Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 956 956 Mech Era

Chapter 956 Chapter 956 Mech Era

"Well… that turned out quite the meal indeed." Our bored gamer concluded in the aftermath. No more books were seen in the place as it was all devoured to the last one by our very own protagonist.

Clark could feel the unimaginable contents of knowledge that filled his brain at this time.

It was not even an exaggeration to say that no one could ever hope to compete with him in terms of general understanding of the world and beyond.

He has perfect memory and more that even the smartest computer ever to be made would fall far shy from his intellectual brilliance.

This was of course not innate to our good gamer but only a consequence of his system and present cheat.

"Hmmm… It\'s time for me to grind. But before that could happen, I need to get myself some useful funds." Clark planned and that was exactly what he did.

He searched for some penny lying around his room since he emptied his bank account just recently. He did not need much but 5 dollars would suffice him for what he wanted.

"DING!" Thirty minutes later and Clark was successful in acquiring 5 dollars in coins. He studied some data for a few more minutes, went outside, and gambled everything away for one lotto ticket.

The next day, the winning 7 numbers was announced and that was of course no one else but our very own protagonist.

With a math wizard like him, predicting the correct numbers was only a matter of time.

"Now time for phase two." Our bored gamer checked some words off his mental list. He got the money of 100,000,000 dollars the next week and bought himself some properties and raw materials.

Since this was the era where mech soldiers roam supreme, it was only right that he prepared property in order to conquer them easily later on.

Clark purchased some worker robots, tinkered them to his specifications, and let them do all the hard work for him. There was no need for him to do all the labor at all.

"The supreme mech that I\'m making should be fully complete after 100 years more or less. Before that, all I need is to enjoy my time on this mortal world."

Our bored gamer smiled and went on to the usual business of the original owner of this body. And that was exactly the script that he followed.

* *? *

150 long years later and a giant mech robot lorded over trillions in attendance. There was a golden throne that hovered in the sky beside it. It was our bored gamer and his familiar throne of conquest.

It did not need telling that he has already completed what he came here to do. A mortal world was not that much trouble to fix at all. He came and just demolished every resistance that stood his way.

There was no challenge whatsoever.

"Thank you for letting me have this short vacation, partner. It was a rare treat indeed." Clark muttered under his breath.

The heavenly treasure clay brick did not reply and our avid gamer accepted its silence with a knowing smile on his face. He then closed his eyes and awaited the inevitable finish.


Power Systems Conquered: 41/50

The usual thing followed as darkness ate the consciousness of our bored gamer.

This time around, it did not take him long to see a whole new world that was vastly different than his current domain.

* * *

\'I feel like drowning.\' This was our good gamer\'s thought the moment he regained use of his senses. He could not see anything around him but only absolute darkness.

Clark tried to move and he was only successful to a point. He tried anything else but quickly realized that there was nothing to be done here at this point.

Thus, our bored gamer slept once more.

"UWAHHHHH!" Nine months later and a somewhat malnourished baby boy was added unto the population of this world.

"It\'s a demon!" An elderly shouted in alarm.

She was supposed to be the one helping a mother birth her child but she did not hesitate at all in taking a nearby scissors on the side and plunge it upon the skull of the newly born babe.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The mother screamed but since she was too weak because she just gave birth, she was left impotent to do anything at all.

She cried and feared for the worst that could happen.

"PUCHI!" The scissors pierced the wooden walls of this humble home.

"BANG!" A sad figure of an old woman was put as decoration near the door. Her flight was not that punishing and would only incur some minor back pains come the morrow.

But the vision that left her struck like a trapped fly in the corner would follow her until the last breath that she would take on this good planet.

"My son… that\'s enough. Please let her go." The mother pleaded for the old woman.

She could see her newly born child floating gently in the room and his silver hair rising far beyond what gravity allowed.

This unnatural scene would truly arouse anyone\'s fear right then and there but this was no true towards the mother that gave life unto this baby.

"THUD!" The old woman landed on her ass. She did not need any invitation at all as she ran for her life out of this cursed house. But this event did not stop there at all.

"Kill the demon!"

"Vanquish the demon child!"

"We can\'t let it grow or it will spell the doom of us all!" The people in the village made a crusade with torches, machetes, and the like. Alas, they were granted a lasting gift in their efforts.



"CRACK!" Everyone present got their left hands twisted and broken beyond recognition.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" The majority shouted in pain and cried while cradling their broken limb. A few brave men persevered and dashed unto this poor house.

They got rewarded with a broken leg in their efforts. A fresh series of excruciating screaming ensued and no one else dared to enter at that point.

They did not want a severed neck to come plague them the next time. Thus, this event marked our bored gamer\'s first day on this new adventure.

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