My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 45: Domains Origins

Chapter 45: Domains Origins

Before leaving for his house, Frank could not help but ask Matsuo a few more questions regarding the Domains where he had entered to hunt monsters. One of such questions was regarding the creation of them, as he wanted to be capable of creating his own Domains to train and grind to his heart\'s content.

"Oh? You want to create one?" asked Matsuo.

"Yeah, you talk about them as if they were very simple to create, is there a specific way of doing so?" asked Frank with intrigue, since he saw such amazingly convenient spaces that he had dreamed about being capable of creating his own, so he could grind at any time he wanted on his house or perhaps, create them in other Worlds as well.

"Hmm… To begin with, a lot of introductions over it will need to be done for you to understand it well, so sit for now and listen," said Matsuo.

"Ah, here we go…" muttered Frank while sighing.

"The Domains are spaces generated within our world due to the over-accumulation of Mana, coupled with many other factors. You know how in the past there were a lot of stories about little monsters or spirits in Japan, who are known as the Yokai, right?" asked Matsuo.

"Yes, the Yokai, I had assumed that these monsters were real as of now," said Frank.

"Indeed, they are. These monsters terrorized Japan in the past because they had begun to appear through the Domains created from the over-accumulation of Mana, Negative Emotions, and Spirits in the Earthen Plane… And because there were not many people capable of handling such spaces at that time, Ancient Japan was almost destroyed by the hordes of monsters and Demon Kings," said Matsuo.

"So all those tales…" muttered Frank.

"Yeah, most of them were true. Because these Domains appeared spontaneously, people were constantly fighting back against all types of Yokai, and due to the fear instilled upon our people, we ended writing many tales about each type of little critter, up to the strongest ones that could even be considered Demon Gods…" said Matsuo.

"I am glad I wasn\'t born in those times…" thought Frank.

"Why does this correlate with creating Domains? Because just as these Domains were generated, they are a natural phenomenon. Just as Magic itself, and also Mana. If we are capable of controlling Magic through the manipulation of Mana, then why wouldn\'t be able to create Magic Domains, artificially created by our own power?" said Matsuo.

"Okay then, so it\'s possible… You did not have to tell me all of the Yokai stuff, you know? But I appreciate the lore," said Frank.

"It was necessary to give you some knowledge about the past of my country, Frank, it is the bare minimum, and the importance of Magic Domains, which correlate directly with history itself," said Matsuo.

"I see, I see… Please, forgive this humble foreigner…" muttered Frank.

"Sigh, it\'s fine, in Japan people is quite xenophobic, but in the Underworld that is often rare, because there are people from other countries everywhere, some of the most respected clans such as Vampires and Werewolves originate from Europe, although in the outside world the society might be a bit xenophobic, in the Underworld, despite all of its horrors, we simply don\'t mind people from other places. You also even got the crest, so you\'re my family no matter where you were born," said Matsuo.

"That\'s good to know, to be honest, aside from a few weird gazes which I\'ve gotten accustomed to, I haven\'t experienced anything else…" said Frank while shrugging.

"Perhaps Japan is finally becoming more open… or just the people are simply becoming more aloof. Anyways, back to the main topic… To create a Domain, you need to first know the nature of them and their structures, you also have to know that they are naturally created by the world itself, you could say that Gaia, the world, is making them, often by itself or naturally, just as natural as someone\'s hair growth," said Matsuo.

"That\'s a weird comparison but okay… So is there some kind of Book that teaches this? I might be able to cheese my way through by learning it," said Frank.

"Quite sharp, are you? Yes, there are a ton of Books that teach how to create one… And so I happen to have one that I used to learn how to make right on my bookshelf…" said Matsuo with a teasing smile.

"Eh? How much?!" asked Frank.

"Not much, just sit down and listen to what I am going to talk about now, and it\'s yours," said Matsuo.

"Sigh… Okay, continue," said Frank.

Matsuo released a fox-like smile as he sipped more green tea, beginning to speak once again to Frank about the history of Japan and the Underworld that correlates to its ancient history for countless years. Aside from speaking about the many Yokai that tormented people in the past, Matsuo gave Frank a brief introduction to the several deities that have existed in Japan since ancient times, which were created through the people\'s fears, hopes, and dreams.

