Badge in Azure

Chapter 1431: Advent (Part 2)

Chapter 1431: Advent (Part 2)

Saleen looked up with his Eye of Souls and saw the Floating City crash down. It was huge and despite being suspended only a little more than 3,000 meters up, falling would kill everyone due to sheer weight.

The weapon spirit of the Floating City—the God of Magic Net—did its best to bring the Floating City up, but it was unable to prevent the huge city from falling.

The crack on the Floating City was over 200 meters long. Saleen saw the little girl that he had spared in the huge crack. She was covered with white holy prose, which caused the crack.

The terrifying power shook Saleen to the core. The Floating City was made of the strongest materials on their plane, especially the bone crystals of the giant. They were extremely hard to come by even during ancient times.

The only problem was that he had not crafted the Floating City personally, and it was structurally incomplete. There were enough cracks and crevices between the materials that could be easily broken by powerful forces.

If it had been a Sky City, not even the advent of the Lord of Glory would be able to dent it.

That Floating City was only a part of the Sky City. It was thanks to the Genesis Stock Solution, the mechanical core of the Sky City, and help from the God of Magic Net that it was being crafted as it was.

The crack in the center of the Floating City made it difficult for many magic arrays to operate, which was why it came crashing down. However, the crack’s size was an optical illusion. It was a result of some kind of power of rules twisting space about and allowing the huge beam of holy light to destroy the divine rune charm array on the ground.

It was their god’s wrath and punishment. The Lord of Glory heard the prayers of his believers. However, with the exception of the little girl’s pure faith, all the other believers were filled with fear.

He deemed the believers of the plane utterly disappointing.

While the believers and the holy masters felt insecure, they did not expect that their god would rain punishments on them, sending all of their souls to hell.

The souls sent to hell had to fight the fallen angels. They were either killed or enslaved by the fallen angels.

But there was more than just one hell. The Lord of Glory’s divine punishment was powerful, as it sent over 3,000 souls away. They would not be transferred somewhere near.

“Master, put the Floating City back into the magic amplifier. I can’t hold it much longer!” The God of Magic Net yelled. Saleen felt a chill run through his spine. The Lord of Glory had broken the Floating City with one single shot, making it very difficult for him to pull many of his tactics.

At the very least, all his large Thunder Dragon Blasters were useless. If they were uninstalled and used on their own, they were utterly incapable of dealing with powerful beings. The blasters were able to aim only because of having 100,000 enchanters working with the magic net on the Floating City.

The targeting was done using mental powers. Without the magic net, the Thunder Dragon Blasters were simply powerful catapults. Hitting targets would be down to luck.

“What happened with the little girl?” Saleen had the weapon spirit of his magic amplifier help the God of Magic Net put the Floating City away into the magic amplifier.

The Floating City, which had been severely damaged, was gradually shrunken by the two level 13 pseudogods. The light disappeared, and the saint’s stone house in the huge chasm gradually rose and flew into the air.

Among those onboard the Floating City, only Nailisi and the Winged Skull had soul links with Saleen. They rushed outside as soon as they sensed danger. All the others were chucked inside the magic amplifier along with the city.

Due to the Floating City being put away while it was falling slowly, both the weapon spirit of the magic amplifier and the God of Magic Net were thoroughly exhausted, especially the weapon spirit of the magic amplifier, as it was the last to have its divine fire ignited and the weakest of the three. It had sustained severe damage.

However, there was no other way. If they let the little girl continue to be exposed, the Lord of Glory would not advent in the saint’s stone house, but the room in the Floating City.

If that happened, Saleen’s Floating City would be completely ruined.

The Lord of Glory definitely would not advent on the Floating City though, as the saint’s stone house was the miracle that he left behind. There would not be any danger with him performing the advent in the house. What he did in the Floating City was simply just putting on airs.

Saleen had to yield to the bluff, as both of his powerful weapon spirits had lost the capacity to fight. With the Floating City put away, the magic net became entirely useless, and the enchanters on board would not be able to help Saleen.

The light on the stone house’s facade became so intense that it was not possible to look at, and professionals above level ten were capable of looking at the sun directly with their naked eyes. The brightness of the light surpassed the sun. Only Saleen and Rafel were able to see what was going on in the stone house.

A faint shadow continued to coalesce within the stone house, stark naked and around three meters tall. Its silver hair billowed in the void. The center of the stone house seemed to be of a different space from Myers Mainland.

Is that the Lord of Glory? Doesn’t look like his statues.

