The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 7 Chapter 404: Secret Hidden Beneath the Antoinette Academy’s Central Dormitory Area

Volume 7 Chapter 404: Secret Hidden Beneath the Antoinette Academy’s Central Dormitory Area

Translator: The Light

Edits by Grandia

At the central campus dormitory area of the Antoinette Academy, on the third floor of Princess Aslan’s villa, Bella was trying for the first time to sign a proxy contract with the Human Race’s Princess Aslan using her identity as a Sacred Demon God. Princess Aslan’s magic belonged to the rare spiritual attack attribute. In terms of strength, among Olsylvia Academy’s magic department’s “Eight Chapters”, other than “First Chapter of the Sky” Princess Eveny, the other seven chapters may not be able to beat Aslan.

Spiritual attack magic is nicknamed the “Mage Killing Curse” because it specifically targets magical professions such as mages who rely on using mana, causing other magic professions to subconsciously dislike other mages who use spiritual attack magic due to the restraining issues. Princess Aslan’s spiritual attack restrained Great Magister Orlando who could use mind control hypnosis magic completely, and she could easily suppress many mages.

This is also the reason that caused the other princesses of the Aldridge Empire to subconsciously distance themselves from her. Even if they were sisters, they were all mages and worried about her spiritual attack magic. If spiritual attack magic isn’t controlled well, it was easy for the user to turn their opponents into fools. Princess Aslan knew that problem herself, and in order to avoid any accidents, she went to the art school, Antoinette Academy. Olsylvia Academy next door often had sparring competitions, which were unsuitable for her.

Bella wanted to take Princess Aslan as her proxy not only because she had “more” in the chest department than the other beauties. Based on the information she knew, Princess Aslan was quite ambitious and wanted to become Queen. The Aldridge Empire’s Emperor found out about the high ambitions of this daughter of his and was worried that she would threaten the positions of his princes, and that was why he was in such a rush to marry her off to the business association’s Young Master Carlos. Once she was married, she wouldn’t cause any more trouble.

But the Emperor was too naive. Bella always had the interest in screwing things over. She planned to take control of the eastern nation of Arcana, the magical kingdom of the Aldridge Empire, after she had full control of the central Manasvir Empire. Princess Aslan was definitely the best candidate without a doubt. She was ambitious but also in desperate need of a strong backer. This type of person was most likely to be tempted to fall under the Demon King’s flag. Even if Bella didn’t make any moves, Princess Aslan will still likely be drawn towards the old Twelve Demon Kings.

In that case, why doesn’t she just let Princess Aslan fall into her arms instead? Bella was a Demon God after all, and the benefits she could obtain from serving a Demon God would definitely be better than a Demon King. The contract signing ceremony which should have been sacred had become a little less than due to Princess Aslan’s current nude state. The ceremony wasn’t very complicated. Unlike the Demon Kings, if a beautiful human maiden was to plead allegiance to a Demon God, they need only kiss the back of the Demon God’s outstretched hand just like the hand kissing traditions of Earth’s western world.

Princess Aslan was now in a state where she couldn’t move so she had no ability to refuse wherever Bella requested her to kiss. While being held by Bella, Aslan lowered her head and kissed the back of Bella’s right hand, considering this to be the end of the pledging ceremony. After the kiss was complete, a special mark signifying a dependent of Sacred Demon God Samantha appeared on Princess Aslan’s forehead. The marks of each Demon God and Evil God of the World Destructors’ Camp was different, and each dependent can serve only a single master.

In order to change masters, it would require the communication and consultation of two Demon God or Evil Gods before it can be done. The Demon God’s mark bears great significance. With it, even a Demon King would not dare try to cause trouble with a Demon God’s dependent. The Sacred Demon God mark that Princess Aslan obtained was equivalent to wearing a protective amulet.

“Mistress Demon God, do you require me to change into a maid uniform?”

“Aslan, I think you should stick with calling me Bella. You don’t have to call me by title. It would be a waste for you to wear a maid uniform. You’re a princess, how could I possibly use you as a maid!”

