Doom Lord

Chapter 18- Priest Statue

In the last world, Cheng Yang also received bronze gears. There is no doubt that a person who can wear a full set of bronze level equipment, their property will absolutely be against the Heaven. Bronze grade equipment, after all, are not so readily available. The vast majority of people would be happy just to get a iron grade equipment.

Cheng Yang immediately put on the magic robe, it added a mysterious charm. The feeling of wearing the robe was a bit weird, but Cheng Yang didn’t mind, after the end, survival is the most important matter, who care what the robe look like?

At this time, Liu heard the noise inside disappears, and knowing that the fight was over, he walked in. After seeing Cheng Yang wear a dark colored dress, they couldn’t help but froze for a long time.

“Is that the equipment that bursted? “Liu was the first to react.

Cheng Yang said with a smile: “I had some good luck, it’s a magic robe … ”

Yu Kai looked around and said: “Yoko, the instance is finished, right? ”

Cheng Yang said: “Yeah, it’s over, but the harvest is a very rich. Out of the three pieces of equipments, two are iron grade equipments, perhaps for now these equipment may seems valuable, but in the future these will be the general equipment when doing the instance. For now, these will be our main source of equipment. ”

Yu Kai immediately asked: “Can we do the instance over again? ”

Cheng Yang said: “We can’t, each person can only enter the instance once a day, and there is a limit to the number of times you can clear it per day. This instance can be clear three times a day on normal difficulty. However, this number can be elevated, with the cumulative clearance times, the number of times per day clearance will also increase. There’s no need to worry, we can just take it slowly. ”

Yu Kai nodded right away, they now understand that this instance for Luo Feng village’s development will play a vital role.

Cheng Yang went on to say: “Well, it’s time for us to go check this instance biggest benefits, after all, this is the world’s first instance clearance, if there’s no great benefit, it really can’t be justified. ”

The others heard Cheng Yang said before that the instance will give out huge harvests, but they feel that obtaining three pieces of equipment was lucky enough, so there is no thought on getting anything else. After listening to what Cheng Yang said, they became overjoyed.

Cheng Yang immediately took the lead into the prayer hall, looking inside the hall on the high platform was a table, which was placed a half-foot tall white statue.

The white statue is carved in the image of a female Angel, her hands holding a scepter, which give off an impression of holiness.

Cheng Yang gently picked up the white statue, fearing that he might accidentally break it.

Professional Statue (Priest): Priest career statue, after the sacrifice on the territory altar, the territory will appear a priest statue that allow people to transfer to the priest career.

So it was this thing, although Cheng Yang had already guessed he would obtain this statue, but his heart is still surging with endless excitement. With this thing, Luo Feng village will become even more powerful. After the apocalypse medicine lost their usage, so the role of a priest isn’t so simple, they will improve the safety of those that team up with them.

Liu looked at Cheng Yang’s hands which is holding the white jade statue, wondering what it does. However, after a short explanation from Cheng Yang, his face showed the color of ecstasy. Especially Liu, as a veteran gamer, his understanding on the value of priest is more thorough than the others.

Liu Hao chuckled, said: “So, in the future we will have a wet nurse. ”

Niu Bing slap the back of Liu’s head, scorned him a glance at him and said: “What wet nurse, it’s called priest, remember that it is called priest. ”

Liu who suffered a slap was somewhat at a loss, then moment later he remember Pang Shan who didn’t get to transfer yesterday. He suddenly realized the cause for the slap, a wry smile appeared on his face, that one slap to his head was to avenge for his girlfriend, how can you say his brother’s girlfriend is a wet nurse? He immediately corrected himself: “Yes, priest, this is definitely the priest.”

Liu’s words have not yet finished, the space around them began distorting, followed by a change in the surrounding environment, they have returned to Luo Feng village.

The people in Luo Feng village were anxiously waiting for them, because they simply don’t know the situation of Cheng Yang and the rest in the Scarlet Church. After seeing Cheng Yang who suddenly appeared near the portal, people quickly mobbed the group.

The most excited is Pang Shan. After all, she was the only girl the village, and was the only one that hasn’t transferred, if someone has any thought of misconduct, I’m afraid she don’t even have any room for resistance.

“Niu Bing, you came back. “Pang Shan felt relief after holding Niu Bing’s arm.

