Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 772 772 Hung Like A Horse (R-18)

Chapter 772 Chapter 772 Hung Like A Horse (R-18)

After that, he got some bad news to say to Seth Wallace.

"A flame that could melt metal."

"All good and well but did you forget where we are right now?" Jason smiled and his form melted with the wind.

"THUD!" A heavy hand landed on Seth\'s shoulders and that annoying hand freely caressed the flames like it was nothing at all.

This was of course not our op protagonist\'s doing but the magical effect of this grand arena. No student would suffer any scratch at all while inside this place.

"Are you ready for another round of flying?" Jason asked but he did not really want to hear an answer from his opponent.

A half breath later and everyone could see that Seth was once more living amongst the stars. Up there. In full display and thoroughly adored by the eyes of many.

"DING!" A silver light covered the dizzy form of Seth after he got kicked around for the 100th time. He got carried to the back lines of his classmates like what happened to Aliza earlier.

"Wow! Jason is not only handsome but he is also very strong!"

"I love him so much already! I want to bear his children!" The girls went crazy with desire and praise towards our op protagonist.

The same thing could be said towards Miss Graham of course.

\'He\'s the only man for me!\' Miss Graham licked her lips before she went to make another announcement towards her class.

"Let this victory or defeat motivate you to become better."

"The road is long and the future is uncertain."

"Strive to improve every day and I believe that you will become great hunters someday."

"That\'s it for today, class. I will see you all tomorrow." Miss Graham did her pep talk in the end.

"Thank you, Miss Graham!" The class of 30 students replied in one voice and one by one, they exited the arena.

"Stay for a moment, Jason." Miss Graham called gently.

\'I\'m fucked!\' Jason Birth did not have to read his teacher\'s mind to know that something very bad or very good was about to happen at this time.

To judge which one was of course a matter of perspective.

* * *

"Uncle Jack, I need your help in dealing with someone." Seth said to an old man. This was his bodyguard who reached his peak as an A Class Hunter in this lifetime.

Seth wanted to teach our handsome protagonist a lesson and have his payback soon enough.

He knew that with Jason\'s unbelievable speed, he had no chance at all at defeating Jason on his own power.

"If you\'re asking for me to take care of your classmate named Jason Birth then i cannot help, boy."

"You won\'t grow without a goal. Let this Jason Birth serve as your challenge. Else you can never catch up with your older brother."

Jack replied and the mere mention of a brother brought about the flames of hatred from inside Seth\'s eyes.

"I understand, Uncle Jack." Seth closed his eyes and in a second, he once again wore the unfeeling and arrogant mask on his face.

* * *

While everything else was happening around the globe, our op protagonist was facing something volatile at this time.

He was left in the magical arena together with his beautiful teacher. If this was before Jason met Angel then there was no doubt that he would have been thrilled like crazy.

Unfortunately, he already has a girlfriend today which made things extremely difficult for him. It did not need telling that Jason Birth wanted to remain faithful to his beloved pair.

"What is it, Miss Graham?" Jason asked. He could not take how his sexy teacher was looking at him like he was going to be swallowed whole at any moment.

"I want you, Jason." Miss Graham was direct in her answer.

"B-but I have a girlfriend, Miss Graham. And you\'re my teacher. You can\'t be serious. Yes, this must be a good joke! HA! HA! HA!"

Jason Birth tried to make light of his teacher\'s confession but alas, his laugh sounded forced and awkward.

"Oh? Angel Papia, yes? She\'s a great catch. But nobody said that a man can only have one girlfriend. Let me also join in the fun, Jason."

Miss Graham smiled and slowly walked closer to her prey.

"Miss Papia! This is not right!" Our op protagonist shouted and mirrored the steps of his teacher.

But instead of coming closer, Jason Birth moved back until there was no way to go but the closed door behind him.

He turned around quickly and tried to pry the exit open. Unfortunately, the doors remained tightly locked.

"Miss Graham...!" Jason faced his hunter and was shocked to see that the lovely teacher was only clad in her last tiny garments. She was thick but perfect in all places.

\'I\'m fucked!\' Jason admitted to himself. With how smart he was, he could think of a million different ways to escape this dilemma.

It was only sad to see that his little brother was doing all the thinking for him.

They say that with great power comes great responsibility and having op powers was prone to corrupt someone. And this was exactly how Jason Birth felt at this time.

He wanted to taste the forbidden fruit and an irresistible urge whispered at the core of his manhood.

"I can see that you\'re feeling good down there, Jason." Miss Graham teased.

Her eyes roamed at the jeans of our op protagonist, specifically at the huge bulge that molded the epic monster that hid beneath its surface.

"Why don\'t I make you feel even better?" Miss Graham continued and without ado, kneeled before our very own protagonist.

"ZIP!" The jeans and boxers went down and what was left was a giant eye catcher upon any human female on this planet.

\'He\'s hung like a horse!\' Miss Graham took a deep breath as he saw the mighty sword that would soon pierce her tight depths. A second more and she began to do a different kind of job.

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