Doom Lord

Chapter 129 – Bone Devouring Ant Lair

Seeing that this monster had wanted to flee, it’s identity was definitely not simple. Who knows, maybe it was the one that developed the plan that almost caused him his life just now.

When he recalled his experience, Cheng Yang couldn’t help but shudder. That experience, he absolutely didn’t want to go through a second time.

As soon as the ant was released from the frozen state, it quickly crawled forward. But its speed was much slower than Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang dashed up and directly grasped it.

Cheng Yang felt a sharp pain coming from his hand the moment he caught the Bone Devouring Ant, and noticed his health reducing at a rate of 3 points per second.

“It’s a first late-order Bone Devouring Ant. It seems that plan really was created by this slick thing.” Cheng Yang muttered. As for the pain coming from his hand, he ignored it. As a profession tempered for a year in the apocalypse in the previous timeline, pain was already a normal everyday occurrence. If Cheng Yang couldn’t endured the pain during the fierce fighting just moment ago, he wouldn’t had been able to survive.

This Bone Devouring Ant desperately tried to struggle out of Cheng Yang’s hand, but its power was barely at the same level as him. After being grasped in his hands, it was simply unable to break free. Taking advantage of this time, Cheng Yang made another round of ice thorns, solving the lives of the few remaining Bone Devouring Ants.

Staring at the Bone Devouring Ant’s leader still struggling in his hands, the corner of Cheng Yang’s mouth lifted into a smile. It’s seems this trip’s harvest was pretty good. Originally, he had intended to completely exterminate this colony of Bone Devouring Ants. He didn’t expect that he would capture the leader of this colony of Bone Devouring Ants. Cheng Yangi felt as if he’d been smacked on the face with a pie that fell from the heavens.

Was the Bone Devouring Ant’s leader useful? As an enchanted beast, there was no value to it. It has no fur to peel off or bones that could be used. There was only one reason why Cheng Yang would keep it alive, it was for the Bone Devouring Ant’s lair.

Enchanted beasts could build their own lair. Its role was to speed up the reproduction of the racial group. If all the monsters of this particular lair were killed at once, the lair would lose its effect and be discarded. But if the leader could be captured alive and had its blood sprinkled over the lair, the lair would continue the reproduction of the race. And over time, the lair’s reproduction capability would gradually increase, both in quality and quantity.

Now that Cheng Yang had captured the Bone Devouring Ant’s leader alive, his next scheme of plan was naturally the lair. He wanted to make this lair a fixed spawn point for Luo Feng Village.

For Cheng Yang who had experienced a lifetime, he was clearly aware that with the passage of time, as the number of enchanted beasts in groups becomes larger, building a lair would become the inevitable choice for all the enchanted beast’s groups. Correspondingly, as the number of enchanted beast lair increased, the respawn rate of the monsters in the wild would also gradually reduce. So much that after several months, the sight of monsters being spawned in the wild would become very rare.

At that time, although the enchanted beasts produced in the lair would still leave their territory, and fight over the lands and resources with the humans, but it was after all a minority. More often than not, these enchanted beasts would stayed in their lair. Fighting enchanted beasts within their lair would no doubt caused humans to lose their home field advantage. It would become very challenging and dangerous to fight against even a single enchanted beast inside.

But if you could have a lair that produced enchanted beast automatically, and killed them the moment of their spawn, you could easily imagined its value. Someday in the future, when humans wants to obtain power value in other ways, perhaps apart from the instances, another way would be through such an enchanted beast lair.

Immediately, Cheng Yang carried the struggling Bone Devouring Ant’s leader forward. Soon, he returned to the location of the lair.

This Bone Devouring Ant’s lair was roughly the height of two people, and covered an area that was no less than 40 square meters. It was a magnificent sight that was on par with buildings built by mankind.

In the previous timeline, Cheng Yang didn’t personally see a Bone Devouring Ant’s lair. However, listening to what other people in the forum had mentioned, this lair could only be regarded as a level 1 Bone Devouring Ant’s lair. Everyday it could produced only a thousand Bone Devouring Ants.

And in the previous timeline, the largest Bone Devouring Ant’s lair mankind saw was only level 2. Moreover, this Bone Devouring Ant’s lair was later abandoned. This lair appeared near the main city of a state and in order to exterminate this Bone Devouring Ant’s colony, the main city paid the lives of nearly 50,000 professions. The high price made people sigh with emotions.

Cheng Yang didn’t want to waste time, he threw the Bone Devouring Ant’s leader above the nest and shot out an ice puck. The Bone Devouring Ant’s leader was killed in the blast.

The leader’s hard exoskeleton couldn’t maintained its shape after withstanding the impact of the ice puck. After being torn to pieces, green blood immediately penetrated the lair.

These blood didn’t seeped that deep into the lair, when suddenly the lair flashed a slight glow before returning back to normal.

