In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 371: The Test Race, and the Course Details.

Chapter 371: The Test Race, and the Course Details.

“The course would be one round around Dracliff Island. It’s fine to add various obstacles, instead of making a simple flat course, right?”

“Since there’s also a part of this race that’s about testing the capabilities of the ether vehicles. Things like making them run on bad road conditions, and others.”

Or rather, the part about testing is supposed to be the main purpose, really. Now, though, the race portion is becoming more important…

In order to be able to record various data, the professor would handle the designing of the race course. I’m a little, no considerably worried about this arrangement, but I can’t make a satisfactory course that would fulfill our needs anyway.

The course design is being projected on a monitor within Babylon’s [Laboratory] currently. At a glance, it looks like a pretty normal course, but…

“Why is there a split path here?”

“A shortcut, obviously. If the driver goes at it well, it’ll cut away a lot of the track for him. Well, if he fails, then something horrible would be waiting for him.”

“And this part here that’s cut off in the middle?”

“Jump across it. If the jumping distance isn’t enough, the vehicle would obviously fall.”

“Isn’t this part above the ocean…”

“Oh, the pier area? It’s the place where you would never want to go out of the course, eh.”

…Is this really alright? I once again sternly reminded them to not go overboard.

I was curious about how they would go about constructing the course on Dracliff Island in the Reverse World; apparently, they would transfer the [Mini Workshop]s that were used to mass- produce things like Frame Gear-use bullets over and use those to make the course materials.

Although they don’t have the same functionality as the original, it’s not like they’ll be used to make any complex machinery or something like that, so it’s fine, or so they told me.

“Regina-chan, I’ve finished the design for the thing you asked me~”

The door to the lab opened, and Dr. Elka walked in followed by the wolf-type golem, Fenrir.

My unease only increased when I heard she’s participating in the course design too…

“In any case, do it with safety as the top priority. Please don’t let something like a crash happen and make the participants sustain heavy injuries, okay?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Even if the vehicle breaks into a million pieces, I’ll make sure the driver doesn’t suffer a single scratch. Believe in your lover, hm?”

Who’s your lover, you little girl… I left the grinning professor behind and walked out of the [Laboratory].

When I moved to the [Hangar] to find Monica, she was doing some maintenance work on an ether vehicle in one of the garages together with the [Workshop] manager, Rosetta, and the mini robots.

“Oh, it’s you, Master. Sorry, but could you pass me that wrench there?”

I passed the wrench on the nearby work bench to Monica, who used it to tighten a few bolts on the wheel she’s facing, before breathing out with a *fuu*. Rosetta then moved the wheel a bit, trying to confirm its movement.

Deeper inside the garage, several skeletal chassis without any outer layers, and with their magic engines completely exposed, sat side by side. Those are all ether vehicles, each with different characteristics.

“You doing well?”

“Well, yeah. This is nothing compared to Frame Gears. We can probably make it in time even if we only use a bit of our free time to do this. What about the professor’s side?”

“Making some weird course.”

“We’ll make an ether vehicle that can finish any kind of weird course they throw at it-de arimasuyo. Just watch-de arimasu.”

While tightly gripping a spanner in her hands, Rosetta made a guts pose with a snort.

These two would be participating in the race this time too. They would fall under the driver category, as opposed to the professor’s group who’s the course designers. I wonder if the weird sense of rivalry they’re feeling against the professors is due to their pride as fellow technicians?

While it’s not something I wrote into the rules for the race, the two of them aren’t using any Babylon technologies in constructing their vehicles.

It’ll be meaningless if ether vehicles aren’t things that the average engineer in both worlds can make. Well, the ether liquid that’s used as fuel is another story, though.

“The dwarves down below are making their own too, right? We can’t lose.”

The dwarves that made the heavy constructions-use robot “Dverg” would be participating in this race too.

While I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of ether vehicle their unique expertise would be able to create, their finished work would be running on the course made by that troublesome duo after all… I hope nothing like an early retire happens.

Also, our head maid, Lapis-san is participating too. Her driving technique is quite something, and the driving of a master driver would become good data for us too.

