In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 362: The Rewards, and the Test Results.

Chapter 362: The Rewards, and the Test Results.

The flames the wyvern unleashed couldn’t even burn a single strand of my hair. A powerful barrier magic is covering the wyvern, after all. Of course, the flames did not leak out from the barrier anywhere.

There’s only one person who could do something like this.

“So late…”

“No, well, I thought you might be able to defeat it, so.”

Well I’m sorry for not living up to that!

I glared at His Majesty who dropped down besides me from the sky. Stop saying nonsense, this sadist king!

Since he’s using illusion magic, he looks completely different, but the way he laughs is the same. It’s obvious.

“Target lock. [Come forth Light, the goddess’ solace, Mega Heal].”

His Majesty casted recovery magic. Miu-san and the rest, who had fallen earlier, began to stand up while wobbling.

My bloody right hand was healed in front of my eyes. My ankle doesn’t hurt anymore as well.

However, possibly due to exhaustion, my head still feels hazy and I couldn’t stand up, opting to sit back down on the ground instead.

“Exhaustion caused by depleting your magic power. Just who taught you that kind of all-out attack skill, sheesh… [Transfer].”

It’s your fiancée, mister.

I feel my consciousness clear up as His Majesty used a magic power-transferring spell on me. I hopped up and checked my body movements, and there are no problems. I’m revived!

“Now then, has everyone else recovered? I think you know already, but the test is over at this point. You can continue with the request if you want, but I will not help any further if that’s the case. Of course, that means you guys will still have to deal with this wyvern by yourselves.”

The wyvern in question was rampaging about in the cube-shaped translucent barrier. I can’t hear any noise from inside. Although I can still understand it’s completely enraged just by looking at it.

“I’m dropping out. I’m not gonna throw my life away here.”

Sarges-san, whose robe has become tattered, raised his hand first. Rose and Miu-san also raised their hands after that.

“I want the rewards, but I can’t spend them if I’m dead. I’ll drop out here too.”

“Me as well.”

Abert and Dom-san, who saw the others raising their hands, also followed suit.

“We’ll stop here too. We’ve felt how powerless we are plenty of times already.”

“Though I’m ashamed to admit that, aye.”

While laughing dryly, the two of them looked at Gallon with a sideways glance.

“I’ll… Drop off too. It’s regretful, but I… We don’t have enough strength to defeat a wyvern.”

While gripping his sword, Gallon muttered bitterly. He’s probably gritting his teeth at how weak he is. Well, it’s good that he can admit that, at least.

While silently acknowledging his feelings, His Majesty turned his eyes to me this time. Ah, me too?

“Yes yes, I’ll drop out. I surrender~”

“That was light.”

His Majesty muttered while having a wry smile. I mean, it’s not like complaining now will do me any good.

His Majesty then snapped his fingers.



The wyvern was released, and its rage-filled roar resounded in the surroundings.

Everyone else besides His Majesty and I braced themselves again, but before they did anything, the figure of an old man with a sword in his hand suddenly appeared in front of the wyvern.

Are!? That’s Lestia’s Great-Former King!? When had he been… I completely didn’t notice! Also, isn’t that Karina-sama by His Majesty’s side!? What are these people!? It’s kinda scary how they can hide their presence better than shinobis!

“It’s been a while since I’ve last fought a wyvern. Let’s see, how about I teach you guys a thing or two about defeating it?”

Grandpa Elder said that before disappearing in an instant.

The next moment, the grandpa had already circled all the way to the back of the wyvern. And with a single slash, he cut off the wyvern’s tail from its base.


“First off, you seal its ability to fly. Normally, you would think about doing something to the wings, but it’s actually faster to damage the tail. Without its tail, it can’t balance itself in the air and as such wouldn’t be able to fly properly.”

The wyvern tried to escape into the skies above, but it immediately crashed head-first into the ground. I see.

After that, the Elder proceeded to cut off the claw-tipped toes on the wyvern’s feet.

