Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 209 209 Notorious Clay Brick!

Chapter 209 Chapter 209 Notorious Clay Brick!

Valeria shouted in alarm and was about to approach her father in a blink of an eye. Alas, her agile form stopped in midair because of the advent of something that she could not dare defy.

"TAP!" The clock moved again and the distortion brought about 2 newcomers in the field.

All along, Valeria was strung in the open air as even the ability to make a squeak was taken out from her at the moment. But that did not mean at all that she was struck dumb in place.

Far from that in fact. Valeria used her divine sense to ascertain the identities of the 2 unexpected visitors. They were both men.

One wore a beggar\'s clothing with a dirty face and an almost emaciated appearance. Sickly looking and had a bowed back on him.

While the other man seemed to grace the land with his mere presence alone.

This second person looked like a king and ruler of all as his guise was complete with all the aspects of royalty.

He wore a golden crown and held a brilliant scepter on hand plus a majestic cape to hold a regal visage unto every lucky spectator around him.

Alas, it was sad to say that only Valeria was privy to their visit because time and space has already been locked from any prying eyes unto this particular mortal lands.

"You were careless, brother." The magnificent man spoke first. He was walking slowly towards Valeria\'s father but the speed that he traveled contrasted to his very motion.

The man bridged the gap of a million miles in just 3 steps alone.

From this data, one could only surmise how big the battle had been between the ninja clan wars that were headed by the father and daughter pair.

Unfortunately for the dead, no one was left to mourn and remember the memories of their adventurous life.

"Typical. Changes, you never learn, do you?" The beggar mocked but he too followed the tracks of the magnificent man.

In a breath, the 2 of them were already a step away from the bleeding Elder God.

"Order. Chaos. My good brothers. It is nice to finally see you again! I can\'t remember the last time we got together like this. HAHAHA!"

Elder God Changes, the title of the culprit behind our bored gamer\'s plight, replied to his guests and laughed merrily in place.

A drop of blood fell to his feet and an amazing thing happened in a flash. The barren earths destroyed by the war was turned into a heavenly domain in an instant.

Flowers, plants, and trees sprouted from the ground up and from their fragrance and appearance alone, it could be seen that they were not pretty ordinary things indeed.

Even in the Divine Realm, this mass of life could be considered one of the rarest treasures any cultivator could possess.

Every single one of them was brimming with absolute power and vitality.

"You are one to jest, Changes. I don\'t believe that you even have any more eyes to see at the moment." The beggar commented and stamped his feet once on the ground.

"BANG!" A mini earthquake occurred and the rich and abundant energy that continued to spread in this mortal world began to die down.

In but mere seconds, so did the flora and all the living things that had been brought about by that single drop of blood by an Elder God vanished to nihility.

They became rotten and the fresh scent transformed into something pretty much revolting in the aftermath.

The beggar did not think it wise to bless a mortal world with something that was also considered much too precious even in the Divine Realm.

It would only bring conflict and yes, death in the countless.

"It will heal in time, Brother Chaos." Elder God Changes still smiled.

Alas, he did not hug his brothers nor the others did the same simply because he knew that it was truly impossible to do right now.

He got more than a mere wound to show from his curiosity on that ordinary looking clay brick. The Elder God was cursed!

"How much time do you need in order to get rid of that affliction, Changes?" The magnificent man asked.

"Not much. About a thousand years or so, brother." Elder God Changes replied to the magnificent man. This could only be the Elder God of Order in his front.

With the trinity of them combined, this was a reunion of the first and oldest Souls in existence in this part of Creation. A dimension that birthed only these three since time immemorial.

The original consciousness in the void.

"We should just get rid of all the worlds you created and the mortals that it birthed, brothers. They bring only calamity in our midst!" The Elder God of Chaos said in a grave voice.

They were fine before with just the three of them. But in their search for meaning and marvel at their own abilities, they introduced the advent of mortal kind into reality.

A perfect being that totally inherited all their features.

A little soul that has a tendency for good and evil but more than that, a small existence that has the chance to change in one way or another.

"HAHAHA! I seem to recall that you were also one with us in the planning and conception of our children, Chaos." Elder God of Changes continued to show joy in their midst.

Among them three, he was the only one who could laugh easily with them. Chaos and Order were extremely rigid in their ways.

