In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park

Chapter 41 Back Up Is Here?

Even though the building collapsed with the man inside, nothing touched the man.

The piles of rubble all deflected away, leaving an open ring around him.

The young-looking man looked at the life pendant in his hand and grew gloomier.


Who would dare touch a person from his sect? Could it be one of those pesky righteous sects?



The man quickly punched a pile of rubble beside him, instantly turning it to dust.

His killing intent was so high that those around him shivered and subconsciously knelt before him, daring not to meet his eye.

Nonetheless, amidst the fear came tremendous respect and awe.

The stringer their master was, the greater the rewards they would get, living in his glory.

Who wouldn\'t want that?

As expected, their leader was mighty!

And while many stood at the side shivering, the man\'s most trusted aides and guards didn\'t even flinch, watching everything as if it was nothing.


The handsome man who looked like he was still 18 was actually over 823 years old.

He was the 25th Supreme Leader of Black Valley and had incredible strength equivalent to the Emperor of Yanging.

That\'s right.

He was currently a Yanging person at the 12th Dan of the Spirit Realm.

Meaning that after the 13th Dan, he would get his tribulations and ascend should he succeed.

He was the 25th appointed supreme leader that controlled all Black Valley sects and branches.

Not long ago, they did try to expand their influence and open several branches within the Tah and Bailong Provinces.

But what was the result?

He found that the sect leaders and many elders within one of the sect branches there had their life pendants broken all in one night.

So how could he not get pissed off?

The thing that annoyed him the most was that this sort of thing happened within the Tah province.

Who didn\'t know that among the :3 provinces, that one was the weakest?

6/10th of those who ascended came from Yanging Province, while 3/10th came from Bailong Province... And lastly, the Tah province could only get a measly 1/10th.

Yes, all areas within the lower realm were desolate.

But the Tah province was the most desolate, qi-lacking of all.

In the eyes of others, they were the beggars within the lower realm.

So no matter how glorious their sects and lifestyles were, every time they visited other provinces for exchanges, they were constantly reminded of their lowliness.

They were trash!

And it was this fact that annoyed Supreme Leader Luqin even more.

A mere Tah province dared to resist them?

Who gave them the guts?


"Yes, supreme leader!"

"Send someone to the Tah Province to investigate. I want to know which sect is responsible. I want answers, and I want them fast. Now go!"

Luqin looked at the life pendants in his hands and crumbled them into dust.

He would like to see who dared to go against him!


Like so, several days went by in a flash, with many completely infected by God Of War!

"F***! I hate those giant bugs. Do you know that I got killed by them over 6 times now? Ugh… They\'re so annoying!"

"I think you\'re supposed to switch from blades of Chaos to other magical blades in that incident. I used Fire of Ares to pass that stage."

"Bro, why is it so hard for me? No matter what I do, I always end up dying whenever I follow Megaera into the underground dungeon."

"Is it Megaera you guys are talking about? F***! That despicable woman tricked me! When I just got into the dungeon, she appeared out of nowhere and shattered the ground, making me fall onto the floor below. There, I saw her bugs open a prisoner\'s cell and fuse with the poor prisoner, turning him into a disgusting insect man. And before I knew it, they pierced my head, and I died."

"Hahahahahahaha. I remember that part too. I died twice there, but the third time, I was fast to catch their tricks."

"Wait! Have you guys started collecting sacred records now?"

"Eh? Sacred Records? F***! Where did you find them?"

"Within those chests. As usual, I searched and opened a green chest, followed by a red one that replenished my health and upgraded my battle abilities. But it was there that I also discovered a plain-looking chest too. And after opening it, I was shocked to find a sacred Record from a scribe of Hecatonchires. But just when I was happy...."

"Let me guess, Megaera?"

"Yes!.. How did you know? Just when I was swimming in bliss, she appeared behind me and cut both of my arms out, and later cut my head off".

"Hahahhaha. As expected, everyone has a bone to pick with her. She\'s too strong. No wonder she works for Ares and the gods as punishment enforcers."


Along the busy street, 3 men and 2 ladies were steadily advancing in utter confusion. But who were these people?

Well, they were the backup that Bho Su and his friends had urgently sent for the first time they chanced upon the gaming hall.

At the time, they sent word through their Sparrow beasts, which carried it speedily to the Profound Sect.

They prepared for the worst just in case the people behind the gaming hall were hostile.

Funny enough, after experiencing the God Of War world, they had completely forgotten that they sent for backup from their master. And so, their master, Grand Elder Nianzu, was currently helping the sect solve some important matters.

Nonetheless, he would never leave his most favored disciples in a pickle.

That\'s why he sent his most powerful men to aid Bho Su and the rest.

As for these people, the moment they stepped into the town, they heard a few people talking about some strange things, which left them confused.


Underground dungeon?

Fury of Ares?

Just what were these people talking about?

Could it be that there was some sort of underground dungeon nearby?

And dungeons were meant to hold prisoners in them.

So are these people excited about visiting dungeons?

Everything was just all too confusing.


Jima Delu looked at her senior brother deeply: "Senior Goul, do you have any idea about what sort of prisoners could make these people so excited about seeing a dungeon?

I\'m afraid it might be junior Bho Su and the rest."

"No! No one would dare to go against the profound sect so openly."

Senior Ni Long nodded in agreement: "He\'s right. It\'s highly unlikely that they would do such a thing. More so, didn\'t you see the smile and excitement from those who mentioned it? They spoke as if they had some deep grudge against those in that dungeon. And they kept mentioning some Megaera person as well. So It\'s probably some enemy giving them trouble for years now."

"Brother Ni, what you say makes sense. Nonetheless, I think this matter should be investigated properly. It might have something to do with the mysterious Gaming and registration hall that junior Bho Su wrote about. From the message, he said that he hadn\'t entered the gaming hall yet, and had only seen the registration hall. So could these places be the homes belonging to this Megaera person?"

"Sister Lulu, you do have a point. But as of now, we must first locate our junior brothers before we investigate further. They would probably have more information than we do. So we must find them fast."

"Senior Ping is right."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

With that, the group of 5 hastily left the scene in search of their junior brothers.

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