Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex

Chapter 116

It’s me. Maika...Un. I’m fine!

Is it okay for me to make a call right now?...Ah, great!

Eh?...Maika’s in the middle of meal...

While we’re at it, I’ve got something I have to ask Ojii-chan...!

Eeeh?!...I’m not!

I don’t need pocket money.

It’s not like I want to buy something...!

It’s not Onee-chan...Maika won’t make such kind of requests on Ojii-chan. ...No no no!

Maika’s not that kind of child...!

Like I said...I’m not asking for a phone...!


Un...You see.

Maika’s been kidnapped...!


That’s right. Maika’s in the course of being kidnapped!


Ojii-chan, please listen to Maika properly!

I’m really really being kidnapped...!

Ah...But, they didn’t do anything cruel to me so don’t worry...

All of the kidnappers are good people.

UN...We’re in the middle of the meal right now.

That’s right, I’m eating outside.

There’s no way I’m at home when I’m kidnapped...!


There’s now way I can tell you where I am right now you know?!

Maika’s been caught...!


Maika’s eating hamburger steak

No, it’s not a family restaurant.

It’s something a formal chef made.

Un...It’s quite good. It’s very delicious.

No...Like I said, it’s not like that.

It’s a hamburger steak made by a genuine chef of a restaurant!

...Like I said, that’s not it!

...Why are you not listening to Maika seriously?!

Maika’s getting angry...!

It’s okay it’s okay, there’s no need to apologize...

It’s not that Maika’s seriously angry...



Ojii-chan still doesn’t believe me.

Even though Maika’s really been kidnapped...!


...Wait a moment.

I’ll give the phone to the kidnapper boss...!

...Like I said, It’s not!

It’s not a 『Pleasure seeking criminal』but ...『Kidnapper』!1


Anyway...I’m going to give her the phone...!」


「...I’ve taken the phone.

Is this Ichikawa-san?

Let me say my greetings for the first time...

I’m...Kuromori Minaho...

No...I’m not Maika-san’s friend at school.

...We don’t have that kind of relationship.

I’m a person from the underground.

Yes...I have kidnapped Maika-san.

...Yes. It is as you say.

...It is, Kuromori.

I think you will understand it easier if I say I’m 『Kuromori Kunousuke’s』daughter...

...Yes. That Kuromori Konousuke

My father is Kuromori Kouichiro...

I’m the current successor of the 『Organization』my grandfather has made...

I think Ichikawa-sama has come several times during 1975’s...


...Yes, that Kuromori

...Have you comer to remember it?

...That is right.

I’m the current head of 『Kuromori』...

I’m holding the power of the organization...

...Yes, that is right?

...Why is a person of『Kuromori』together with Maika-san...?


It is as your granddaughter told you earlier...


We have kidnapped Shirasaka Maika-sama...

...That is right.


...It’s not a joke nor a ruse.

『Kuromori』house has belonged in the underground Japan for many years

...Yes, that is right.

We’re providing polite accommodation for Maika-sama...


...There is no need to panic.

Please listen to what I have to say until the end.

I think you should refrain from making any rash actions.


We don’t want to make the matters worse as well...

I guarantee Maika-san’s safety.

...No, no, there’s no such thing.

Our 『Organization』has multiple contacts in mass media...

Yes...No matter how much of a lead Ichikawa-sama lead the advertising business, it’s impossible to control all of the mass media.

We have internet nowadays...

Yes...Maika-san’s father’s family may be from a newspaper company, however...they cannot hold down the rival companies of the organization, can they?

Rather...I think they will be pleasured to report a scandal leading to Shirasaka house.


...That is right.

We have information on a big scandal on Shirasaka house.

Therefore, I advice Ichikawa-sama to take actions ahead before the possibility of the scandal reaching Ichikawa-sama as well.

Shirasaka house’s is married to Ichikawa-sama’s eldest daughter after all...

It may prove fatal for Ichikawa-sama as well...

Would you like me to speak about the details?

Yes...Then, I will begin.

First...I will warn you beforehand...Our 『Organization』currently hold not just Maika-san.