After signing the contract, Aslan was no longer nervous and her strength had returned. However, without the permission of her mistress, she really didn’t dare to go looking for clothes on her own. She could only allow Bella to hold and admire in her nude state. The power brought on by the Demon God’s contract did not take effect immediately. It would take time for it to happen.

Bella changed Aslan into the formal dress of a princess of the Aldridge Empire. Bella had seen it a few times so it didn’t take much effort to put it on her. The formal dresses of the magic empire’s princesses were gorgeous and often adorned with all sorts of gemstones that looked very beautiful. Only a mage would dare to dress so flamboyantly. If it were any ordinary princess, who knows when they would get robbed?

After changing into an aqua princess dress, Princess Aslan looked particularly charming. While Bella was helping her change, she also measured her three sizes. Once she had the time, she would definitely make some lingerie that fit her. The current underwear that Princess Aslan was wearing was the wrong size.

After changing, Bella took Princess Aslan and went to clean up the pervert group that was out causing trouble in the villa area. The “Dark Devourer” she sent off to clean up earlier discovered one of their important rendezvous points and reported it to his master Bella. As the opponent was not one that could be dealt with in one blow, the “Dark Devourer” worried that he would mistakenly injure Bella’s “prey” and could only send a message to its master and await Bella’s decision.

Bella walked to the dead Mutant Holy Beast Golden Manticore’s corpse. The core of a Golden Manticore was in its head, and her “Demon God’s Finger” had already crushed the core along with its head. It was no longer possible to recycle the core. Bella looked at the ambusher that was crushed underneath. It seemed to be wearing the clothes of an Evil Spirit Curse Master and a special pentagram could vaguely be seen on his sleeves.

“Aslan, do you recognize this symbol?”

“Bella, that should be a Demon Pentagon, which is the emblem of the Gates of Darkness. But this place isn’t their area of influence. Logically, this mark shouldn’t appear here.”

The Demon Pentagon was the symbol of the Gates of Darkness, which was one of the organizations from Alessandra Academy for the Foreign Races next door, similar to the societies of Olsylvia Academy. Antoinette Academy was just an art school without such rigid systems as societies or organizations, so certain organizations of Alessandra Academy took this opportunity to reach in this way. Compared to Olsylvia Academy, which had strong societies, invading Antoinette Academy, which was full of art students, was clearly the better choice.

This had already evolved into a secret war involving the three academies, and Bella was now representing Olsylvia Academy. She casually threw fire magic down and used the blue Netherworld flames to burn up the corpse of the Golden Manticore and its summoner. It was better for Mutant Holy Beast corpses such as this one to not appear in their world, otherwise it would cause a lot of unnecessary panic.

Mutant Holy Beasts could also be summoned to battle after meeting certain more harsher contract conditions, they just cost quite a bit. The Gates of Darkness on the other side had clearly spent quite a lot to summon this Golden Manticore but it seems like their grudge remains unresolved. After the Golden Manticore was dealt with, Bella followed the information given to her by the Dark Devourer over to a relatively secluded underground entrance around Princess Aslan’s villa, which was the underground cellar where the wine is stored.

The wealthy in this dimensional other world built such basements in their villas to store their wine and treasures. However, some of them, such as Bella and her “gentlemanly peers” would built special erotic cellars and do all sorts of evil and ero things in there.

This cellar is where Princess Aslan stores her sundries and alcohol. Bella trusted that Princess Aslan would not do bad things in this wine cellar, but she wasn’t so sure about anyone else. At the entrance of the cellar was an invisible dark array, and Bella was able to sense it as soon as she reached the entrance.

Such special dark arrays had the ability to alarm their caster automatically. Bella didn’t just rush up to it and touch the dark array with her hands. Instead, she took out a human skin mask she seized and put it on her face, instantly “downgrading” her beauty to just an ordinary level. Unless the other party was all girls, Bella didn’t really like having boys see her true appearance.

“Mistress Bella, this wine cellar is my...”

