

“Mister Su?”

As soon they got in line, Su Ping heard a familiar voice calling his name. He saw Ye Chenshan, Luo Guxue and Zhou Jing just nearby.

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