“This is the best place to target. It’s a lot thinner compared to other body parts of the wyvern, and if you manage to cut them off, you would eliminate the possibility of clawing attacks. And finally…”

When the grandpa jumped lightly and swung his sword, the wyvern’s head was cut off easily. Uee!?

And right after that, just when I thought I saw several flashes of light, the wyvern’s two wings were separated from its torso, and its body was also split cleanly into half.

In the span of a few seconds, the wyvern, which had instilled fear into us as a being of absolute strength earlier, was cut into chunks.

—This is a gold-ranker.

“And well, that’s the bare minimum, I’d say.”


We all shouted out at the same time. That just now was the bare minimum!?

“If you take into consideration the potential materials you could get, it’s best for you to end it in one strike. Something like piercing the heart or the brain with one hit, I guess. Of course, that would require a good weapon, I suppose.”

That is true, but… Also, I only realized this just now, but the sword the grandpa is using is a crystal sword. A sword made from fragments of the Phrase. No wonder it could cut the wyvern that easily. Did His Majesty make that?

Even if I had a sword as good as that, I wouldn’t be able to hunt the wyvern that easily. At most, I’ll go at it haphazardly and badly cut up the wyvern’s body, resulting in a drop in its value as materials, I guess.

As we were blankly standing still, His Majesty turned his eyes towards us.

“Now then, regarding the result of the rank-up test, I’m sorry to say it, but all of you would be green-ranked.”

“… Is that because we failed the quest?”

Abert opened his mouth upon hearing His Majesty’s words.

“Well, there is that. We have confirmed all of your movements for ourselves. Including what you guys did after you split up back at the academy. First, none of you had gone to the guild’s resource room. That’s a big minus to you guys. Even with just a light research, you should’ve been able to know quite a bit about the firewheel grass as well as the fire lizards.”

Ah, right. There was the explanation about that facility when people first register at the guild. It’s important to make prior preparations, after all.

“And there’s also things like your coordination. Even if it’s with people you’ve never worked with before, you should’ve been able to do better if you put some thoughts into it.”

He’s probably referring to the time with the blood liger. That time, everyone was thinking about themselves and didn’t consider the others at all.

“And at night, did you guys do things like maintaining your equipment? It’s scary for your gear to suddenly break down at critical moments, you know?”


Gallon lowered his head when he heard His Majesty’s words. His shield was probably damaged during the fight against the blood liger. The reason why all this had happened was because he didn’t notice that. I myself was doing things like chatting with everyone else and didn’t do anything like maintenance, did I… Gotta reflect…

“With regards to the wyvern at the end, if you thought that was a stroke of misfortune… That’s a huge mistake. If you guys have been more observant, you should’ve been able to infer something from how the fire lizards didn’t eat the firewheel grass in that area even though it’s their favorite food, or how the fire lizards were moving in groups even though they prefer moving alone usually. Well, from the moment you guys didn’t do any information gathering at the guild, that part is probably set in stone already.”

I did notice it, you know? It was too late when I did though.

It wouldn’t do if I don’t observe my surroundings more attentively… Ah… This is something Chief always scolds me on. To think more before I move.

“There’s some other minor things as well, and overall, the three of us have decided that none of you have reached the level of a blue-ranker. It’s a shame.”

“… No, I believe it’s a fair judgment. If this wasn’t part of the test, all of us would’ve been eaten by the wyvern right around now. If nothing else, at least I have been taught the proper mindset of an adventurer by taking this test, so I’m thankful for that.”

Abert let out some admirable words. Everyone else stayed silent; they probably all thought something similar.

“It’s not exactly a consolation prize, but oh well. That wyvern there, you all can do what you want with it.”


We opened our eyes wide when we heard what the grandpa in front of us said. Eh? What? You’re giving us that wyvern!? Really!?

“Wait, is that fine!?”

His Majesty too cut in while looking surprised. Stop it! Don’t say anything unneededdd!

