My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses


Ge Chen asked softly, "Is this the only reason?"

Xue Lin stopped reading and looked at her husband. "Why are you asking?"

Ge Chen gazed straight to her eyes and said, "I just realized that I don’t know much about you. You know my circumstances pretty well."

"...Is that so..." Xue Lin gave it a serious thought. Since he is already her better half, she decided to treat him the way she treats herself. The way she supports herself, she wishes to support him in the say way, the way she trusts and respects herself, she wants to do that to him the exact same way.

However, she got to know his family situation quickly when she didn’t share any of her personal matters to him. Xue Lin looked down. She pressed her lips after asking, "What do you want to know about me?"

"Why don’t you talk about the relationship between your family?" Ge Chen had an idea that she didn’t have a good relationship with them, but he wanted to know more. Because, after marriage, neither did she mention them nor did she tell them about her marriage. She didn’t even introduce it to him with her family. On the other hand, no matter how worse his relationship was with his family, he did introduce her to them.

Xue Lin looked up and her expression was unreadable. She spoke in a low tone, "I’m the youngest of my family; I’m also the youngest in my paternal family. So, I’m adored by everyone. Whatever I do or say, I’m forgiven. And since I speak logically no one can refute me either. They know I don’t like mannerless, uncultured attitudes, so they are careful around me. It’s almost like they respect me. However, the new members like my brothers-in-law tried to control me and I sliced them verbally. Since then, no one dares to talk back at me. Everyone has good habits and bad habits, no one is perfect. Despite their bad sides, they treat me well. They knew I like to eat and I love reading books. Therefore, whenever I go to their houses, they will give me books and cook something delicious. I don’t usually meet them often, that’s why I get a warm welcome every time I meet them."

She continued, "My maternal family is full of extraordinary members. Since most of my cousins were born abroad, I didn’t have the opportunity to get close to them. But I’m pretty close to my uncles and aunts. They are broadminded people and like nerds. The reason I got close to them is because my mother’s relationship isn’t very well and I like my maternal family. I have a lot to learn from them."

Xue Lin paused and rubbed her cheeks. She hasn’t talked like this for a long time and now her cheeks are hurting. "In my family, I was a daddy’s girl when I was little. He loved me the most and let me do whatever I wanted but sometimes, if I didn’t like to listen to his reasoning, he hit me a lot. Whenever he was angry, no matter what the reason was, he had to hit it. It was almost like he needed me to vent his anger on. If he wasn’t in a good mood, he would use slang words and his behavior would be rough. Of course, I wasn’t that kind of girl who would listen quietly like my mother and sister, I would protest. Certainly, he knew that he was wrong and he would become silent."

"My mother’s favorite child is my elder sister. My sister is very obedient and I’m not and that’s why she scolded me a lot, but I hardly cared. Because whenever I listened to my mother, I had to regret my decision. From her experience and behavior, I understood that she is the type of person who will never admit her mistake and always think and speak negatively. She also makes the wrong decision every time and then she will regret later. Moreover, she never learns her lessons."

"In her eyes, no matter what idiotic thing my sister does, she is an angel, and no matter how many times I achieve something good, I’m so-so. Since childhood, I was good at cooking, dancing, singing, drawing, painting, reciting poems, sports, and study. But it wasn’t good enough for my mother. She wanted more from me. I knew I was better than any of my family members in every good and creating thing but I was never praised. However, if my sister did something simple, my mother would praise her. I still don’t get why I was waiting for my mother to praise me; I still don’t know why I’m... "

Xue Lin stopped. Her lips were trembling. She looked at the ceiling, wanting to dry her tears from her eyes. Although her heart was crying, there was a faint smile hanging on her lips. She tried hard to stay strong. But it made her look even more pitiful.

Ge Chen was looking at her expression. Something in heart his rippled thousands of waves wanted to destroy everything that came in the path. Her eyes looked so hurt that he felt suffocated.

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