Pet King

Chapter 562: The Father and Son Who Lost Their Dog

Chapter 562: The Father and Son Who Lost Their Dog

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fina’s speech about evolution was a joke, but it was reasonable to some extent. Wild cats were domesticated to catch rats and protect the grains, so that more people could be fed. In the old times, people were power and population was the productive force. The side with the bigger population usually won wars. If a country couldn’t have cats, it’d be inevitably conquered by another country that could.

Richard was searching for food in the kitchen upstairs. After hearing the noise, it flapped its wings and flew downstairs to see what was going on. It landed in front of Vivi, and glanced at her with a thievish look. “Quack! Are you allergic to big d*cks?”

“Damn! The sexual harassment parrot again!”

“Those are the eyes of a pervert!”

“Look, that’s the bird of a sexual harassing manager. Like owner, like bird!”

Zhang Zian was stunned. “Damn! I’m being attacked before I even say a word?”

Vivi’s eyes widened in astonishment. The grey parrot could speak so fluently and clearly? Although, its words weren’t child friendly.

Snowy laughed. “How about that, Vivi? Isn’t the parrot impressive? I was startled the first time I met it. It talks just like a human.”

Vivi nodded in amazement. She had heard that parrots could talk, but not like this.

Snowy seemed carefree and laidback. However, she cared a lot about her fans in the live broadcast. In order to not disappoint them, she’d visit new stores before hosting a live broadcast there and would only start the broadcast after confirming that the store was worthwhile. She always planned the broadcast ahead of time, always prepared her speech and thought of ways to keep the fans interested, to avoid awkward silence.

However, she didn’t visit this pet shop in advance. Judging from the heated debate in the online forums, she sensed that this pet shop might be very special. She turned out to be right.

Today’s broadcast was without a plan, everything was to be improvised. The biggest problem was that it was her first visit to the pet shop, and the fans were familiar with it. Vivi wasn’t interested in dogs, and she was allergic to cats. How could she make the broadcast captivating?

As she was worrying, the door opened and a man in his forties walked in. With an untrimmed beard and a winter coat, he looked like the type of man who was too occupied taking care of family to care for themselves. A boy, around 10 years old, stood next to the man, wearing the same winter coat. The boy seemed sad, and looked right at the puppies in the display cabinet.

The middle-aged man ignored Wang Qian and Li Kun, who were playing games on their phones, glanced at Snowy and Vivi, then looked at Zhang Zian and asked, “Are you Manager Zhang?”

Zhang Zian thought he looked familiar, but couldn’t remember where he had met him before, and replied, “Yes, and you are…”

“My last name is Qian. I’m Qian Bowen. We met in the urban village a few days ago. I found out from Vet Sun that you found my lost dog,” Qian Bowen explained.

It came back to Zhang Zian’s mind then. He found the dog trappers’ home in the urban village with Zhan Tian on New Year’s Day. He asked Ning Lan to call the police, and notified Sun Xiaomeng to come for the dying dogs. He also called the owners of the lost dogs to claim them.

After Qian Bowen arrived, he found out that his dog was already dead. He was about to beat up the dog trappers out of anger, but was stopped by the police and some college students.

It was chaotic, so Zhang Zian didn’t pay much attention to Qian Bowen’s face. He only took a quick look, leaving him with a hazy impression.

Thanks to Sun Xiaomeng’s heads-up, he understood immediately what Qian Bowen came for. He must be here to pick a dog with his son, to replace the dog that died.

“Vet Sun recommended the dogs at your shop, so I’m here with my son.” Qian Bowen patted his son’s back. “This is my son, his nickname is Small Monkey.”

“Hello, Uncle Zhang,” Small Monkey uttered with his head down.

Zhang Zian smiled, thinking that it was a cute nickname. He responded, “Hello, Small Monkey.”

Qian Bowen glanced at the displays in the shops, and the kittens playing all over the floor. He said, “My previous dog, Kiddo, was a gift. It had knee problems and Vet Sun had been treating it. After Kiddo, I asked her where I could buy another dog. She recommended your shop, saying that your dogs are healthy and the vaccinations are up to date. So, here I am. Also, I forgot to thank you in person. Thank you for finding those damn dog trappers.”

Zhang Zian knew that Vet Sun’s flattery was for business. His dogs were purchased from Sun’s breeding kennel. He nodded without revealing anything on his face. “You’re very kind. It’s a shame that I arrived too late to save your dog.”

Qian Bowen shook his head regretfully. “No, it’s not your fault. We’re just thankful that you found it for us. I was working overtime that day, and my son didn’t use a leash when he walked the dog. It ended up being trapped. I wasn’t planning on getting another dog, but my son has been begging me to buy a new one.”

Small Monkey’s head bowed even lower. He said defiantly, “You’re so cheap. Can’t I buy it with my own pocket money?”

Qian Bowen may have argued with his son at home earlier. He scolded. “You brat…”

“Small Monkey, it’s not a question of who pays for the dog,” Zhang Zian interrupted him. “It’s a question of responsibility. Whoever pays for it, must take good care of it after its taken home. It can’t be lost due to carelessness. If you didn’t forget to use a leash last time, Kiddo wouldn’t have been trapped so easily. Right?”

Small Monkey pouted, not saying a word.

Qian Bowen nodded in agreement. “Manager Zhang, you’re absolutely right! He doesn’t get it no matter how hard I try to explain to him. That’s the reason that I don’t want to buy a dog for him. It’s not about the money.”

Zhang Zian added, “When you take it outside, even it’s just for a few minutes, you must use a leash. You can’t ditch the leash so that the dog is comfortable. This isn’t just for your dog, but also for the safety of others.”

Small Monkey uttered in a low voice, “I get it. I’ll use a leash in the future.”

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