And then there’s the [Red Cats] chief, Nia, who kinda forced her way into a registration. Even if she’s the holder of the red [Crown], she probably won’t be able to act recklessly in an ether vehicle. Even if she did, there’s just going to be the vice-chief, Est-san’s scolding afterwards, so it’s her own responsibility.

The ether vehicles of the above two participants would also be made by Rosetta and Monica. Since it seemed like they aren’t making very unique-looking vehicles, it should be alright.

As for national participants besides Trihalan and Strain, there’s the Surface World’s Magic Kingdom Ferzen.

Ferzen had claimed magic engineering as one of its areas of expertise, and it had already begun shifting its attention onto the ether vehicle since a while back; when we talked about the race, they quickly signed up.

Although there’s also a part of me that thought it’d be more fun with more participants, the main reason why I permitted that was because having more models participating in the race would increase the data we can collect. Having said that, I hesitated quite a bit when I heard the driver would be His Majesty the Ferzen King in person.

The ether vehicle piloted by the king, who’s a macho man who loves collecting the weapons of heroes even though he’s at the top of the Magic Kingdom… Wouldn’t it be something like a dump car?

And while I was harboring various unease like that, the day of the test race steadily approached.

Well, while the matter regarding ether vehicles is important too, I hope that the two marriage candidates would acknowledge and make peace with each other with this.

When I called their parents and asked about their conditions, the two of them were both working hard on their ether vehicles to the point of forsaking sleep. Are they really alright?

The skies, where the roars of dragons can be heard echoing from time to time, are blue without a single cloud. There’s no wind, and the seas are calm; it’s the perfect day for a race.

For today’s test race, which is around Dracliff Island, I’ve ordered the dragons not to attack the humans here. Even though they’re dragons, there seemed to be quite a few who are interested in the race itself. Well, I’m fine with them spectating as long as they don’t cause any disturbances.

As usual, I called out Valkyries and made them act as camera crew; I’ve set up a large monitor at the beach from where we can watch the race.

Everyone else besides the drivers would be able to spectate the race from here.

Now then, it’s time to introduce the participants.

Number 1: [Steel Axe]

Driver: Griff

The chief of the dwarven workshop group, Griff would be driving. The machine is the ether vehicle made with dwarven technology, the [Steel Axe].

Number 2: [Silver Star]

Driver: Rosetta & Monica

The ether vehicle made by the [Workshop] manager, Rosetta, and the [Hangar] manager, Monica. They also serve as its drivers. The two of them are participating together.

Number 3: [White Bird]

Driver: Lapis

The ether vehicle piloted by Brunhild’s venerable head maid, Lapis-san. The vehicle itself is made by Rosetta and Monica.

Number 4: [Red Cat]

Driver: Nia

The chief of the [Red Cats], Nia’s vehicle. It’s also made by Rosetta and Monica.

Number 5: [Strain]

Driver: Berlietta

The princess of Strain Kingdom, Berlietta’s self-made ether vehicle, with which she is personally participating.

Number 6: [Trihalan]

Driver: Rupheus

The crown prince of Trihalan God-Empire, Rupheus’s self-made ether vehicle, with which he is personally participating.

Number 7: [Ferzen]

Driver: the Ferzen King

An ether vehicle which was produced from the crystallization of the Magic Kingdom’s technological prowess. It’s a rather large vehicle.

Number 8: [Brunhild]

Driver: Mochizuki Touya

I’m participating too, with a standard-type ether vehicle. This one is the Renault Type K model.

(Note: I held it in until the end, but why did you even give actual name-like names to the first few if you’re just going to use country names for the later ones… Might as well call the earlier vehicles the [Dwarf], the [Babylon] and the [Maid] or something.)

The race would have the above eight vehicles competing with each other.

Although some of the vehicles looked strange no matter how you slice it, as of right now, it’s still not known whether they have any special abilities. Besides, I’m one of the participants too, so it wouldn’t make sense if they told me that.

At a glance, the first to jump out would be the [Ferzen] with its large size. Well, that one kinda feels like it was made that way to accommodate the size of its driver, though.

An overall map for the course was handed out to the drivers a few days before the race. While detailed descriptions like small obstacles aren’t written, one can understand the general structure of the course from the material prepared.

