The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



WULFRIC was in a very low mood. He entered the capital less than an hour ago, feeling all excited, thinking that he could finally see Aster. He travelled at the fastest speed his spacecraft allowed, even going through a number of space warp to make his travel even faster. Because of that, he arrived at the capital star in less than a week.

Of course, this kind of travelling speed was only possible because of his SSS class level physique. If it was an ordinary person with an ordinary physique, they would have already collapsed after entering a space warp for two consecutive times. But that wasn\'t the case for him.

His body could handle a maximum of 10 consecutive space warps without collapsing. That\'s why he was able to arrive at the capital star in such a short period.

But who would have thought that the moment he entered the capital, the first thing he would see was Aster\'s billboard? And it was even the one where he was sitting on a velvet chair, wearing a partially unbuttoned white top, and looking straight at the camera while showing a smirk that looked as if he was seducing people. And that wasn\'t enough! That unbuttoned white top was clearly showing a white expanse of his chest.

Before Wulfric could recover from that, he saw another billboard just a few minutes later. This time, Aster was standing on the beach, playing with the waves and smiling brightly at the camera. It\'s like there\'s a halo around him and one couldn\'t help but think, \'who is this angel?\'.

As Wulfric made his way to the Aster\'s apartment building, he saw more and more of these billboards. By the time he arrived here, a low pressure was already surrounding him.

Honestly, he wanted to take down all those billboards, especially the ones that made Aster looked provocative. And he could easily do it too. Just one call from him and all those billboards could be taken down right this instant. But deep down, he also knew that he shouldn\'t.

On his way here, he thoroughly checked how that advertisement video of Aster came to life and discovered that it was from a luxury brand called EMMA. Which he then discovered was currently owned by Cassius Grimaldi.

From the information he received, the other was the one who chose Aster as the new ambassador of their upcoming perfume line. Something that was opposed by the majority of EMMA\'s executives. Which was idiotic, by the way. They should be thankful that Aster would be the one advertising their perfume.

Anyway, after Aster passed some test, they begrudgingly let him be their new ambassador. But not without putting forward their own condition. When he read those conditions, he seriously wanted to punch everyone who agreed to it. Like, they didn\'t have any right to insult Aster like that.

But, of course, Aster proved them all wrong by shooting that advertisement video that trended for a day, which no doubt helped in the sales of that perfume. See how great Aster was?

And it\'s because of this that Wulfric didn\'t dare to have those billboards taken down. Because he knew how hard Aster worked to even have the opportunity to get that ambassadorship. If he did anything to sabotage that, Aster would definitely be angry with him.

This was the same reason why he couldn\'t just spend money to let the other star in movies and dramas until he became a top star worthy of his talent. Because Aster would definitely hate him if he did. So, he never tried to meddle with Aster\'s work. Unless, of course, it involved defending the other from any malicious rumors or assholes who had nothing better to do. But when it came to Aster\'s career move, he decided to never, ever intervene.

That and his current mood were totally different things, though. Even if he understood everything, he still couldn\'t help but be annoyed. That\'s only natural, right?

What our dear Wulf didn\'t know was that there was nothing \'natural\' about what he\'s feeling right now. After all, he and Astrid didn\'t have that kind of relationship.

Wulfric just sighed and walked towards the apartment building. The moment he stood, the entrance automatically opened. Which meant that the security system acknowledged that he was one of the residents of the building by scanning his biometrics. And it\'s not wrong.

Because he was now the occupant of the top floor, which had just finished its renovation and was now transformed into a suite. And oh, he was also the legal owner of this whole building.

He was planning to surprise Aster. That\'s why he didn\'t tell the other that he was coming to the capital. He wondered which one he would be more surprised, that he\'s here at the capital, or that they had now become neighbors?

Either way, he couldn\'t wait to see the other again.


"I\'ll go ahead, Sister Ellis," Astrid said as the car stopped in front of his apartment building.

"Yes. Take a good rest," Ellis responded.

Astrid then got off of the car. He waved one last time to his agent before walking towards the building. He\'s so tired that he only wanted to lie on his bed right now and sleep. He would just check all the topics and articles related to the launch party tomorrow.

After entering, he rode the elevator and got off at the 20th floor. As he was walking, he stopped mid-way when he saw a figure leaning on the wall beside his door. He didn\'t know if he was just too sleepy that\'s why he was seeing things that\'s not supposed to be there, or a certain white-haired man was really standing in front of his apartment unit.

He rubbed his eyes, and the man still remained there. Actually, the other had already turned in his direction and visibly brightened the moment he saw him.


Before Astrid could respond or even fully react, Wulfric had already run in front of him. The next thing he knew, he was suddenly enveloped in a strong pair of arms.

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