“I don’t mind. Their equipment should’ve been damaged pretty badly during this test anyway. This guy is only a dragon subspecies, and I did cut it up pretty roughly so its price would’ve dropped quite a bit. Counting it all up, this isn’t that much money, really.”

“Even after all that, I still think this would go for about 5 white gold coins at least…”

Five white gold coins! If we divide that by seven, I guess that’s around 1/3 of our initial rewards? Since it was 2 per person at first, that would mean it’s 14 for all seven of us; and now it’s at 5.

It’s still enough money to be considered a huge sum by us. Wait, but since we do have to spend quite a bit on our equipment, I guess we won’t be left with much?

Everyone else seemed to be happy as well. The test results were a shame, but still, it was probably a good experience for them as newly-anointed green-ranked adventurers.

We then began dismantling the wyvern together. We only managed to do it until the end because Karina-sama taught us the method to dismantle a dragon, though.

During that time, Dom-san went off to dig up the blood liger materials we buried yesterday. This should net us some money too.

Of course, with all this stuff, there’s no way we can carry them back to the guild easily. However, I know of one person who can do that easily.


“… I got it, so stop looking at me with those eyes.”

Mm, as expected of His Majesty. Such kindness.

His Majesty stored the mountain of materials with his storage magic swiftly. Everyone went wide-eyed at that, but when they were transferred back to the guild right after with transfer magic, they were even more shocked.

I understand how you feel, guys. Our sovereign is a walking mass of irrationality, after all.

After all our materials have been inspected at the guild, we were paid seven gold coins each with one gold coin leftover for all of us.

We could’ve split this gold coin up between the seven of us as well, but then Abert suggested we use this coin to have a meal with everyone, so we are now heading straight towards the tavern.

Well, the tavern is right next to the guild so it didn’t even take us a minute to reach it.

I’m the only one here who can’t drink any alcohol yet so I only have some fruit water, but in exchange I’m chomping down hard on the foods. This kind of opportunity doesn’t come often, after all.

“What are you going to do from now on?”

“What do you mean?”

As I was biting into a piece of roast chicken, Rose called out to me. Miu-san was sitting next to her.

“It’s a kind of fate for us to have taken the test together, you know; so, we… And those guys over there as well, we’re planning to continue moving together in a party for a while. And so, I’m here asking about your opinion.”

Ah, I see. So you guys were talking about something like that. When I glanced at the table next to us, Dom-san and Gallon were having a drinking contest. Abert was laughing and watching that while drinking as well, and Sarges-san was silently drinking besides them.

“Is Miu-san going together as well?”

“N. Because Rose invited me.”

Is that so. That sounds interesting, to be honest. But…

“Sorry, but I’ll have to pass.”

“Why!? We would be a lot safer together than working alone, you know!?”

“No well, me registering as an adventurer was supposed to be something temporary in the first place, you see. I don’t intend to work as an adventurer in the long term. I’m good if I can earn a bit from time to time.”

“So that’s why… Then we won’t force you. It’s a job where you might have to risk your life too, so…”


Rose and Miu-san gave up on the notion while having regretful expressions. I’m sorry to you guys, but I have my companions in the knight order of Brunhild. It’s not bad to work as an adventurer when I’m free from time to time, though.

“I’ll be in Brunhild, though. If you see me, feel free to say hi. I’ll help you guys out if there’s anything you’re troubled with. Despite how I look, I’m pretty well-known around here, after all.”

“Ah, then I’ll rely on you at that time.”


While laughing, we clinked our cups together once. The fact that I got some new friends might be the biggest reward out of the mission this time. I guess I’ll let them meet Shizuku and Nagi sometime as well.

“Ah, right, I still havn’t gotten the repayment for my explosive grenades!”



What are you guys saying!? Someone who laughs at one copper coin will eventually cry for one copper coin, you know!? I need to get my just payment!