Niu Bing felt Pat Pang Shan’s worry began patting her back, comfort her: “Don’t worry, didn’t we just came back just fine? Even Yoko is together with us, there won’t be any danger. ”

Yu Kai suddenly on the side said, “You couple dare show your public affection deliberately to let all of us single people envious ah?”

Cheng Yang interrupted them, said, “well, you can talk all you want later. We don’t have much time right now, there is a lot of things we need to do. ”

With that, Cheng Yang will placed the priest statue in his hands on the altar, then moment later the small statue quickly disappear, and a white light emerge 50 meters away, it was the same scene as when the four primary statue appeared.

After the white light is dispersed, a tall white statue appear at the location, its appearance is identical to the small statue Cheng Yang had sacrificed. Only its location was on the outside of the four primary statues.

“Pang Shan, you come here to transfer. “Cheng Yang quickly to Pang Shan said.

“I can transfer career? “Pang Shan got a little excited. After getting a positive response from Cheng Yang, immediately went next to the priest statue, and transfer in accordance with the instructions from Cheng Yang.

At this time, Cheng Yang viewed the property panel of the priest’s statue, it was about the same as the other four primaries statues except for two differences.

The number for the transfer quota is different, the maximum number that can transfer to a priest is only five people. But this is within Cheng Yang’s expectation, after all from his memories he already know this. Also the priest statue is like a special career, even for those in the main city, it’s impossible to transfer to the priest profession.

The other difference is the profession statue scalable attributes.

Divine (level 1, not research): Increase the healing of all priests transferred under this statue by 5%, upgrade conditions: 100 power values.

Cheng Yang didn’t remember the priest statue ever having this property. How can it have this attribute? Cheng Yang was puzzled, and can only ultimately attributed the cause for it being the world’s first non-primary statue.

Cheng Yang’s speculation was broadly accurate,and the reason he didn’t know in previous word is because at that time the first non-primary statue wasn’t a priest.

The priest statue has one more attribute than the other four primary statues, although this make it harder for the priest statue to upgrade, but at the same time will give Luo Feng village priests a very distinct advantage. Compared with these advantages, increasing the difficulty of upgrading mean nothing.

After selecting to upgrade the magic attack of the priest statue, he also upgraded the four primary statue a property, this time he chose the attack attribute for all the profession.

After the operation is completed, Cheng Yang open Pang Shan’s properties panel.

Name: Pang Shan

Subordinate forces: Luo Feng Village

Occupation: Priest Rank: Low order priest’s apprentice (0%)

Age: 19 Life: 110 years

Health: 20 Mana: 25

Physical attack: 1 Magical attack: 5

Physical Defense: 1 Magic defense: 1

Attack speed: 1 Movement speed 1:1

Talent: 1. Each increasing a minor order, enhances magical attack by 3%.

Each increasing a minor order, enhances priest’s skill effect by 3%.


Prayer: Level 1 (Priest’s basic skill, through prayer one can gradually enhance strength. Skill level increase associated with career-order ascension.)

Light healing: Level 1 (Heal friendly targets, restoring health value by magic attack x2, effective distance of 30 meters, no special effect. Spell consumes 5 points of mana. Proficiency 0%. )


Novice scepter: Priest status symbol, holds no additional properties.

In addition to the priest early treatment capability, even the attack methods are missing. At the early stage, except teaming up with other professions, there is no other way to go.

Of course, this won’t affect them earning power value. Because, according to rule heaven and Earth, as long as the priest heal their teammates in the fight, they will be able to take part of the power value, the specific value depends on how much of a role they played.

After dealing with Pang Shan, Cheng Yang began planning the matters to go to Huimin town, after all, Luo Feng village upgrade will depend on the population from Huimin town.

After completing the Scarlet Church instance, the biggest benefit is obtaining a priest statue, followed by the fighting that earned them nearly 200 power values as well as the same territorial power value. And finally the three pieces of equipment.

Although for the time being, the three pieces of equipment look like they play a huge role, but with the enhancement of people’s strength, these equipment will be worthless. So relatively speaking, the value of power value is more important. For future transaction, the purchasing power of more than two hundred points power values is also greater than the three pieces of equipment Cheng Yang obtained.

Now the time is eight in the morning, for the group to enter the instance a little earlier, they didn’t even get a chance to eat breakfast. Before the departure to Huimin town, the food and clothing problem need to be resolved.

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