Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 389 - Fire Sage

Back at Mengtalis, at the imperial training grounds, the battles for the top 32 had begun. It had a completely different feel to it. It was a real battle, and the onlookers were limited to the generals of each country and the representatives from the top 64. They were about to witness mecha battles of the highest standard.

The first day would see eight fights. Within the strong teams, Aslan, Manalasuo would make an appearance, while the Solar System team would be in the first round as well. Their opponents were the Silver Snake team, an old hand and a strong team. They had made it into the top 32 countless times, and their best showing had been top 8.

Against the dark horse Solar System, they had the advantage on paper. The Silver Snake team leader, Kong Zhan, was also one of the men of the moment in this IG, and their collective ability was fairly good. It was rumored that they were viewed with a good eye by the Milky Way Alliance, and might receive the opportunity to enter the Milky Way Alliance Army for an internship after the IG ended. This was also in partially due to the Silver Snake Coalition’s practice of nailing down solid foundations for the sake of advancement. Therefore, to the Silver Snake team, they had to perform even better and achieve better results.

“Boss, this is definitely God smiling upon us. We actually matched up against the Solar System, this is a surefire into the top 32.”

“Let’s sweep them 3-0 like withered plants, and get rid of them pronto!”

“Maybe it will be over without our leader even needing to get his hands dirty, and we can focus on preparations for top 16.”

The Silver Snake team members were brimming with confidence. Taking down the Solar System team would be a walk in the park.

Only Kong Zhan’s expression was especially grave. Gazing at a figure from the nearby Solar System team, he still felt an unshakable sense of dread.

“Who would have thought that these punks were in such good shape? If they could advance one step further, that would be even better!” Lie Wuqing laughed. Honestly, he thought that it was a lost cause. Who would have known that such a disadvantageous situation had been turned around.

In the second round, Meng Ao was the only representative present. Lie Wuqing, Drachmach, and the rest were nowhere to be seen.

“Old Ao, what are you smiling so lasciviously about? Are you hiding something from us?” Drachmach asked mildly.

Meng Ao started. “Ah, no. I was just thinking about something. The Silver Snake team is very strong, especially their ‘Kong’ card. He might make it to the top 10 newcomers for this iteration.”

Lie Wuqing and Drachmach had the feeling that something was off, but they could not put a finger on it. Below, the arena was huge, surrounded by energy force fields that would allow the combatants to unleash their full potential.

Even the representative group members had to pass a round of inspection. Simply watching these battles required one to pass a psychological test, to prevent psychological problems from surfacing. However, everyone was more than qualified. They were all either military related or military school personnel, and had the endurance ability needed.

After two rounds of baptism, the Solar System team members were full of confidence as well. Confidence begets confidence. Once they had reached the top 32, every round would not be easy, like the Silver Snake team.

The IG umpire from the Milky Way Alliance announced the start of the competition.

The two leaders stepped up. Kong Zhan, a well known figure in the new generation of the Milky Way. Wang Zheng, the dark horse from Earth, who had recently been labeled with the nickname of Little Lucky Star. It felt like this fellow had the luck of a lucky cat.

It seemed like many teams were envious of the Silver Snake team’s luck, but Kong Zhan was not at all envious. He really wished to swap with somebody. Going up against the Solar System was no better than facing Arbiter.

After both leaders had bowed to the audience, they began to draw lots. The result was the Silver Snake team drawing the red, which meant that they would send out their member first.

For the first round, the Silver Snake team sent out Priest Tang, whose ancestor was rumored to be a devout follower of the Sage Sect, hence the name. Usually, the first up would be someone highly confident of taking the win. Everybody wanted to start off on a good foot with a win.

On the Solar System side, all eyes were on Wang Zheng. Who would Wang Zheng send? His choices were always contentious, but the Solar System had already achieved a historical breakthrough, and to doubt him any further would be uncharitable.

Wang Zheng’s gaze raked through them, finally landing on Lie Xin. “Lie Xin, I’ll leave the first battle up to you!”

Lie Xin stood up. “Yes, Sir!”

After such a long time, Lie Xin felt that Wang Zheng was becoming more and more to her liking. At the least his leadership did not evoke resentment, and she had plenty of opportunities to fight.

The first fight was for momentum and morale, and needed someone fierce and unyielding.

The Lie family’s Lie Xin was a deserving choice.

The opponents shook hands. Priest Tang was the very picture of a handsome and cultured gentleman, Lie Xin was sexy and with a beautiful smile. However you looked at it, it looked more like a matchmaking event than a life and death battle.

The two chose their mecha requirements on the screens. This mecha storehouse was no less inferior to that of Aslan Royal College. It would definitely satisfy any mecha pilot’s needs.

At this formal contest, unless you were Aurora or Olivios, you would bring your full strength to bear. This was a contest that nobody could afford to lose.

Lie Xin chose her best mech without hesitation, which was also her trump card – Fire Sage!

This was one of the strongest mecha on Mars till date, and also the mecha that Lie Xin had endured grueling training with. This first battle for an advantage was a must win.

Priest Tang had chosen the Silver Snake’s most famous mech of the Fallen Angel series – Fallen Angel Generation III.