“It’s best that you don’t enter, Aslan. Help me watch the entrance. I know this is a wine cellar, but the guys inside have probably forgotten that a long time ago.”

Bella’s right hand transformed into the Demon God’s Claw. With a light slash over the array, it instantly cut a large gap into it with the blade-like tips. In front of a Demon God, this level of darkness was not enough to be feared. After breaking the boundary, Bella quietly moved down into the wine cellar. There was still a large set of stone steps between the entrance and the underground wine cellar. Wine cellars of wealthy families were often built very deeply due to the rumors that say that the deeper wine is stored, the more delicious it becomes.

From on top of the steps, Bella saw a large number of mixed footprints from both humans and Demonic Beasts. The Gates of Darkness were not all of exotic races, there were many humans too. The Alessandra Academy for the Foreign Races next door may be called a foreign race academy in name, but many human students could easily enter the academy through special channels. As for the goals of the humans who enter that academy, nobody knows. But it would not be for any good reasons anyway.

Bella stopped in front of the dusty door of the wine cellar. She could hear the sound of chains rubbing against the ground inside. Sure enough, the wine cellar had been “revamped”. Even though the stone door of the wine cellar was tightly sealed, it was no trouble for Bella. Bella took off her black eye patch and looked straight at the sealed stone door with her scarlet eye. Under her gaze, the stone door disappeared in an instant and turned invisible, allowing her to see everything clearly inside the wine cellar.

As she was discovering the abilities of a Demon God, Bella began to suspect that the World Destructors’ Demon Gods and Evil Gods were all deeply closeted “erotic gentlewomen”. From having hands that caused girls to feel sensitive over, eyes with the ability to see through objects, and the Demon God’s language that can be used to hypnotize others, all of these were “sacred techniques” that were passed down from film sets. Bella hadn’t realized till now that her suspicions were completely correct. The World Destructors’ Demon Gods and Evil Gods really are “experienced gentlewomen” just like her. Only, Demon God Angel and Evil God Mia were just hiding a lot of truths from her for the time being.

The underground wine cellar had already been changed and the wine barrels had been opened and their wine consumed. Several fierce-looking Evil Spirit Curse Masters were sitting around a blue bonfire and enjoying a barbecue. Due to them practicing the most vicious of evil spells, Evil Spirit Curse Masters would be devoured by their evil spells to some extent as they trained. No matter how handsome they were in the past, their faces would still degrade to such a terrifying and fierce appearance. This was a bit of heaven’s judgment. Other than the change in their appearance, even their bodies changed so it was a little far-fetched to call them human beings still.

In addition to the Evil Spirit Curse Masters, there were also a dozen beautiful maidens in the nude within the dark underground cellar. They were Princess Aslan’s battle maids who had mysteriously disappeared previously. The black and white uniforms worn by these beautiful girls have long been stripped off and black metallic collars were now placed around their necks with thick black chains attached to them, securing them to the pillars.

There were black metallic balls gagging the mouths of the maids and a black blindfold over their eyes. Special spiked gauntlets were worn over key points such as their hands and feet so that they were unable to muster any strength. They were forced to sprawl on the ground, shivering. A huge Mutant Holy Beast could be seen wandering about at the center of the maids, the Blackback Ape. This guy was among the three Mutant Holy Beasts that Bella had defeated, but she didn’t expect it to be summoned by the Gates of Darkness as well.

The Blackback Ape had intelligence. Watching the battle maids, it would slap them as punishment if any of them dared to be unruly. Red hand prints could be seen on the fair backs of many of the maids, clearly the handiwork of this perverted Blackback Ape. Who knows if someone taught this Mutant Holy Beast to do this or was this out of its own natural talents, but the force of each slap was just right, not allowing the other party to get hurt, but enough to give them a great sense of humiliation.