Maika-sama’s father who is supposed to be in a business trip in Australia...Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke is also restrained by us.

Yes...That is right.

Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke is already imprisoned by my people...

I cannot answer where he is right now.

Shirasaka house has already began searching for Mr. Sousuke.

Please confirm it later.

As a matter of fact...Our objective is Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke.

Yes...Our purpose for having Maika-sama with us isn’t for ransom.

We’ve taken Maika-sama just to make contact with Ichikawa-sama.

I would like to express it again...We do not have the intention to hurt Maika-sama at all.

We would like to return her home as much as possible.


I want to build friendly relationship with Ichikawa-sama as much as possible...


We wish for such situation to continue as well.

Above all...Maika-san is an intelligent and beautiful young lady...

To be honest, we don’t want to do anything violent to her as much as possible...


...I’ve already promised Maika-san’s safety earlier.

Of course...in case we fall into an extremely disadvantageous situation, but...

...Very well.

Then...Let’s return to Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke.

Is Ichikawa-sama aware that Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke is affliated with our 『Organization』for over the past 20 years?

...That is so.

Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke have taken the leader-like standpoint on the 『Kuromori Organization』...

Suppose you don’t believe me...Let’s see.

In case of Ichikawa-sama’s company, you can ask the managing director Yamazaki...Or the business bureau director Tamura, or the media promotion tactics director Yoshioka.

Those three are especially close with Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke, I think Ichikawa-sama knows this as well.

...Those three are long time『guests』of ours.

Yes...Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke have those people as regular customers of our 『Organization』

Everyone should know my relationship with Mr. Sousuke...


Please you can confirm it later.

I will continue our previous topic.

...I will express it frankly.

Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke has betrayed our 『Organization』

Currently, Mr. Sousuke tried to start up a new 『Organization』by himself while backed by a crime organization.

You can ask director Yamazaki about this as well...

Director Yamazaki should have deep connections with the establishment of Mr. Sousuke’s new organization.

And...Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke has stolen our 『Client list』for his new organization.

...This is a clear act of betrayal for our『Organization』

Of course...We cannot just overlook it in silence.

『Kuromori』belongs to the underground society...

We never forgive 『Traitors』

I think Ichikawa-sama knows that kind of world.


...That is right.

We think that Shirasaka house will still want to recapture Mr. Sousuke.

It seems that they want to completely annihilate our 『Organization』to rescue Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke.

If this continues, 『Kuromori』will have to fight against Shirasaka house on full scale.

When it happens...The spark is likely to reach even Ichikawa-sama as well...

Your food critic young lady...and your two granddaughters will be involved as well...

It is possible that the bad influence will reach the company and family of Ichikawa-sama.

I will say it again...Our 『Organization』is a long established business in this industry.

There’s a record of Ichikawa himself coming as well...

There are many people among your clan who patronized us in the past.

Our 『Organization』...can secure the fire of the scandal as much as we want.

Do you remember Morimoto, our clerk?


Morimoto is still in our 『Organization』...

...That is right.

The events in our 『Organization』will never be leaked outside...

We have a method to keep the secrets of our guests.

Therefore...Our 『Organization』will continue to receive favors from the guests.

But...Shirasaka Sousuke has betrayed us...and tried to steal the guests’ information.


...That is right.

If this continues, the secret guest list of our 『Organization』for all the years...we fear that Shirasaka Sousuke will leak the personal information of our guests to the crime syndicates.

I think you understand our reason why we have to dispose Shirasaka Sousuke with all our effort.


...It is as you say.

Our purpose is to punish Shirasaka Sousuke...

That’s all.

We do not expect a fruitless fight with Ichikawa-sama nor Shirasaka house

...Of course.

...Yes, please understand


As long as they abandon Shirasaka Sousuke...that will be enough.

But...If ever Shirasaka house wants to rescue Mr. Sousuke by all means...

In addition, if they do not stop the attack at our 『Organization』

We have to defend ourselves.

Yes...That is how it will be.

Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke’s betrayal is the cause of this since the beginning.

We’re just doing the proper action of an 『Organization』from the underground.

