Pet King

Chapter 252: There Is No Choice

Chapter 252: There Is No Choice

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Wow! These cats are so pretty!”

Aunt Bai bent down, rubbing her thumb against her index finger quickly as if she was counting money, “Mimi! Mimi!”

Fina was annoyed and turned around as if it was saying, “Shut up! Also, there is no money in your hand. I am not stupid!”

Zhang Zian realized that the older generations liked to call cats “Mimi.” He wasn’t sure where that was from. Was it from a movie or TV show?

“Ha-ha, this cat is smart!” Aunt Bai took her hand back when Fina turned its back to her.

Snowy Lionet started spitting at Aunt Bai in complaint.

“Now I believe that you own a pet store,” Aunt Bai smiled. “If you didn’t have a pet store, how could you find beautiful cats like that? Honestly, these are the prettiest cats that I have ever seen in my life, including all the street cats and my friends’ cats. And they are wicked smart!”

Zhang Zian was humble, “That is flattering. I got them by coincidence.”

“Hey, are you selling these cats? My niece loves cats.” She looked at Fina and Snowy Lionet alternatively as if she was trying to pick one.

“These two are not for sale.” Zhang Zian would not turn down an interested customer, so he said, “However, if you want to get a cat, you can come pick one at my store. I have many other cats.”

“Really? Are they as pretty as these two?” she asked longingly.

“Well…” Zhang Zian paused and said in a low voice, “You don’t understand pets. For cats, personality is far more important. Look at these two. Yes, they are pretty, but they are also a pain in the neck. They are cold-hearted. Look for yourself.”

This was the first time Aunt Bai had heard a comment like that. She then looked at the cats closely… It was true! The golden cat was prideful and cold, as if it was too good for anything. The white cat was a bit nicer, but it didn’t seem to be interested in people. All it did was walk around the golden cat and try to get its attention.

Zhang Zian continued, “See? They are like two kings in your home. People who know about pets would not buy them because of their personalities. I have friendlier cats in the store. I can leave you my address so you can come take a look sometime.”

“Sure! Please leave your address! I will take my niece there to check it out. I will have to wait though, because I have to take care of Dongyue’s mom these days. I don’t have the time,” Aunt Bai said.

“That is fine. I will be there. You can come later. My store is about to go through a renovation anyways. I will give you a nice discount.” Zhang Zian then asked, “Oh, how old is your niece? Is she pretty?”

Aunt Bai was speechless.

Zhang Zian clarified, “I mean, you look really good for your age. There are not any wrinkles on your face. I bet it is a genetic thing and was wondering if you niece looks like you.”

Every woman loved to be praised about her beauty — Aunt Bai was no exception. She laughed and rubbed her face, “Yo, you are so sweet. You are right. Many people don’t think I look like 52 years old. Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to take care of Dongyue’s mom if I wasn’t healthy and strong enough.”

Wow, Aunt Bai revealed more information than he really wanted to know.

He turned around to look at Guo Dongyue. He didn’t say anything back but sorrow showed on his face.

Zhang Zian looked closer at Aunt Bai’s face.

He talked without really thinking a second ago, but now he understood what was going on.

Aunt Bai was right. She looked really good for a lady that was well past 50 years old. It might be genetics, or she was really good at keeping up with herself. She looked at least 10 years younger.

Zhang Zian thought about Guo Dongyue’s mom and understood immediately.

Guo Dongyue’s mom could still recognize Aunt Bai, so she let Aunt Bai take care of her.

In this old residential building…

Aunt Bai had been an old neighbor for decades…

She looked pretty much the same all these years…

Although Guo Dongyue didn’t like her, he couldn’t do anything different. In his mom’s mind, Aunt Bai was irreplaceable. She was someone she could trust. He could not be that person because he had changed dramatically in the way he looked since he was young.

Zhang Zian sighed in his heart. On one hand, he sympathized with Guo Dongyue. On the other hand, although Aunt Bai was not perfect, she was better than nothing. Guo’s mom really needed a person to take care of her. Frankly, Aunt Bai was no professional nurse so she didn’t really care about how she did her job. All she cared about was making some easy extra money.

Guo Dongyue nodded with a complicated expression. Zhang Zian knew his guess was correct. Guo Dongyue’s mom used to be the nicest lady in the world. Since she got dementia, she turned suspicious and mean. Only old friends could give her a sense of security. Most of the original residents had moved out of the old building. Some new residents were only tenants. Excluding the guys and the old ladies, there was not much of a choice – Aunt Bai was one of the very few who met all the criteria.

“Let’s get up there. We have been talking down here for a while. I worry about my mom.” He rushed them to go up.

“Don’t worry! Let’s go upstairs then,” Aunt Bai smiled, carelessly. She waved at Zhang Zian and then walked down the hallway.

“Let’s go!” Guo Dongyue followed with the cage in his hand.

Zhang Zian was the last one. He snapped his fingers so Fina and Snowy Lionet would go with him.

It was a dated residential building. The hallway was tiny. A large appliance or piece of furniture could block the whole hallway. Zhang Zian followed Aunt Bai and Guo Dongyue and saw that kids’ drawings were all over the walls.

“She lives upstairs.” Aunt Bai was in the front. As she walked up the staircase, she reminded, “Watch your steps. The stairway is dark.”

“Okay. Thank you,” Zhang Zian said.

The design of the old building was inconvenient for senior citizens, kids and pets to walk up and down because the stairs were built too high.

Looking at the stairs, Snowy Lionet frowned, “Meow! How annoying! Can’t we go somewhere with elevators? My fur is going to get dirty now.”

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