Many of the maids had been slapped until their faces and ears were red and their bodies began to react. Although their legs were clamped together, strange water stains could still be seen on the floor. They shed tears of humiliation, but there was nothing they could do about it. After each maid was captured, they were dunked into a large amount of fine wine in this underground wine cellar and were now in a half-drunken state. This caused their consciousness to blur, and if it wasn’t for the cold air and cold floors of the wine cellar, which were constant reminders of their current situation, many of the maids would long have exposed their true natures.

These Evil Spirit Curse Masters really do know how to enjoy themselves. Barbecuing meat and enjoying fine wine as they enjoyed the lovely music of hand beating against flesh, even Bella had not experienced such a thing. She also discovered a secret entrance just below the wine cellar. Turns out the central dormitory area of the Antoinette Academy has already been penetrated by the Gates of Darkness.

Taking advantage of the fact that the villas of wealthy students usually had the preference of building deep underground cellars, the Gate of Darkness managed to build a very deep underground system in the central dormitory area. The campus guards above ground never detected this group of perverts that had been assaulting the girls because they had all hidden underground. It could only be said that the wealthy students themselves did not put up enough of a guard and let others take advantage of this security loophole. Bella only confirmed that the central dormitory area’s underground was under the control of the Gates of Darkness. Whether or not the other four zones in each direction were infiltrated in this way was still unclear.

Bella had no intention of destroying this secret passageway. She was a bad person too, and she could barely be considered a peer of these people who built it. Instead of destroying it, Bella would rather take control of the secret passages to use herself. The Evil Spirit Curse Masters had not realized that they were in trouble and were about to be “friendly-fired” by someone else. They were still sipping on their wine and discussing all sorts of wicked topics.

“Why hasn’t that guy with the Golden Manticore come back yet? He can’t be getting his hands on Aslan and those girls first cause of how pretty they are, can he?

“Who cares? Not like there are no women here. It’s fine as long as he remembers to come back after he’s had his fun and confirm the completion of the mission. Right, those guys on top said that we can do whatever we please with these ladies. I think we should use them as experimental material.”

“There’s a bunch of experiment materials there, I think we should...”

Before the Evil Spirit Curse Master could finish, he froze in place. Under the surprised eyes of his companions, he slowly fell to the ground with a bloody hole through his chest. When the Evil Spirit Curse Masters turned over, they saw a beautiful black-haired girl wearing a black and white maid’s outfit. She had a pair of gold and red heterochromatic eyes and her finger was pointing toward the direction of the fallen Evil Spirit Curse Master.

“Heterochromatic eyes, this guy is a monster... Where’s the Holy Beast? Go and stop that monster!”

“Hm? Aren’t you guys getting things wrong? Clearly you’re the monsters here, how rude of you to call other people monsters. That black ape of yours is in dreamland and you’ll be joining it soon as well.”

It was only after Bella mentioned it that the Evil Spirit Curse Masters discovered that their SS-rank Mutant Holy Beast, Blackback Ape, had somehow been killed instantly by this terrifying black-haired heterochromatic-eyed beauty. The Blackback Ape was unmoving while its upper half was completely blown apart, leaving behind only its lower body standing frozen on the ground. The ambusher attacked with great artistry, straight out blasting off the flesh and blood off of the Blackback Ape and using its skin to line the wall of the underground wine cellar without allowing the highly poisonous blood of the Mutant Holy Beast to splash onto the nearby maids, who were without any protection over their bodies.

To have the strength to kill off an SS-rank Mutant Holy Beast Blackback Ape without any noise, she could no longer be described as an ordinary monster. In the eyes of the Evil Spirit Curse Masters, Bella had already become an existence even more terrifying than the Blackback Ape. Some of the Evil Spirit Curse Masters wanted to escape, but unfortunately, Bella’s killing intent had locked onto all of them. They would die if they ran, so they might as well stay and make a last stand.

“Monster! I’ll kill you! Come out, my servant!”

“Get her! She’s just bluffing! She already used up all her power when she killed that Mutant Holy Beast! She has no more energy now!”

“Too naive. You can end your performance now.”

With a light twisting motion of her fingers, a transparent spiral of air curled up, turning all her opponents to powder in seconds.

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