Genius Detective

Chapter 956: Male Domestic Abuser

Chapter 956: Male Domestic Abuser

The Last Volume: Observer of Humanity

"Haha, President Wang is so polite... Okay, we will meet at Yanyuan in the evening..."

The man was sitting on the washstand and talking on the phone. His sock-clad feet were treading on a woman\'s head, kicking it around like a rubber ball.

The floor was a mess.

Hanging up the phone, he squatted down, lifted the woman\'s hair, and said gloomily, "Clean all this up before I come back!"

The woman with a swollen face nodded desperately.

"Say ‘I understand’!" The man slapped the woman on the face.

"I understand…"

"Remember, I am your husband. You have to respect me to have a good life. Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death. If you dare to do this again next time, I will directly beat you to death!"

The woman nodded again and replied, "I understand..." Tears welled up in her eyes.

After straightening up his clothes, the man left home refreshed. He got into the car and checked his teeth in the rear-view mirror. When he went out to meet clients, he naturally wanted to be in his best condition.

A man dressed in black appeared in the rear-view mirror and asked, "Are you Mr. Li?"

"What is it? Selling car fresheners again? I don\'t need them. Get out of my way!" the man said angrily.

"That Mr. Li who dresses glamorously outside and beats his wife as soon as he gets home?" The stranger continued to ask questions as if he hadn\'t heard him.

Realizing that the words were a bit odd, the man said, "You’re crazy!"

"You’re the one who is..."

The stranger suddenly pierced the man’s neck with a syringe, pushed all the liquid drug inside into his vein at a strange speed, and then quietly left.

He seemed to feel hot lava squeezing into his body. He scratched at his neck desperately, and began to vomit reflexively. His heart gradually stopped beating, and finally, the man died in the car in this painful posture.

After receiving the police report from the neighbors, Chen Shi, Lin Dongxue and the other police officers arrived one hour later. Chen Shi saw lines of blood on the man’s neck. Blood and skin flakes were left in his nails. The blood vessels on his neck were purplish-red. His mouth was open, and vomit had accumulated in his throat.

The most obvious mark was a needle prick hole on the back of the neck.

"Poisoned to death?" Chen Shi looked up and around. "Are there no security cameras nearby?"

There was a cry from the crowd of onlookers, and they saw a woman with disheveled hair and a wounded face run out. When she saw her husband had died in the car with his head tilted, she covered her mouth and cried, "Why? How could this kind of thing have happened?!"

"Miss, please stay away!" Chen Shi stopped her. "What is your relationship with the victim?"

"He’s my husband, Li Qin."

Chen Shi looked at her curiously. "Excuse me, why do you have that wound on your face?"

The woman smoothed her hair subconsciously. "I fell down myself at home..."

"You can\'t get that kind of injury when you fall. Please tell the truth."

The woman glanced at the corpse in the car and stammered, "I had some disputes with my husband. He hurt me out of impulse."

Chen Shi looked up. "Is it convenient for us to have a look at your home?"

"The house is a little messy..."

"It\'s fine, we’ll just take a look."

The woman sighed, took the two of them upstairs, and when she opened the door, they found that it was more than "a little messy". It was as if a robbery had just taken place. There were broken ceramic shards everywhere on the ground, and there was a ball of tissues on the coffee table. It seemed as though she had been washing her face with tears here.

After the sudden death of her husband, she only cried for a while. Now, she has already calmed down completely. From this, it could be seen that the couple had no feelings for each other.

"Ms., does domestic violence often happen in your home?" Lin Dongxue asked.

The woman sighed and sat down on the sofa. "Maybe he’s under too much pressure outside, or maybe it was because he was raised in a strict household as a child. The first incidence of domestic violence occurred in the second week after we got married. We had just eaten dinner that day, and the atmosphere was originally quite good. I sat on the sofa with him to watch TV. I picked a variety show. He didn\'t seem to enjoy watching it, so he picked up the remote control and changed the channel. I changed it back and he changed the channel again. I had switched it back again when he suddenly picked up the remote control and smashed it in my face, asking me what was so entertaining about this kind of boring show. He said he had spent the whole day working hard outside, so couldn’t he even watch a show he liked when he came back? Then he went straight back to the bedroom and slammed the door shut."

"I was very angry at the time. How could he do this? Therefore, I quarreled with him. He said impatiently that I can just watch what I want! He thought this was already a compromise and concession, but I still wanted him to apologize, because the problem was no longer about watching TV, but him hurting me. After a few days of cold war between us, he knelt down to reflect on his mistakes and asked for my forgiveness, and I forgave him..."

"I thought the first time was just an unexpected incident. I didn\'t know that every time we’d quarrel, it would eventually turn into punches and kicks. Every time, he’d ask me for forgiveness, and I forgave him every time." The woman paused. "The result of forgiveness was the worsening of domestic violence. As long as he was upset, he would slap me or pull my hair. Later, he didn\'t even apologize at all and took all of this for granted. I also tried to get help from the outside world, but my family said that a husband and wife need to compromise with each other, and that it would pass if I tolerated things a little. That a couple inevitably has disagreements. However, I vaguely felt that all this was wrong! I was very cautious at home, as if stepping over landmines. I feared that one action or one look would make him furious."

The woman shed tears. "Our relationship turned ridiculous. Do you know why I was beaten up today? I had put garlic in when cooking noodles at noon, and he said that since he was going to see a client in the afternoon, he couldn’t eat garlic. I said that he could just pick them out. Without warning, he just flung the bowl and started on me!"

Listening to these words, Lin Dongxue could feel her oppression and pain. Chen Shi asked, "After the domestic violence happened, have you been staying at home?"

"You don\'t suspect that I killed him, right? I\'m very, very afraid of my husband. I don\'t even dare to resist. How could I kill him?! Besides, if I really had evil intentions, how could I kill him in front of my own door?"

Lin Dongxue said, "Captain, the deceased was killed by an injection of poison. This technique is very professional, indicating that there was a premeditated plan."

Chen Shi also admitted that the woman didn\'t seem to be suspicious, and asked, "Does your husband have a bad temper outside as well? What enemies does he have?"

"He’s simply a great man in front of outsiders. He talks and handles matters well, and never garners animosity from others..."

After the chat, the two went downstairs, and Lin Dongxue said, "It\'s so pitiful. The sudden death of her husband isn’t exactly a bad thing for her. She’s still young and has no children. She can start her new life now."

"Yes, she can even inherit everything from her husband. The deceased was a low-level manager with a house and a car. Is it possible that she hired a hitman?"

"Captain! I don\'t think she has such boldness, let alone the ability to find a killer?"

"Before my suspicions are completely allayed, I will suspect her for the time being."

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