Yes...we do not care about money.

Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke was a member of our 『Organization...』

...It’s impossible.


Then...Ichikawa-sama, are you telling to let us overlook him trying to hand over information about the 『Organization’s』guests to crime syndicates?

...That is right.

Yes...It is as Ichikawa-sama imagined.

I think that Shirasaka house’s judgement to rescue Mr. Sousuke is not well.

Mr. Sousuke will be 『Punished』by our hands but...will the root of evil end in the future?...

However...Even if the Shirasaka house confront us directly, there will be people who insists to rescue Mr. Sousuke coming.

What can we only do is to take urgent defensive measures.


We’ve taken custody of Maika-san under those circumstances.

...Do you understand?

There’s an old saying 『The cornered mouse bites』

For a small 『Organization』such as ourselves absolutely need a considerate preparedness when fighting a noble family like Shirasaka-sama.

However...we won’t let our 『Organization』collapse because of Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke.

We will do everything to defend it.


The stage of our discussion has already gone far enough.

Shirasaka house has already began moving...

I think you will know if you contact them.


Of course...We would like to receive Ichikawa-sama’s cooperation.

But...I don’t intend to receive your answer right now.

Ichikawa-sama, are you home right now?

Then...I will forward you a file on the matters I’ve just told you about.

Please confirm it with your own eyes.

Video evidences of Mr. Shirasaka Sousuke’s past with prostitution, rape, abduction and confinement crimes he has committed.

As well as Director Yamazaki who’s under Ichikawa-sama...

You can check those materials first then analyze on your future responses.


Then, I will contact you once again after an hour.

...That is right.

There’s no way I will be able to do that for someone as wise as Ichikawa-sama...

If ever Ichikawa-sama conducts a hostile movement on us within an hour...We will be uploading Director Yamazaki who’s under Ichikawa-sama’s company’s illegal act.

The first trigger of the scandal will become Ichikawa-sama’s place...with that said, please take note of that.



I’m not so foolish to use my trump card first.

I myself think that Maika-san is a very lovely young lady...

I sincerely pray for her safe return as much as possible.


...I’m going to give the phone to Maika-san then」


「...Ah, Ojii-chan?

Either way, that’s what’s happening...!


...That’s right.

No, it’s true...Everyone’s kind to Maika.

Like I said, Maika’s fine.

For now...okay?

Really really...I’m not lying...

I’m fine. Really fine.

I won’t talk cheerfully if I’m forcing myself...!

They’re really taking good care of me...

The hamburger steak is delicious...

Un...Everyone’s eating together.

Everyone’s kind...Like I said, that’s true.

...That’s right.

...You see.

In the end...Papa did bad to everyone?

Maika was told various things...

Ah...But, not everything.

They said that it’s pitiful to tell a child everything...

They just told me a bit of it.

Or rather...I met the person who had terrible experience with Papa.


I know that person didn’t lie.

Maika understood it...

Papa had done a lot of bad things to those people...


...That’s right.

No, Maika believes these people more than Papa.

Because these people are serious...

They’re earnest...

They don’t treat Maika like a kid.

They’re listening to Maika properly...


...You see, Ojii-chan

...That’s not it.

Maika’s already prepared.


I think Papa’s no good already.

...That’s impossible.

Because...Papa’s really a hopeless person.

He troubled a lot of people as well...

You know it don’t you?

Ojii-chan knows what kind of person Maika’s papa is.

...That’s right.

It is my uncle in Shizouka says...

Maika’s papa is a good-for-nothing...

That’s why it’s inevitable.


Maika has already given up on Papa.

...That’s right.

...Also, uncle Shirasaka loves Papa.

Aren’t those people a mass lump of pride?

But...That’s wrong.

I think it’s no good that it will become a big trouble because of Maika’s Papa.


...That’s right.

...Maika thinks the same but.

But...nothing will change even if you say that now

...I know


...Maika’s really fine...


Ah...I still haven’t told Mama or Onee-chan anything.

You see...I told Onee-chan that I’ll stay over a friend’s house


...Ah, wait a moment!

...No, that’s not it.

