Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 198 198 A Short Vacation

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 A Short Vacation

\'Let\'s see where i go from here.\' Clark thought as he tried to fathom his next destination.

The last time he took a trip with his Soul Fragment, he ended up getting obliterated by the natural defense mechanism of heavenly tribulations.

As such, there was really a partition of dimensions in this vast picture of Creation. Of course our bored gamer was not planning on dying yet again.

He will just stay within the boundaries of this Mortal Realm and never go back in accessing that road less traveled by that had him eating bolts of lightning in the face and turning him into grey ashes in the end.

\'No, no, no. Never again!\' Clark shook his head in denial of that turbid outcome once more.

\'Should i go to a zombie world for a change?\' Our good gamer mused inside as he pierced the veil between realms. There were a myriad of worlds to choose from.

A zerg infested realm, an era of gundams, battleship wars, evolvers, and there was even a realm where Spiritual Qi was the prevalent source of power.

\'Wow! Never had I imagined that the realms of this Mortal Realm are this big! There are even ninja clans and fruit giving abilities in some places.

Is there where the ideas of Naruto and One Piece came about?\' Clark wondered in silence as he laid in shock in how he had vastly underestimated this Mortal Realm.

The power systems of each realm was also complete as they had their corresponding 10 Cultivation Stages in reaching Immortality.

\'Before i choose a place, let me try searching for my home world once again.\'

Clark\'s eyes blossomed to a blinding light while he willed himself to hang unto hope for the second time around. The first time he did this, he found no gains whatsoever.

But a man like our bored gamer could be stubborn when he needed to and he was showing this great quality of his once again.

Hours passed already but he felt like only a second had passed him by. Still Clark persevered and searched every nook and cranny of this Mortal Realm.

He took 3 days and 3 nights this time around before he had finally finished scrutinizing what he could in the epic grand design of this Mortal Realm.

Alas, he found nothing in the end. There was no hint of where Earth could be and it would be a lie to say that this empty discovery has not at all disheartened our bored gamer.

It did for at least a little bit. Other than that, his fighting spirit still soared to the heavens because he was not willing to give up anything just yet.

"I will find you all someday!" Clark said with absolute determination. He sighed deeply and was about to choose a world at random.

He knew that he really could not do much in his Soul Fragment State. At best, Clark could only stick to a person and use that as a vessel to get the power of faith unto himself.

But knowing that he was not a god in the first place, such things was only a useless exercise for him to do.

\'Maybe i could only get some sightseeing in this form and perhaps spy on some fairy beauties that are taking their private baths alone. Hehehe.\'

Some unbidden thoughts came at our avid gamer\'s mind and this was only him always looking on the bright side of things.

Being negative did no good whatsoever and thus, the best way to look at life was always to fight with every adversity head on.

Sulking over something he can\'t change and sucking his thumb in helplessness was never the style of our bored gamer.

"Here I come, new worlds and lovely naked ladies!" Clark roared in his Soul Fragment Form and spent his days doing exactly like he said he would.

This short interlude was truly very memorable unto our bored gamer. He enjoyed the experience quite immensely indeed.

* * *

Four days quickly passed and it was finally time for Gu Wenren\'s return. At this time, Clark was alone as usual inside his room as he tried to tally what he had discovered in his brief vacation.

\'Hmmm... Just peeking from afar and getting near them using my Soul Fragment is truly different.

I could smell them pretty much and that has made all the difference in the world indeed!\'

Some perverted thoughts ran in Clark\'s mind while assessing what he learned so far using his Soul Fragment.

\'I could really attach myself like the gods and goddesses can do to mortals. But other than that, I have absolutely no abilities to boast of, save perhaps running and flying around like a ghost.

Hmmm... I wonder how that Freaky Lady would have let me defeat that fucking Elder God when i could barely do anything in my Soul Fragment Form.\'

Our bored gamer wondered at this curious thing at this time.

He assumed that he could possess a human being or a cultivator at best in order to climb the ladders of strength once more but it was a great disappointment when he found out that he could not.

In the end, what better way to get this kind of information but directly from the source?

\'Are you there, Freaky Lady?\' Clark called for his long time silent friend slash enemy. He did not dare lay his guard down because he knew how unpredictable this lady truly was.

\'It seems that you have need of my service, child. How typical.\'

There was humor in the Freaky Lady\'s voice at this time and our bored gamer took this as a great sign in what he wanted to ask from her.

\'You appear to be an accomplished mind reader, Freaky Lady. Why don\'t you tell me what i want?\' Clark tested the waters out.

\'...\' And then there was silence. The Freaky Lady has chosen to use the fifth amendment.

"FUCK ME!" Clark cursed out loud but did not let his feelings ruin this moment.

\'Okay, you win. I want to know how you were planning on getting me revenge towards that fucking Elder God over my head.

I know for a fact that Soul Fragments can never take body possession of any living thing. Human or otherwise.\' Clark asked towards the Freaky Lady. A beat passed and then a second.

Our avid gamer feared that the Freaky Lady would just leave him hanging and just outright ignore him right then and there but alas, her usual cold voice rang when the third breath arrived.

\'The answer is already in your words, child.\' The Freaky Lady replied and it has all but made our bored gamer pause in consequence.

\'So that\'s it, huh? Hmmm... Interesting! Thank you so much for your help, Freaky Lady!\'

Clark did not forget to say his thanks even though he knew that the lady on the other side of the phone certainly had a hidden agenda in mind.

Like tempting him to try once more into that sea of lightning on the Freaky Lady\'s home dimension.

\'Should I go or should I not?\' Our bored gamer asked himself as he wanted to gauge how much more pain he was willing to undertake in order to see his family once again.

He realized that he would have to create dozens, if not millions of Soul Fragments since he had anticipated quite clearly that he would fail over and over in this endeavor.

Even an Elder God Tier like the Freaky Lady fell to her poor state right now. How much more him who was only a tiny fraction of whatever power Elder Gods had in their possession.

And to think that his Soul Fragment seemed so paltry in comparison to Clark\'s true body. The future was bleak indeed.


\'This thing can wait. Let me think about it more clearly after tonight.\' Clark smiled and wished to drag the time forwards.

He wanted to see Gu Wenren so much so that he could finally claim his reward for his good deeds.

"Wait! Why didn\'t i think of that in the first place?" Our good gamer tapped his head lightly and almost burst out in laughter afterwards.

It was fortunate that he held himself in check as he could not anymore wait to see his soon to be wife Gu Wenren.

"Let\'s do this!" Clark whispered and heralded a miracle of sorts. Time stagnated in full before it turned faster than it normally did. In a blink of an eye, 12 hours has gone by in just a span of a breath.

"And here she comes."


A woman appeared to break from her void travel just like Clark predicted she would and before she could say anything else, our bored gamer uttered the first words in the conversation.

"How does it feel to have the whole world in your hands, my dearest Gu Wenren?" Our very own protagonist asked and then stood up to greet his wife properly.

The night was young and it would only get exciting with one hot woman and a handsome man alone in the privacy of this room.

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