Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1392 - Mu Xue’s Death (3)

Chapter 1392 “Mu Xue’s Death (3)”

“Alright, if you don’t want to stay then I won’t force you.... I believe you will one day be able to break free like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.” Radiating a glow in those eyes, Bai Yan’s tone was firm and strong.

“Sister...” Bai Xiao brings her into a hug, letting his body to show off his emotions right now. “In this life am I blessed to be your brother.”

That comment made the woman go stiff due to how touching it was, “Do you still blame me for what I did back then? For not bringing you with me when I left alone?”

Showing a bittersweet face: “You are my most important person in this world, how can I bear to blame you? I never blamed you, I only felt hurt inside for you. You were pregnant, alone and wandering out there by yourself. My only regret is not being able to be there with you during those difficult times. If I had been there, I can at least help protect you and look after you in some way.” Pausing to reel in some of the emotions that’s quickly swelling out from his eye, “Sister, although we had a bad life in the Bai household, but you didn’t suffer too much pain under that vile woman’s hand. Sure, we couldn’t eat well or dress well, but you were always able to avoid any pain.

Then as if remembering the times where it’s only the two of them trying hard to make it through each day without starvation, Bai Xiao’s voice suddenly firms up: “After you left, I was worried sick about you. I kept wandering if you were going to freeze to death or die of hunger by yourself. I can’t even fathom enduring the harshness of the wild by yourself. You were so timid and small, unable to bear any scare. I felt so useless knowing I’ve allowed you to be placed in that situation....”

That’s right, one of the driving forces behind this young man’s desire to grow strong was partially a sense of guilt. He’s still unable to get past the fact he couldn’t protect Bai Yan back then and allowed her to go through all those hardships alone.

“I know you want me to stay with you, but you have too many enemies. What if I become your baggage, what then? I want to stand by your side and become your shield, your protective wing, not someone that hides behind you and couldn’t do anything when the danger comes.”

Bai Yan couldn’t say she wasn’t affected by what she’s heard. When she moved her jaw to speak, no words came in that moment, only a momentary silence hanging in the air. But that state didn’t last long once she realizes her own awkward state: “Xiao’er, this life, I owe you too much....”

“You do not owe me anything Sister. I didn’t know better back then, but after learning the details of why you ran, I knew you didn’t have a choice. You were barely able to escape on your own, how could you come back to retrieve me when the situation was so critical?”

Bai Xiao was no fool, he’s very smart and intelligent. If Bai Yan did return after escaping at first then those people would’ve placed a net around the estate and recaptured his sister that night.

“Xiao’er, thank you...” She raises her hand and brought her younger brother into a heavy hug.

Thank you for staying with me.

No matter if we’re poor or rich, I will never abandon you.

Smiling at those words, Bai Xiao felt the same: “Sister, sometimes I really wonder if I’m indebted to you in my previous life or something, that’s why fate is pushing me to use this life to stay by you and always stand with you.”

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