"The world is mystical, and the existence of Gods is just as true as our own. Gods have existed since ancient times, and within the Underworld is well known that the Gods that feudal Japan once believed and had faith to exist, and well, the people who have faith in them has not dropped much either, do you see how each year people still come to our various shrines, despite the Christian Religion have taken over the world? Japan has always been strict with its traditions, and the people hold great faith in the Spirits of their ancestors, and also of the Gods that we pray upon," said Matsuo.

"After all, those Gods, or as we call them, Kami, were the ones that brought upon the salvation of Japan from the hands of the Yokai and three Demon God-Kings, Shuten Doji, Tamamo no Mae, and Emperor Sutoku. Although Humanity\'s fears brought upon their existences, humanity\'s hopes brought upon their demise as well in the form of the Gods," continued Matsuo.

"No way, even Shuten Doji, Tamamo no Mae, and the Emperor Sutoku existed?! Ah, and the Gods that brought upon their end are…?" asked Frank.

"That\'s right, those are the Gods such as Tsukuyomi, Raijin, Fujin, Ryujin, and even Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun, who is the founder of our clan and the grandmother of our Great Ancestor," said Matsuo.

"I see- What?! Wait… that woman- I mean, the Great Ancestor-sama is… the granddaughter of a Goddess? Isn\'t she a…?"

"Indeed, our Great Ancestor has lived for thousands of years, Frank, she could be considered a Demigoddess, even," said Matsuo.

"She\'s a demigoddess, unbelievable… And Amaterasu being the Goddess of the Sun… does this explain why your clan has…?" asked Frank.

"Bingo! Because we descend from the Sun Goddess herself, she had inherited her abilities upon our bloodlines, such as the natural affinity with the Light Attribute and Holy Magic, amongst other things…" said Matsuo.

"The bloodline of a Goddess… Now you are the one who surprised me," said Frank.

"It is basic knowledge that you should know at this point, Frank, so I\'ve given myself the task of teaching you this," said Matsuo.

"Oh yeah, it is even part of the mission that the Great Ancestor gave to you, isn\'t it?" asked Frank.

"Indeed, she\'s expecting a lot of things from you, Frank,"

"Now that I think about it, I remember how the Great Ancestor\'s whole presence released an iridescent light that could almost blind me… Her presence was almost holy as well…" said Frank.

"Yeah, that is her natural Divine Aura of Sunlight, a power that she possesses, she often never has it activated unless it is to prove the worth of a new member of our clan such as yourself, you passed that test immediately as you approached her without flinching nor falling blind, I was quite surprised when I saw you doing that, to be honest. Perhaps that first impression made her trust in you quite faster. People that see her presence for the first time fall blind for a week and cannot even give one step forward towards her, but you were unfazed," said Matsuo.

"(That\'s because of my World\'s Traveler Body Skill that let my mind and body adapt to any situation… I suppose. Though I was still quite shocked when I saw her, I was barely able to step a bit towards her, her whole presence was very overwhelming… So that is the power of a Demigoddess in person… Will, I one day reach such height?)" thought Frank.

"Haah, you\'ve listened well, although I can see your bored face. Anyways, there are many other Clans across Japan like ours, which were founded by a certain God, there is also the Fifth Shoguns, who are powerful Clans, the strongest of all Japan, one of them are affiliated with our Clan due to the connections between the Gods," said Matsuo.

"The strongest in all Japan?!" asked Frank.

"Yeah, they\'re actually even recognized worldwide… Although we are, as a country, still not recognized as part of the \'strongest of the world\', that would go to the Four Empires, that are the countries with the most history in the entire world, and that possess the most power and organizations, those would be China, England, Russia, and France," said Matsuo.

"I expected as much… so Japan is not included there… even with the Gods at our side?" asked Frank.

"Frank, it\'s not like the Gods are active anymore, and it is not like… they cannot be defeated. There are people even stronger than Gods, you know. And it is also not as if in these countries they did not have their own Gods," said Matsuo.

"People that can kill Gods… If these countries really have individuals like these, then they indeed deserve to be recognized as the four strongest in the Underworld…" said Frank with a concerned expression.

"Ah, relax, it is not like we are about to rage war or anything… These are peaceful times… if you can call them like that, haha," chuckled Matsuo, as he grabbed the book about the creation of Domains and gave it to Frank.

"You\'ve been a good boy listening to me, so have this," said Matsuo as if Frank was his little brother.

"Hey, I am not your little brother… But thanks man," said Frank, grabbing in the book as a system notification popped up.


[A Skill Book has been detected]

[Do you wish to learn the [Instant Domain Creation: Level 1] Skill?]


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