There would be no backing down in this fight. The gaze of every member and representative was trained on these two warriors, but Kong Zhan was still gazing at that figure.

What if... What if he was the one who matched up with him?

“Kong Zhan, that’s a devil in human skin. He’s definitely more fearsome than Olivios. If there is no need, don’t clash with him!”

This was an unwinnable fight. Such fearsome energy, and that Ability X, he was unbeatable, unbeatable!

But the more one dreaded it, the more it came true. The Silver Snake team had really matched against the Solar System team.

Perhaps the team could still win even avoiding Wang Zheng. If it meant dropping a match, so be it.

The two mecha made their appearance, descending. Lie Xin and Priest Tang began to descend, quickly entering the mecha.

Both were full of confidence. The Lie Flame Technique gave Lie Xin confidence in taking the match. She understood Wang Zheng’s intention, to use the Lie family’s awesomeness to dictate the mood of the battle.

Both mecha’s eyes lit up with the light of ignition. With a rumble, the battle begun. The one who attacked first was Lie Xin.

The Fire Sage. Any mecha from Mars which dared to use the name of Sage belied extraordinary achievements. The entire mecha was made of a special fire ore, qualifying it as a specialized mecha. Its capabilities were excellent, but it was fabled that the mecha hid some secret, which no one really knew what it was till date.

Against the imminent rush, Priest Tang was all smiles. This girl was pretty calm. He fired his laser gun, retreating and returning fire.

Seeing their opponents’ reaction, the Solar System cheered. The opponent was terrified, and clearly a ninny. However, Lear and some others had no response. The opponent seemed to be handling himself well.

Since Lie Xin was eager to rush ahead, then Priest Tang was in no hurry. He would get her measure first. She had started off ferociously, but if she wasted her energy, she would be heavily at a disadvantage. It was the Solar System’s first breakthrough into the top 64. She was too eager to prove herself.

The Silver Snake team members were all calm. Everything was under control.

Lie Xin’s footwork was good, but her opponent’s Fallen Angel series was an equal match in capability. If she forcefully closed in, it would be a waste of her own energy shield’s strength. At this time, if Lie Xin had a little more patience, she should have stalled a little, and not fallen into her opponent’s trap. But Lie Xin was heedless, seemingly confident in her own attack.

After taking two lasers on her energy shield, Lie Xin’s Fire Sage finally closed the gap into a close-quarters combat battle. Her opponent understood this as well. The Fallen Angel’s beam saber snaked out, immediately jumping forward.


With a deafening sound... God!

The Fire Sage was sent flying.

In their clash, Lie Xin had held nothing back, and her opponent should not have had enough energy to defend. Yet Lie Xin had been repulsed.

The Silver Snake team members were all grinning, as though jeering Lie Xin’s naivety.

As their point, this Priest Tang was the most violent character. In the cockpit, the suave, refined Priest Tang disappeared, replaced by a violent strongman.

Strength type Ability X user!


With a loud explosion, the Fallen Angel reached the side of the Fire Sage, savagely attacking. In the moment, Lie Xin could do nothing but defend, feeling as though she might be routed at any moment.

The strength type Zhang Runan and Raston saw the shock in each other’s eyes. This level of strength definitely outclassed them, and was in fact what they aspired towards. Zhang Runan heaved a sigh. Given another six months, she might have been able to reach this level, because her Ability X would be ranked up once it was fully formed, but...

The Lie Flame Technique allowed the Lie family members to maintain agility while exerting considerable strength, but this could not be brought to bear against an experienced Ability X user. Her opponent’s furious assault left no openings.


More strength did not yield advantages in speed when the distance was great, but up close, the explosive movements were faster. From the start, Priest Tang had drawn his opponent in. Once he countered, the opponent would be drawn into his rhythm, and it would be impossible to break out now.

In a short while, the difference in skill became obvious. Lie Xin’s level of close combat within the Solar System paled comparatively in the IG. The opponent had too much experience. He used an appropriate amount of energy to subdue her, and his mecha control was flawless, leaving Lie Xin no chances. Lie Xin was forced to activate her energy shield defense a few times, and the shield had been depleted considerably. Most crucially, there seemed to be no opportunity to turn the tables.

Wang Zheng’s choice in the first battle seemed to be questionable again. Why had he not chosen Lear or Achilles, were they not safer choices?

Wang Zheng was unflustered, and Lear and the rest equally were calm. Lie Xin was the same. In the cockpit, she was composed. Although the situation looked bleak, she could still hold on.


Following a particularly punishing attack from the Fallen Angel, the energy shield broke. Priest Tang smiled. Victory was before his eyes.

Suddenly, in that instant, HUM~~~~

A blaze flared up towards the sky. The Lie Flame Technique exploded in all directions, and even the Fallen Angel close by felt a stifling, scorching wave of heat.


The Fire Sage, which had been kept on the defense, counterattacked. A blade flashing out, a scorching wave of heat forced the Fallen Angel to retreat a couple of steps. The Fire Sage pressed closely. This was the true potential of the super mech that only the Lie Flame Technique could unlock.

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