I think that it’s better not to tell Onee-chan anything yet...

She’s a Papa’s girl after all...

She might go to uncle Shirasaka and start something strange...

...That’s right.

Ojii-chan knows it too, right?

Yukino Onee-chan’s a bit of an idiot...

But, her voice is loud and she goes hysteric immediately.


From where did she learn it from I wonder.

She’s a spoiled brat like Papa.

...That’s right.


Don’t tell Onee-chan anything until Maika returns home...


...I don’t want that.

It’s already a big trouble that Maika’s kidnapped so we can’t let Onee-chan worry...!

...That’s right.

Anyway, Maika will do her best...

Don’t tell Onee-chan...




Un...Ojii-chan should talk to Mama.

She should be in Shizouka today...

If you can’t contact Mama, then call the Manager.

It’s okay...she’s always with Manager-san.

That’s right.

They stay in the same room even at night...

...I know

Maika’s already in middle school so I can understand just by looking at it.

Err...do you know Manager-san’s number?

Un...That’s right.

Obaa-chan knows it...


Anyway...Maika’s safe.

I’m really fine right now...

Everyone’s kind with Maika...

Like I said...

Maika’s thinking that it would be fine if it just ends with me being raped...


...Well, isn’t that right?

These people are angry at Papa. They hate him.

Maika’s papa had done horrible things to them all this time.

It can’t be helped if Maika’s raped forcibly...

I cannot complain even if I get killed...

Maika don’t want to die yet though.

Anyway...Maika is in that kind of delicate situation...

Ojii-chan, don’t do anything unreasonable...

These people grasps all the police information or investigation companies.

If Ojii-chan breaks his promise with these people...Maika will be on a tough spot.

Maika wants to talk with Ojii-chan again...

...That’s right.

Maika loves Ojii-chan.

I also love Obaa-chan.

I love Mama too...

But...I hate Papa.

I don’t want to see him again...

Ojii-chan, do you know?

Maika’s papa was violent on various women...

Raped them and forced them to prostitution.

There are people who passed away too.

Maika already hates Papa.

I’ll never forgive him...

Ah...Wait a moment.

I’m going to give it to Kuromori-san...!」


「...I’ve forwarded the file right now. Please confirm it.

Then...I will contact you after an hour」


...Tsu tsu tsu2

◇ ◇ ◇

「But, this hamburger steak is really delicious...!」

After Minaho-neesan hang up the call, Maika opens her mouth wide and eats the lump of meat.

「...Un. It’s my first time eating this delicious hamburger steak」

I also devour the dish...

「Eh, this much is normal you know? I can even make this taste!」

Katsuko-nee says, but.

「Who’s making the hotel room service?」

Minaho-neesan answers my question.

「In our hotel, a there’s a cook in each restaurant taking charge. European, Japanese, Chinese and Italian kitchens. Basically, they’re bringing rooms dishes identical to the restaurant」

「...Oh, that’s why it’s delicious」

We moved to the guest room from the underground

We can see the night view of the 27th floor...

The room only has the smallest room’s light turned on.

Inside the poorly lighted room...

Us taking supper while looking down the blinking lights from around the station.

「...Don’t approach the window. There’s a possibility that they have we can be seen from a telephoto lens」

Margo-san warned us.

Oh right...We’re being aimed at by the crime syndicate Mr. Viola hired.

They know that we’re in the hotel...

「...I think that they’re checking each room with binoculars. That’s why we shouldn’t turn on lights as much as possible. They will see us well if we turn on the lights...」

Margo-san said.

The dark air drifts in the room...

Err...We have to start a topic...

「...But still...Maika, didn’t you exaggerate a bit?」

「Eh, Onii-san, what do you mean?」

「Look...The last part of the call...『It can’t be helped if I get raped』」

「Eh, well, that’s what I really think」

「But you see...If you tell your grandfather that, blood might go on his head and he might do something unreasonable」


「Something like employing special force to do a rescue mission for Maika...」

「Onii-san, are you an idiot? Special force can’t be privately employed...!」

「Then...something like a dark knight...3」

「We’re not in a Manga...there’s no way such a person exists you know? In the first place, Maika’s grandfather is a normal person. He doesn’t know any dark knight!」

Maika puffed angrily.