Perhaps it was in their nature to be serious all the time and remain taciturn in their ways. Only the Elder God of Changes was maybe prone to laughter in contrast.

"One that I regret for eons already." Elder God Chaos shook his head in dismay. A breath of silence passed amongst them until another broke a more important topic in the open.

"Tell me about that Taboo Artifact. How come the Heavenly Laws are not restricting such a thing to exist in this realm?" Elder God Order asked out loud.

"I was wondering about that also. I have no doubt that that thing is at the same level of the 5 Forbidden Zones of the Divine Realm. Perhaps even more dangerous than the 5.

But it seems like the heavens are silent and content to watch still at this time. I wonder why." Elder God Changes mused.

There were Taboo Artifacts that were too strong for anyone to possess.

The natural tendency was for the Heavenly Tribulation to fall unto these things which was what happened in the 5 Forbidden Zones.

These absolute peril just came to be and even the 3 Elder Gods could not enter and pierce unto the mystery behind them. Not for the lack of trying of course.

They all tried together and every time, only failure met their efforts. Thus, the 3 termed these things or places as something as Taboo.

So taboo that not even them could touch or get to know the origin of such things.

"What are you planning to do now, Changes? You can\'t allow for that boy to master that Taboo Item. Else, i can only foresee a bad ending for you and your House." Elder God Chaos said.

It was easy for him to know the ins and outs of the relationship between Changes and the boy. In his opinion, playing with boredom was a risky thing indeed.

This was why Chaos would just as simply kill and murder in order to end his troubles swiftly.

He even wanted to end everything and return them all back to destruction and pandemonium like the way things were before for them three.

When they were still young and all alone out there in the void.

"I don\'t think i have the power to do anything, brother. I cannot even take my Soul Fragment back from the boy." Elder God Changes shook his head in reply.

"Think ahead. Get his family while he is still weak and hasn\'t taken full control of that Taboo Artifact just yet." It was Elder God Chaos who suggested such a scheme.

"Pathetic! You would stoop so low as to hostage a mortal\'s loved ones?! I say not. It is better to mend any broken bridges between you and that boy, Changes.

You know that we have no ability to resist anything of Taboo. Only the Heavenly Laws could do that just as we are also limited by the same restriction of these very laws."

Elder God Order gave another proposal into the fray.

Although the three of them have created both the Divine Realm and the Mortal Realm alongside the countless of worlds inside them, they really could not deny the truth that was caged within a finite space in creation.

Even if the cosmos was vast but it was not by any means unlimited in scope. The Heavenly Laws was really above and beyond what any of the 3 Elder Gods could imagine.

Separate or otherwise.

"I have already attempted to secure one of the boy\'s family members." The Elder God of Change reported which got a smile and a nod from his brother Chaos.

On the other hand, a frown could be seen hanging on the kingly face of Elder God Order. It did not need telling that he was very disappointed with this action.

Nevertheless, what was done was done and it was more important to live with the outcome. They were true brothers after all.

"So where is the mortal now?" Thus Elder God Order could only say. There were a few breaths of pause before this question was answered in the next moment.

Elder God Changes raised his left hand and it could be seen that there were a few fingers missing from them.

"I failed."

A long silence pervaded in the scene and it would take an even longer time for one to say another word henceforth.

* * *

Inside the Demonic Sword Sect original location, a handsome young man was laughing his heart out at this moment.

Although he had no idea what happened amongst the brothers of 3 Elder Gods but that did not matter much for him at the moment.

He was more focused on what was happening right before his very eyes. The clay brick was finally giving a reaction. It was eerily shining on his palms.

"Time to give me a surprise, greedy clay brick!" This young man was of course none other than our bored gamer.

He took another health potion and poured the contents directly on the clay brick\'s smooth surface.

"Are you finally ready to tell me your secret, my dear clay br..." Clark grinned wildly. Alas, he did not expect what happened after this last and final health potion emptied unto the clay brick.

Our bored gamer did not even complete his words because of this.

"TOP!" The clay brick leaped from his palms and unto his open mouth.

\'WHAT?!\' Clark was stunned in place. He was gasping for air but found none. Normally, cultivators could breath in the sea and live without air. But not this time.

\'FUCK ME! Is this how I\'m going to die for real? By way of choking on a damned clay brick?!\'

\'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!\' This was our bored gamer\'s last thoughts before he passed out on his bed.

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