I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 159 157. Drona’s Lust For Reveng

Chapter 159 157. Drona\'s Lust For Reveng

"I am nothing, What he said was true, There is no need to have this knowledge and power of mine if I can\'t even use it to feed my family\'s stomachs."

Drona was returning back to the Hastinapur but his head for the first time was not proud upright but hung low as he felt guilt and shame.

The words spoken by Durpada stabbed in his heart not only because they were hurtful but because they were true.

Indeed what\'s the use of having the might to beat gods when you can\'t even fulfil the simple wish of your son? Can\'t even afford one single cow? That he has to go and beg for his old friend for it?

He finally understood that having pride and self-respect is good but it was not bigger than the happiness of his family, He can\'t let them suffer because of him, He couldn\'t allow his innocent lovely Ashwatthama to be bullied because of being poor.

He decided the moment he reached Hastinapur he would ask for an audience with the King. Ask him to see if he can provide him a position in his kingdom, Maybe he can be the Guru of the Prince.

Though people say that Kurvasa are bad omen and he even thinks so as he catches sight of the signs of that time but he also knows that if Kurvasa joined then so would Pandavas, the Devputra (Demi-god).

He needs them. If he taught Devputra, They might be enough to take down a warrior like Durapada and his revenge will be complete, Then he will be equal for him as said by his dear old friend.

"It will not be long, I will definitely wash away this insult Durpada."

Drona gritted his teeth and spoke in rage, He will never back down from this, the flame of hate and revenge already burned all the remaining of his sanity and faith of sacredness in his knowledge.

He who once believed that there is nothing pure and holy thing to do other than to bestow the blessing of knowledge to the people now decided to use and weaponize the same thing to exact his revenge.

The rage pushed him from the path of righteousness, The Dharma of Guru, And so he had to pay a heavy price for it later on for his crime if he did not become aware of it soon enough and tread on the same path.


Suddenly he was forced by the intense light from which he can see past even using his power to protect his eye, He for moment thought he was being attacked and was ready to strike back but a wave of light disappeared as it came.

"What was that?"

He looked around alert not understanding what was happen before he hit by the wave that followed after the light, Which gave him all the answer he wanted, He looked beside him, the bow of his which he had not used for decades now was out on its own initiative.

This tells Drona what he wanted to know, For a moment he was taken aback not understanding that there can be a person like this power can be born but then he threw the issue out of the window.

"Hastinapur, This clearly comes from Hastinapur…Pandavas, clearly someone from them awakened the talent of archery, I need to hurry up to protect them."

Drona quickly searched and found out the location of this come from Hastinapur, and so with the hope in his heart that if he taught someone with this talent he can exact his revenge, He moved towards Hastinapur at super fast speed.

All in his mind going was how easy it would be if he got that boy who awakened this talent as his student, He would not have to prove or belittled by anyone later on, He would have his student as proof of his competence.

He sped up as he knew what would happen to the archery talent of the kingdom if they showed this tremendous talent, So he was in super rush, So much so that he even ignored the feeling of terror every being felt afterwards.

Drona was so much focused on getting to that boy that he didn\'t even think of his own family which was also present in the Hastinapur, though given that there is Kripa to protect them but thought of their safety of them was slipped out of his mind.

The damage done to this degree by Durpada to him, He could not see past anything other than to find a way to get his revenge, The lust of getting back the honour he lost was overwhelmed by the righteousness in his heart.


"Huh! Why are these two respected sages here? Am I late? Wait? Why are these two fighting? Wait, are they fighting over who will be the guru of Pandava who just awakened this level of talent?"

Drona rushed towards the Hastinapur but stopped as he reached the border of it, Because he felt the sharp fighting intend coming out of the Kingdom preventing him from entering inside it.

It\'s not that it was physically stopping him but his body was refusing to move as it knows that other side two people were fighting which were above his league, He might boost of being best in this mortal realm but those two were even in the immortal realm, not the force to reckon with at all

So Drona not knowing what to do stand outside the border of Hastinapur nearly giving up taking the Pandava who awakened such talent as in his eye only they can be worthy enough to awaken such power and blessing.

But then he thought of it, If these two fought too much then there will be divine intervention and when that happened, he can jump in and as the neutral party take all the princes under him to teach.

Doing so make the Pandava who awakened such talent will also join him. This is a win-win situation for him, and not only that he will be the one who does not come for asking; rather he will be the one who protects them by preventing a big fight.

"There is that divine intervention, He is here."

Drona waited for a while, He knew someone would come and stop those two from going all out. After all this is a matter of the existence of the whole earth\'s survival and he was right.

Just a few moments later he felt the gust of power coming towards his direction, In it was the immense power containing it, So much so that Drona had trouble breathing under the pressure that was being released by mere existence.

Drona looked at the figure with pride and respect as he bowed towards that direction, The gust of wind did not stop and blitzed past him, Drona did not lift his head up until he sensed the figure was gone.

He smiled afterwards as he now thinks if this is the man who is interfering then his chances of being the Guru of that Pandava is very very high, So much so that he thinks he has already become of that Pandava.


"Caught you."

Durvasa, being under the fury of the Sukracharya attack finally found the opening and he caught it.

He, using the power of his body, moved to the extreme and the next moment appeared in front of Sukracharay and slammed his big fist towards him, Sukracharay, although ready for this, was not able to counter Durvasa.




Shukracharya having no choice had to face that fist head on, He too punched towards Durvasa and both of their fist connected.

Sadly the physical body of Sukracharay was way too weaker than the Durvasa and so the moment both of them met, Fist then along with hand to arm of Sukracharya broke.

And not broke but directly burst open become of the impact, Shukracharya lost his whole arm but he didn\'t care as the next moment he chanted some Mantra and the golden Sanskrit words flowed out of his surroundings completely restoring the whole arm.

"Yeah Exactly, Caught you."

Sukracharya smirked and uttered these words, Hearing which the expression of Durvasa changed and he quickly tried to move away.


Unfortunately, he was second too late, The ground he was standing on started to shine and various unexplainable patterns started to form, While he was being in the centre of it.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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