「In the first place...Didn’t Onii-san really do it?...!」

「...Eh, what?」

「Raping Maika」


I think I poked the hornet’s nest...

「And you did it a lot!」


Certainly...when I take a look from an outside perspective.

Maika has already been raped by me who’s a member of 『Kuromori』...

It’s bad if Maika’s grandfather knows this...

He might really send special force...

「Well, it doesn’t matter though」

Maika smiles at me.

「Maika’s on a campaign to commemorate her virgin loss so...Onii-san can rape my anytime anywhere and no matter how many times!」


「Maika...still doesn’t know the pleasure of having sex. But, won’t I feel pleasure if I do that multiple times until my body gets used to it? That’s why, If Onii-san wants to do it, then rape me as much as you want. Maika wants to feel better soon...!」


「Maika-chan...was loud a while ago In Ikeda-sensei’s clinic...」

Katsuko-nee smiles wryly...

「Ikeda-sensei’s angry as I thought. 『What do you intend to do by bringing virgin girls to examine everyday?!』」

「...Ah, Sorry」

It’s not that it was planned, but...

As a result, I took three people’s first experience...

Somehow, I feel sorry.

「Then, Maika-chan asked Sensei...『Rather than that, can Maika have sex tonight?』」


「Because...Maika will be together with Onii-san tonight, isn’t it? I feel sorry for Onii-san if Maika can’t have sex...」

Maika says with a smile...

「Sensei took a look at it...She said that place isn’t damaged. She said that I should actually not have much sex today but...It’s okay do it at least twice. Ah, she said that it’s fine do it a lot more tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of pills so release inside Maika a lot...!」

...hey hey. What’s going on?!

「Ah...But, Maika can only do it twice tonight. Do the other with Katsuko-san and Megumi-chan, okay, Onii-san!


Is this what a kidnapped middle school student supposed to say?

Megu’s face turned red and faced me.

「...I-I can do it as much as you want」


T-This sisters...seriously

Oh right...These girls are sisters with different mothers.

Both of them have beautiful faces but they don’t look alike at all.

Megu’s long and narrow eyes feels adult.

Maika’s bright big eyes...is always smiling.

No...Their noses are alike.

When you take a closer look...they have more resembling parts.

But still...I can’t see them as normal sisters.

「...Maika wants to be like Nei-san」

Maika suddenly said.


「Look, Nei-san’s very beautiful and sexy...and yet, she’s very bright and reckless, right? Maika wants to be a fun like girl just like Nei-san...!」

Maika sees her like that.

「When I heard that Nei-san is Onii-san’s sex partner along with Katsuko-san, I went pipiin! Isn’t that amazing!」

「Eh...What do you mean?」

「Well...Didn’t Nei-san and Katsuko-san say that they won’t have sex with anyone but Onii-san?」

「...That’s true. I won’t have sex with anyone but him anymore」

Katsuko-nee told Maika while drinking coffee after meal.

「What about Megumi-chan?」

「I’m the same. I will have only Yoshi-kun for the rest of my life」

Megu answered Maika with a straight face...

「Nei-san’s the same isn’t she? She’s such a beautiful and sexy person!」

...Now then, what should we do?

We’re losing the chance to say that Nei-san’s a virgin every second...

「That’s why...Maika wants to be a woman like Nei-san...!」

...Like Nei-san.

「Maika will become a bitch only for Onii-san!4」


「Maika, what bitch?!」

There’s no way she’ll become a Russian will she?

Someone like Ivan Sergei Bitch

「You see...Bitch means a lewd and vulgar girl. That kind of messed up woman!」

Oh...So it had that meaning in Russian.

「No...But I don’t think there’s a need to force yourself to become absurd...」

Maika answered me.

「Well...Maika has no choice but to be messed up. Maika will become an enemy of Shirasaka house. I abandoned Papa...Perhaps, I can’t go back to school anymore」

Maika’s on the edge right now...