Saleen made a snap decision and took out his family badge, aiming it at the stone house and firing a powerful bolt of lightning.

He originally wanted to capture the god’s double alive, but seeing how it had torn a hole in his Floating City, he knew that the double was too powerful for him to handle. He was able to break his Floating City simply by manipulating a saint and casting one divine spell. If he completely advented, there was nothing Saleen would be able to do against him, even if he and all his followers ganged up on him.

He had been too careless, thinking that a level 12 double would not be a big deal.

Level 12 was just a description of the double’s current level after his actual level was sealed and limited. The Lord of Glory was a level 15 god, meaning that the rules he mastered would be far more powerful than usual level 12 beings.

The lightning bolt shot from his family badge was far more powerful than any it had fired in the past.

The light from the lightning bolt was far more intense than the light from the god.

The shadow in the house opened its eyes when that bolt of lightning was shot, seemingly frightened and angered at the same time. The Lord of Glory’s double had been calculating enough to damage two of Saleen’s most powerful servants with one simple trick.

However, it never expected the mage to be equipped with a lightning badge.

While the force from the bolt was not actually all that powerful, the rules commanding it were the highest ones. He had yet to completely coalesce its body, and there was no way it would be able to block the attack. Sh**!

The bolt of lightning shot into the stone house and not even the god’s protection was able to stop the decisive attack.

It was Saleen’s final measure against a god, but it seemed that he was forced to use it earlier than expected.

A painful moan was heard from within the stone house. Saleen had attacked at the right time. If the Lord of Glory had thoroughly advented, there was no way that attack would hit its target. The Lord of Glory would have a myriad of ways to undo Saleen’s targeting.

However, due to his double being too powerful at level 14, the excessively high level made it so that the advent on Myers Mainland would be extremely slow.

Saleen heard the moan and put his family badge away, before raising his Thunder Dragon Blaster. He emptied all seven lightning icicles and four ball lightning into the stone house.

The stone house’s defense had been completely destroyed and the huge stone within cracked and dropped to the ground. The Lord of Glory’s double was like a walnut with its shell cracked, completely exposed to the air.

“Damn it!” The Lord of Glory’s double roared, and his body became a lot clearer. However, Saleen was able to see that the shadow lost too much energy from turning the shadow into a tangible form.

The energy dissipated wastefully. The Lord of Glory was forced to speed up its advent.

Saleen took out the lightning magic book. Balls of lightning were stored within and he sent ball lightning into the stone house again.

If the attacks were used against a tangible being, the Lord of Glory’s double would probably die immediately. The advent process was still ongoing, and Saleen was only able to keep weakening the Lord of Glory’s power.

There was no way around it. If the Lord of Glory’s double were allowed to completely advent, there was no way he would be able to lock onto the god. Powerful attacks were useless unless they were able to hit the enemy.

Both sides were getting frustrated. Saleen was forced to use up all his lightning skills before their time. Saleen had to put eight balls of lightning into the lightning magic book to store them. While the Thunder Dragon Blaster would fully recharge in half an hour, his lightning magic book and his family badge were no longer useful.

Saleen dumped all of his strongest attacks onto the Lord of Glory’s double in less than 20 seconds. The people by his side began attacking as well.

Nicholas used divine spell scrolls. Grey holy light lit as he opened them one by one. One lesser prophecy spell after another hit the Lord of Glory. The lower the level of the prophecy, the easier it was for them to come true.

A prophecy spell foretelling someone falling would have a success rate of over 99 percent, while foretelling a person becoming a god was utterly impossible—one could cast prophecy spells from birth until death, and it still would not come true.

The prophecy spells that Nicholas used were meant for weakening all kinds of offensive attributes of the god. They did not intend to nullify the god’s attacks, but lower their damage potential. The prophecy spells would work even on the Lord of Glory.

The Winged Skull’s tactics were much simpler. He cast one spirit toxin after another into the Lord of Glory’s double. Without the protection of the stone house, everyone around Saleen was free to attack the double.

However, given that the double was still in shadow form, most physical attacks were ineffective. The Lord of Glory’s double had yet to truly enter Myers Mainland.

There was no way to kill the Lord of Glory as he was.

Unless a level 18 professional showed up with special methods to attack a parallel space.

Even Nailisi’s Shackle of the Fallen was put to use and the shadow of the double was unable to tie down. It was fortunate that the Shackle of the Fallen continued to absorb power from the Lord of Glory’s double to strengthen itself.

Rafel felt a hint of fear in her. However, she lifted her Inferno Spear and cast the divine spells that she was most versed in.

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