The island is split into four sections according to the cardinal directions; the course starts in the southern section, and proceeds around the island in a counter-clockwise direction for one round until the race participants reach the southern section again after traversing the western section.

The explanation for the course given to me by the professors were as such:

South: Pier Course

A course made on top of a pier constructed on the beach and over the sea.

East: Forest Course

A course that runs through overgrown hills on dirt paths.

North: Snowfield Course

A course made with ice, and is easy to slip on.

West: Obstacle Course

A course with numerous obstacles waiting; a dangerous course.

This is too vague, oi. I knew it, it was probably a mistake to leave this to them…

As for rules, the drivers would have to clear each area within a given time limit, or they would be retired.

Even if the vehicle breaks down and the driver has to push it to the area goal, as long as that’s within the time limit, that driver is considered to have cleared the area.

There are a few pit stops set up in each area, where the drivers can repair, or change the parts on their vehicles.

I mean, the main purpose for the race this time is testing with regards to ether vehicles, and honestly the race component should’ve been secondary…

One hour before the race begins.

The various country representatives that I invited, as well as their escorts, are assembled before the monitor. They’re relaxing around the tables I’ve prepared.

While I’ve invited almost all of the Surface World countries, the only ones I’ve invited from the Reverse World are Trihalan, Strain, Primula and Garudio.

Among them, I’ve also invited the no-longer-holding-rights-to-succession Prince Lucrecion… Oops, he’s the Margrave of Lowe right now; anyway, I’ve invited him over on Garudio’s part.

“It has been a long time. We were indebted to you for the matter before.”

“It’s been a while. Are you parents doing well?”

“Yes. They’re living rather comfortably after leaving the throne.”

The young boy who I’ve not met for a while exuded a mature atmosphere wholly unlike his actual age of 10. He changed quite a bit, didn’t he.

Although he’s the actual margrave, right now a liaison is still taking care of his territory in his stead. He’s probably learning a lot of things in order to become a proper ruler in the future. It’d be good if today would allow him to relax a bit.

Since their ages are close, I introduced him to Palouf’s boy king.

Seems like King Ernest of Palouf didn’t bring a shogi set today.

The two boys immediately hit it off with each other, due to the different topics they can talk about as people from different worlds.

I retreated from that spot after the boy king’s fiancée, Rachel, glared at me with a “Why’d you do that” feeling. She probably wanted to be alone with her fiancé, I guess.

Trihalan God-Empire’s emperor, Strain Kingdom’s queen, and Primula Kingdom’s king were all talking with monarchs from this side.

It’s not a bad idea to get to know each other ahead of the two-world conference.

Since they’re monarchs from different worlds, they might be cautiously probing into each other in their dialogues…

“Kidnapping, eh. Hahaha, I can see it if it’s him.”

“That country called Eisengard ended the moment they made him into an enemy. On this side too, we had two countries disappear off the map.”

“There’s no problem as long as you interact with him normally. He does do some surprising things from time to time, though. Like this time.”

(Note: Touya, the sentient force-of-nature. That description isn’t even entirely wrong since he’s a god.)

Nn? Is it just me, or are their conversation topics a bit weird?

I didn’t interject, though, since it seemed as if they were having fun talking.

With the leaders throwing sideway glances at me, I moved towards the area where the participant-use garages are lined up.

There’s a passageway enchanted with [Gate] opposite the garages, which lead to the various pit stops in the different areas mentioned earlier. If one’s vehicle breaks down during the race, he/she can use the gates at the pit stops to return to the garage to make repairs.

I entered the garage with the number painted on it.

Well, I say enter but it doesn’t even have a door or anything, so I’m just walking in. I should start preparing for the race soon.

Inside the garage, four mini robots were doing the final check on the Type K. These mini robots are my maintenance staff.

Per the rule, four maintenance staff members as well as one navigator (to ride in the vehicle together with the driver) is permitted for each participant. Although, since the weight would increase by one person and the speed would fall subsequently, nobody registered any navigators besides the Rosetta-Monica team.

“In any case, make it easy to handle, got it?”