I turned my eyes to the men, who have already become splendidly drunk on the other table, and planned my approach.


(Note: POV change back to Touya. I’ll miss you, Homura… Just a bit…)

“That would be all for my report.”

“N. I’m glad no one said anything like they’ll give up on being an adventurer after what they’ve been through. The appearance of the wyvern was an unexpected accident, after all.”

I patted my chest when Tsubaki-san finished speaking. Most of the dragons around that island had obeyed Ruli and left. To think another dragon besides the one Karina nee-san had hunted before had also made its nest there…

Since it seems like more might actually turn up in the future, let’s have Ruli patrol that area from time to time.

“This mission should’ve taught Homura quite a few things as well. That kid had a part of her that doesn’t really think about things…”

“Well, someone who could naturally blend into that kind of group would obviously be best at this kind of infiltration mission. I’d be thankful if she would have a bit more patience, though.”

“Rest assured, I’ll discipline her harshly starting tomorrow on that front.”

Discipline, you say… She’s not a dog, so don’t.

“That’s part of who Homura is, and not one of the shinobi’s techniques she was taught, after all. If she could consciously use that to her advantage, then I wouldn’t have any complaints, but well.”

Well, true. It’s not anything like a high-level technique, but just her own nature. Even then, the ability to hit it off with others easily is still amazing, I think.

“Ah, also, tell her that move she used against the wyvern is banned from now on. Without proper equipment, her fist will just receive all the damage; besides, there’s no point if she falls over from exhaustion every time she uses it.”


Tsubaki-san’s presence disappeared after she replied. It’s fine if she doesn’t want to come down from the ceiling, but… I wonder if this is part of her “style” or something.

“Have you finished your difficult talks?”

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”

Galen-san, who was sitting on the sofa opposite me, laughed while drinking tea. A mass- production model smartphone was placed on the table before him. It’s something I gave him as thanks for this time.

While the current king of Lestia and Hilda’s elder brother, Reinhardt brother-in-law already has a smartphone, Galen-san said he wanted to be able to talk to Hilda as well, so I took this opportunity to gave him one. However.

“I’ll say this one more time, but don’t do things like taking peeping photos with this, alright?”

“You sure do suspect me deeply… Do I look like someone who would do something like that?”

“If you don’t, I wouldn’t be saying that.”

I do want to believe in Galen-san’s words when he swears by his title as a knight, though.

“It’s fine if I get permission from the other party, right?”

“No… Well, I mean, that’s fine, but…”

“By the way, do you have more of that ‘gravure’ thing, those photos of women that you showed me the last time? Do you?”

Why did you repeat yourself? Well, I do, but…

Guess it’s better than having him walk down a path of crime (?). I found some suggestive gravure shots from the internet and sent them to Galen-san’s smartphone.

“Fuoooooh! Nice! Nice! How vivacious!”

Looking at the figure of Galen-san looking at the smartphone with a lecherous expression, I thought that the newbie adventurers must never be shown this sight. Their dreams would be crushed.

“Touya-dono! Touya-dono! I heard from Hilda that there’s apparently something called a ‘movie’ that’s like moving pictures, right!? Could there be some kind of ‘movie’ with these girls in it too!?”

Sharp!? Shouldn’t the elderly be bad at tech-related stuff!? Does his ero-power make him exceed his limitations!?

After that, since Galen-san was utterly irritating with his continuous “Please!”, I capitulated in the end and downloaded a few videos off the net and sent them to him.

“Hohoho. I cannot get enough! It’s shaking, it’s shaking!”

The old man is satisfied. Uh, the sound is coming out, you know…

I took out a pair of earphones the professor made from [Storage], and gave them to Galen-san.

Several days later, Galen-san sent me some photos of women’s chests and butts (they all had their clothes on), and I had no idea how I should react to that.

Please tell me he did ask for their permission…

I was going to delete the photos he sent me altogether, but after some thought, I decided to keep them. Just in case. You know, just in case.

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