Genius Detective

Chapter 938: Meeting In The Prison

Chapter 938: Meeting In The Prison

Volume 55: Little Genius Detective

Jiyushan Prison.

Zhou Xiao slowly walked into the meeting room. Tao Yueyue had been waiting at the table for a long time. The loosening of the chains on his body made a rattling noise. He had shaved his head into a crew cut, and he was a lot thinner and less dispirited than in the past. There was an elderly indifference to his face.

"How are you doing?" Tao Yueyue asked.

Zhou Xiao shrugged. "I’m still making peace with it all. I will be executed next month. Thank you for coming to see me."

Tao Yueyue felt that he was no longer Zhou Xiao. He had completely lost his former hostility. Perhaps it was because there were prison guards who were supervising the meeting outside the door!

"I brought you the cigarettes I promised before. I handed it over to the prison guards."

"Thank you."

"In addition, I topped-up some money for you. It’s about 20,000 yuan, so you can eat a few good meals."

"Why are you treating me so well?" Zhou Xiao smirked. His expression reminded Tao Yueyue of the past.

"The money is yours."


"A director approached me and said that he wanted to buy the licence for my experience. He wanted to adapt it into a movie. I asked if he wanted to sign an authorization letter with you, but he said there was no need since you’d be executed soon. It’d be impossible for you to sue him." Tao Yueyue shrugged. "So I made a small fortune, and now I’m rich in school."

"Who will play my character?"

"It seems to be Cai Zhengkai."

"Haha, haha!" Zhou Xiao was very happy. "You don\'t need to watch it then. It most definitely will be a bad film and be rubbish that will just take advantage of this hot topic."

"It’s already filming. I will go play with the crew tomorrow since it’s the weekend."

"This may be the last time we will meet. I want to ask you something. What do you think of me?"

"I neither hate nor like you. When I was young, there was a wild dog near my house. It was very pitiful and well-behaved. As long as you gave him a bite to eat, he would be very good to you. Once, a child hit him with a stick. The dog was anxious and bit the child’s hand. The child’s family contacted the local police, and I saw the police chasing the dog all morning. They finally blocked it and then strangled it to death with a rope. You’re like that in my eyes: an animal who is selfish. It’s neither good nor evil. It only lives for itself!"

"This was the most pertinent evaluation I\'ve heard." Zhou Xiao nodded. "Actually, I don\'t feel so pitiful. It\'s just the way I chose to live. Tao Yueyue, whether you admit it or not, I had an impact on you. It has penetrated into your heart and will accompany you throughout your life. In a sense, this is my legacy."

"Yes!" Tao Yueyue admitted frankly. "When studying criminal psychology at the police academy, you were the most vivid example in my mind."

"What?! You’re a student at the police academy now?!" Zhou Xiao was shocked, as if seeing a piece of good material being ruined. "Damn Song Lang. Does he think it’s great to be a policeman?"

"Uncle Chen told me this: My heart was originally evil. So-called kindness is just an unspoken rule for everyone to live together peacefully. Only by learning kindness can you survive in the crowd and get more benefits. Benefiting others is out of self-interest, so I agreed to go to the police academy."

Zhou Xiao sighed, as if letting go of his inner obsession. "Forget it, this world has nothing to do with me anyway… Is the police academy fun?"

"It’s dull, boring, arduous, trivial, and there are annoying classmates everywhere. I can\'t imagine how bad they will be when they become police officers in the future. But, my grades are very good. As long as your grades are good, no matter how arrogant you are, it’s justified."

"Hmph, prisons can be fun too, especially those who have only been sentenced to a few years and honestly strive for commutation opportunities. Those of us who are sentenced to death love to bully these kinds of people."

Tao Yueyue smiled. "I should go now. Good luck to you."

Zhou Xiao waved his hand. After Tao Yueyue left, his shoulders twitched and he suddenly started crying.

Walking out of the prison gates, a brand-new SUV was parked there that Lin Dongxue was driving. This car was bought by Chen Shi after the two got married, but it wasn’t driven very often as she still took Chen Shi\'s car for work.

Tao Yueyue got into the car and sighed. "I still hated him at first, but when I thought about how he was about to be executed, I couldn\'t hate him."

"In fact, the death penalty isn’t to punish him. His death isn’t enough to pay back all the crimes and deaths he’s caused. The death penalty is only to completely wipe out his anti-human genes." Lin Dongxue said.

"Why do these things sound like Uncle Chen\'s words?"

"Because… that\'s what he said." Lin Dongxue smiled. "We talked about this matter last night, and he commented this while he was still considering whether to come with you."

"Tch!" Tao Yueyue looked full of disdain.

"Hey, are you still angry with him? He’s not a sage. Who doesn’t make mistakes? Forgive him just this once!"

"Sister Lin, when you promised to drive me here today, it wasn’t just to act as his lobbyist, right?"

"No, no. I just think it\'s not going to be a big deal for the two of you when you look back at such a small thing in a few years. It’s pointless to continue a cold war like this."

"Such a small thing?!"

Not long ago, Tao Yueyue started dating a boy at the academy. Chen Shi keenly noticed the difference between Tao Yueyue and how she was in the past, so he asked her about it, She refused to admit it.

Chen Shi, who loved his beloved daughter so much that he’d do silly things, asked kk and Sun Zhen for help to check who she was acquainted with at the academy. They then learned that her boyfriend was the son of a wealthy businessman, a loiterer that generally didn’t give parents a good impression. Thus, he reminded Tao Yueyue to be more mindful.

As a result, Tao Yueyue became furious. "How can you investigate me?!" She left home and had stayed in the school dormitory the whole time since then.

Chen Shi felt that he was just doing his father\'s duty, and thus the two began a long cold war.

"Isn\'t Uncle Chen just looking out for you too?" Lin Dongxue said.

"Hmph, Sister Lin really does share this kind of stale adult thinking. Don\'t you know where he went wrong?"

Although Tao Yueyue was seriously angry, Lin Dongxue felt that her angry look was also very cute, and said, "The fault lies in investigating you, right?"

"Don\'t you understand that?"

"Understanding is one thing, but he’s also angry too. You should each take a step back."

"If you keep talking, I won\'t even care about you, this mother of mine, either." Tao Yueyue looked out the window angrily.

Lin Dongxue had no choice but to smile bitterly. Tao Yueyue had entered the second year of the police academy and was in the rebellious period. This could be seen from her appearance. Her hair had been cut short, and she was wearing ripped jeans with a motorcycle jacket.

This made Lin Dongxue think of herself in the past. Does everyone have to go through this stage?

While driving, Lin Dongxue said, "Actually, Uncle Chen and I don’t agree with each other either. I think love also needs to be learned. No one\'s first love will be perfect. In confusion, you will be attracted by something superficial, but that is the first lesson everyone has to take, which is very normal."

"Do you think he and I will definitely not last?"

"I just think that way."

"Actually, we’ve already broken up…"


"Um…" Tao Yueyue thought deeply. "Because we went to an Internet cafe to play, and he played very vigorously there. I said that if you ignore me any longer, I will break up with you. He didn’t do anything, so we broke up! Boys truly aren’t interesting at all…"

Lin Dongxue smiled bitterly. "Okay!"

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