The mini robots raised their hands with a “Roger!” feeling. Since I’m not going to aim for first place or anything like that, I’ll put my main goal down as finishing the race safely for the moment. Speed isn’t a priority, as such.

While we were working, two shadows appeared behind me.

“This is your vehicle, Touya? Looks pretty cool.”

“Um, we’ve brought some light snacks.”

The twins, Elze and Linze, showed up at the garage. They were holding small baskets in their hands, inside which some sandwiches and fruits are placed.

When I asked about the others as we were eating, it seems that they all went to meet up with people related to them.

Yumina and Suu went to the Belfast king, Luu went to the Regulus emperor, Hilda went to the Lestia king, Leen went to the Mismede beast king, Sakura went to the Xenoas demon king, and Yae went to the Eashen Mikado.

In Yae’s case, she went to meet up with her older brother, Juutarou-san, who came as the guard of Ieyasu-san, who came as the escort of the Mikado, though.

Also, Sakura was dragged there by her mother, Fiana-san, while being very uncooperative.

In the case of Elze and Linze, as they don’t have anyone like that among the guests, they’re pretty free right now.

If we push it a bit, there’s the emperor of Refreese which is their birth country, but that’s over with just a round of light greetings.

“So, any confidence?”

“I’m not going to go for the win. This is more about performance testing, after all.”

“What is that weak-sounding reply? You don’t have any thoughts about doing well at all?”

Elze said something like that, but really, what’s in it for me even if I win? I’m honestly more concerned about Crown Prince Rupheus and Princess Berlietta.

Well, in any case, I’m glad as long as I can finish the race safely. Since I have no idea what kind of things are set up on the course… I hope there aren’t things like landmines. I hope.

After a while, everyone else also came here, and while we were having fun talking, the mini robots finished their maintenance works.

“Touya, is it no good if I ride on this-no?”

“Ah… While I think it should be safe, it’s better if you don’t. You wouldn’t want it if we accidentally fall into the ocean and get wet, right?”

Suu wanted to ride with me, but I refused. Getting wet is still the better part; who knows what other kinds of traps are there out on the course.

Everyone else besides Suu seems to be thinking about that too, as they didn’t say they want to ride as well. The navigator position is optional anyway; it’s not like I need one. I can just make a map display hover in front of me.

On a side note, there’s one bear plushie here who raised its hand as if to say “Then I’ll ride!”. Uh, what’s the point even if you got on…?

“Fufu. Since I don’t think it’ll be a hindrance, can you let it get on?”

“… Well, I don’t mind.”

It can’t be helped since Leen asked me to. Pola excitedly ran all the way out of the garage as if saying “Yay!”. Where are you going…

Is it that happy about getting to ride? Well, that’s one of the emotional expressions it’s gotten via [Program], I guess.

“Alright, now I just need to wait for the race to start.”

As I said that out loud while looking at the finished Type K, Pola, who came back from outside the garage, pulled on my pants.


When I followed Pola, who’s waving its hand at me, outside the garage, I found Crown Pricne Rupheus and Princess Berlietta, who were facing each other with fearless smiles. Uwa…

“Congratulations on finishing without a hitch. However, no matter what you do, victory will still belong to my [Strain]!”

“I shall return those words back to you as they are. While unfortunate, your prided creation will only be able to see the dust clouds left behind by my [Trihalan]. My condolences.”



The two of you, your eyes aren’t laughing… The staff members around you guys are drawing back too…

“So that is the rumoured scene of carnage-ka no…”

“No, it’s not.”

I can hear the voice of Suu and Elze from behind as I peeked at the two from behind the garage walls.

Is this alright? I mean, they are very conscious of each other right now just like Karen nee-san said they would, but the direction’s a bit weird, isn’t it…?

“Fifteen minutes before the race would begin. All participants, please change into your racing suits and assemble in front of the main headquarters.”

Dr. Elka’s voice came out from the speaker installed on top of the garages. So it’s starting.

The two of them, who were still glaring at each other, also broke up and returned to their respective garages. Alright, let’s start preparing too.

Haah… In any case, please let the race finish safely.

While praying to Kami-sama inside my heart like that, I headed towards the room located deep within the garage.

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