Maika’s approached by the frightening reality and the unease of the future.

「Maika...will become Onii-san’s mistress. It suits me doesn’t it? An indecent mistress」

「Yes...It suits the meaning」

Katsuko-nee told Maika.

「Megumi-chan is Onii-san’s lawful wife isn’t she? Then Maika’s okay being a mistress. A woman in the background. But, very sexy and messed up. A bitch only for Onii-san...」

Maika is behaving lightly by force...

As expected, she’s forcing herself.

「If you’re going to be a bitch, then you have to experience sex until you get immersed in it...!」

Minaho-neesan looks at me.

「Immersed in sex?...I will I will! Maika wants to be thoroughly violated by Onii-san!」

Maika wants to escape the fear before her eyes.,


「Yoshida-kun...do it」

Minaho-neesan told me

「Either way, you’re going to sleep with Maika-san on the same bed. Okay?」

...Well, I promised Minaho-neesan earlier.

To calm down Maika’s fear of rape...

I have to embrace Maika in sleep...

「Ah...I’ll sleep together too!」

Megu told Maika.

「Eh...Megumi-chan will sleep together with us?」


「If Maika-chan’s going to become a bitch, then I’ll become a shameless girl! Maika-chan...let’s get loved by Yoshi-kun together as sisters...!」

「Eh...Both at once?!」

「...That’s right」

「Uwa, Maika wants that! That looks very bitchy! Onii-san...do it with Megumi-chan...No with me and Megumi-nee-chan!」

S-Shimai Donburi...?5

Even in this case?...

「That’s right...Let’s get along...!」

Megu decides it by herself...!

No...What will happen to me tonight...?!

「Sorry to obstruct your happy talk but...we have to think on how to get out of this hotel first...!」

Margo-san who’s been silent until now has said with a laugh...


Won’t we stay here for tonight...?!

「I think that Maika-chan’s Ojii-chan, Ichikawa-san is checking the file we sent him. He should be making sure if what Minaho said is true. Of course, the head of Shirasaka house should be checking the situation of Shirasaka Sousuke」


「Mr. Viola has seen Minaho took Yoshida-kun and Megumi-chan to this hotel.」 Those people doesn’t know Minaho’s true character but...there’s a lot of people from the underground who knows the relationship of this hotel to Minaho」

That’s certainly true.

The underground facility of this hotel is also a part of 『Kuromori』...

「It’s unthinkable for them to be able to investigate that far within one hour...But if ever they know that we’re in this hotel...what do you think Ichikawa-san will do?」

Minaho-neesan being here means...

Of course, Maika will be here as well.

「...They’re going to send Special forces to this hotel」


「...Real talk, it might not be real special forces but there exists a party similar to that. Ichikawa-san should know people in the underground...and having contact with those people isn’t that hard」


「Therefore...we cannot shut ourselves in this hotel forever. Either way, Cesario Viola’s people are surrounding the hotel. They’re just waiting for us to come out of here」

「Then...Isn’t it dangerous to get out right now?!」

Margo-san laughed.

「It’s dangerous to get out...and it’s dangerous to shut ourselves as well. Above all, I want to return to the mansion soon. I’m worried about Nei who we left behind...!」

...That’s right.

『Kuromori』mansion which is our stronghold is the most aimed by the danger...!

「Well, the security there is on fortress level...I don’t think they can easily break through it...」


「Don’t panic...Yoshida-kun. We’ve taken measures on it. You don’t need to worry...」

Minaho-neesan told me.

「We’ll hear Ichikawa-san’s response first. We’ll be changing our next schemes from those...!」

「That’s right...we’ll be on standby in this room until the next call」

Margo-san said.

I took at the clock of the new phone I accepted a while ago...

It has been only 15 minutes since the call with Maika’s grandfather.

There’s still 45 minutes

1. Both of them are read as Yuukaihan ↩

2. That’s the call being ended and beeps ↩

3. Yeah, I’m making a batman reference, the raw is close to it anyway ↩

4. Yeah, bitch here means slut! ↩

5. Sister bowl, it’s a threesome with sisters. That’s not hard to guess ↩

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