Cheng Yang breathe a sigh of relief. The problem concerning this Bone Devouring Ant’s lair was finally solved. In the future, as long as a piece of delicious meat was left outside the lair, the newly bred Bone Devouring Ants would continue to climb out from within. The only fate that awaited these new lifeforms was death.

After that, Cheng Yang began to walk a circle around the lair. He was prepared to wait here for a while until people come over to cut off the surrounding trees, and create a more ideal fix point to brush monsters.

But when he arrived behind the lair, something suddenly attracted his attention.

“I knew something was out of place. These monsters are so powerful. How could there not be any guarded treasure?” Cheng Yang happily smiled. He stooped down to pick up the item off of the ground.

Bone Devouring Bead (Level 1): Evolvable prop. There are 100 first early-order Bone Devouring Ants inside this bead. The owner of the Bone Devouring Bead can summon the Bone Devouring Ants to fight alongside him. The summoned Bone Devouring Ants have a duration of 10 seconds and couldn’t be recovered back into the bead. Bone Devouring Ants can be summoned once a day. Evolution condition: 10,000 points of power value.

It was undeniably a very powerful prop. With 100 first early-order Bone Devouring Ants, as long as not met with an expert with Aoe skills, it could instantly deal 100 points of damage to the other side. More crucially, this damage also ignored defense. If a person could restrain their opponent, 10 seconds would be able to fully lower their health by 1,000 points. This damage was sufficient to greatly injured the boss in the nightmare difficulty level.

Of course, the nightmare difficulty level instance’s Boss wasn’t an idiot. It wasn’t just going to stand there and let these Bone Devouring Ants bite it. If it has an aoe skill, releasing a skill would caused these 100 Bone Devouring Ants to die without a proper burial ground.

Fortunately, these Bone Devouring Ants weren’t afraid of dying. Even if they died, they could be summoned again the next day.

Level 1 Bone Devouring Bead was already so strong, he wondered how powerful it would become after upgrading. However, the upgrade condition was extremely harsh. Only upgrading one level would needs a full 10,000 points of power value. Then what about level 3 or 4? How many power value would they need?

But it doesn’t matter! At least in the early stage this item was a very good treasure, Cheng Yang comforted himself.

Cheng Yang immediately put away the Bone Devouring Bead, after that he also stopped exploring the unclaimed land. Who made him finished the crazy counterattack special task at this time?

Moreover, he still need to hurry back and arrange personnel to come and guard the Bone Devouring Ant’s lair. These Bone Devouring Ants need to be killed as soon as they were bred out, otherwise once the inside was accumulated to a certain extent, that would create another huge trouble that need him to fix.

Even after returning to Luo Feng Village, Cheng Yang still somewhat had a lingering fear. However, in order not to affect other people, he didn’t let it show on his face.

2:00 PM

Lee Wanshan and his Tiger Crouching Army were currently cultivating in the village. As for other armies, they weren’t in the territory at the moment.

Cheng Yang had Lee Wanshan called into his courtyard, then briefly told him about the Bone Devouring Ant’s lair.

Lee Wanshan was quick to respond, he said, “Lord, this lair is a good thing! If the enchanted beasts inside respawn at an evenly rate, it was equal to a monster spawning every minute. As long as you put one of our profession outside of the lair, it was worth earning 1,000 points of power value a day. This efficiency is far beyond killing monsters in the wild. Even if we include the shift and the rotation, it will required four people at most. But still each profession will earn at least 300 points of power value.”

Cheng Yang said, “Don’t think it’s that easy. At least for the time being, we can’t send manpower over. Presently, enchanted beasts are still constantly respawning in the wild. If a lot of enchanted beasts respawn in the surrounding area at the same time, leaving only one or two people there will been too dangerous. In addition, at the moment only a few enchanted beast’s groups will have a lair. The vast majority of the groups still receive other monsters from different places. Once a large group of enchanted beasts goes near the lair, do you think that the people that keep watch of the lair would survive?”

Lee Wanshan instantly awakened with Cheng Yang’s rebuttal. He hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Lord, what do you think we should do then?”

Cheng Yang said, “The reason why I called you here is to let you lead your team to the lair, and clean up the enchanted beast’s groups that hasn’t been killed yet. When you are done with that, all the members of your team will make this area your temporary area of activities. The scope of this area will be determine by you. However, you must guarantee that the Bone Devouring Ants are killed the moment they are bred out. Of course, you will only be on duty for 12 hours. As for the remaining 12 hours, it will be replaced with Zhao Chuan’s army. Even though the scope of your activities during this time is limited to around the lair, the range will be slightly enlarged. This way it won’t affect your efficiency. ”

In fact, even without Cheng Yang mentioning this, Lee Wanshan could understand. Currently, the quantity of Bone Devouring Ants was rather limited. For an entire army, 1,000 points of power value was indeed insignificant. However, what they see was the benefits the Bone Devouring Ant’s Lair would bring in the future.

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