I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 157 155. The One Who Time Travel

Chapter 157 155. The One Who Time Travel

"So this Hastinapur, Now where am I going to find Jaya? I know I should have waited till Rishi Ved Vyas revealed his location."

A quite handsome young boy with a big belly entered the kingdom as he looked at the beauty of the kingdom.

Have to say that the beauty of Hastipaur though nothing compared to the beauty of the Swarga but it would not be wrong to say that Hastinapur\'s beauty is like part of the Swarga fallen here.

There was greenery everywhere, Lots of exotic, beautiful fragrant flowers were planted on the roadside, adding the touch to its already super beauty. Even the birds which were flying in the sky looked very beautiful.

The air in the kingdom was also filled with a lot of spirituality calming the mind of anyone who lived here. The presence of the eternal flowing Ganga also adds the lots of points in the beauty of this kingdom.

For a moment Ganesha lot looking at the beauty of this kingdom but then he realised he came here being curious about the character in the Ved Vyas\'s epic Jaya.

He was quite invested in the epic when Ved Vyas stopped narrating the events, Which because of his condition made him stop writing further on, Though it was he who was given that condition but after hearing the story he wanted to see the end.

He could not control his curiosity of what would happen next, As being the god of wisdom there are many such outcomes in his mind but he could not decide which might happen here.

As he read both sides of the group and to be honest it\'s hard to take sides. Both parties think they are right, While others are wrong, While the 3rd party view says they both were did something wrong and right many times.

It was not black and white like other stories Ganesha read before, In those stories he didn\'t need to wait till it finished the story as he already know the side of righteousness always will win.

But here this is not the case, Both party can not be said to be righteous nor can be titled as evil, As they are grey, making the outcome of the story totally random.

Before coming here Ganesha asked what might happen to the god who had already seen the ending of Mahabharat 17 times, The Kakabhushundi.

But alas he couldn\'t get an answer even from him, He had a boon to live through the end of time itself, So whenever one Kaal Charka (Wheel Of Time) ends everyone including immortals like Deva\'s die and new start new beginning of the world.

He became the only one after the Trimurti themselves to survive the end of Kaal Chakra, Which means he saw all the events over and over and from his observation each time there was some difference in the events that happened.

Some differences were not high but some were astronomical.

Like he told him the different ending of Ramayana, In one story Ravana unlike this time understands his mistake and ask forgiveness from the Lord Rama.

In another version, It was the brother of Ravana, Vibhishana overthrew Ravana and took over the Kingdom of Lanka other than Lord Rama killing Ravana, As such there were many endings present in the Ramanaya he spoke of.

But in the ending as Ganesha thought, the truthwas victorious and so it was not that interesting for him as he already knows what\'s gonna happen.

All Ganesha wanted to hear was the ending of Mahabharata, But this time there were astronomical changes as the story can be anything. There is no fixed position of who would win that war.

Yeah in all versions war happened but it in every version held different versions, Never yielded the same outcome twice.

Like in one of the outcomes Karna accepted the offer of Shri Krishna but just as he was crowned as the king by him, He given up his crown to Duryodhana who of course refused but had to accepted it as Karna told him so as big brother.

Which Pandava didn\'t like, So war did happen but a very small scale one that was solved by both Shri Krishna and Karna interfering.

In another version the story was different though, In here Kunti never go to beg Karna for the lives of her sons and so when Karna was them he didn\'t hold back and easily captured Yudhister winning the war.

While in another version of the story, Shri Krishna never tells Karna his origin, And Bhishma also doesn\'t belittle Karna and allow him to enter in the war with him.

That war lasted only 2 days as the duo of Karna and Bhishma wiped out all Pandava\'s army making them a retreating force to surrender.

Of course in some versions all Pandava died in the hands of either Karna, Drona, Bhishna and what not.

Same for Kurvasa, Except Karna, There was a version of the story where Drona and Bhishma fought against Kurvasa and actively fought with Pandavas, killing most of them.

These were one of the few outcome god who look like crow/raven Kakabhushundi had told Ganesha but this did not satisfy the curiosity of his rather this information just ignited it furthermore.

For the first time there was the thing he was not just able to predict using his brain, not able to say what would happen by just thinking a little, No this was different, here anything can happen.

And because of that Ganesha had the urge to come here and be part of this uncertain epic which became even more chaotic as divine sight of gods were blocked.

So this just gave Ganesha even more excuse to come here and so he sneaked inside, But to his surprise when he came here it was though beautiful and looked desolate.

There was not even one person present here on these city streets, He looked around but found out that everyone had closed their door making home confused about what was happening.

Yeah he felt that unexpected terrifying power but he didn\'t think much of it as he is one of the few who is strong enough to deal with that power, And so he subconsciously didn\'t feel like it was that big of a deal.

But then again thinking if these were just simple people they might easily get terrified, Which can make them seek a false sense of safety under their roof.

*Bang* *Rumble*

Just when Ganesha look around for the person named Jaya, The whole earth shook up, The mountains not far away was threatening to collapse under such a rumble.

Ganesha quickly looked around and didn\'t find anything, So he sparse his divine senses covering whole kingdom, Though doing this is considered an offence and insult towards the Kingdom.

But Ganeshna knows in an emergency like this it\'s allowed. The rumble he felt was not the normal, It was a sign of divine beings fighting means there somewhere in this kingdom two very powerful beings were sparing.

If he let them be, This kingdom would cease to exist, so it would be more important to save the kingdom for them to care about rules.

"Why are Rishi Durvada and Asura Guru fighting?.....Oh there is Narada muni that explains it."

Lord Ganesh finds out the reason who two divine beings were fighting and he was actually taken aback, As though both Rishi Durvasa and Asura Guru Shukracharya do not have any good relation they also not have any bad one either.

Both sages share the emotion of respect for each other as being knowledgeable and the devotee of his father, Lord Shiva.

So there was no reason that they two would fight, If there was some problem both might sit down and talk it out, That is why Ganesha was not sure why they were fighting.

Correction, He was not sure until he felt the presence of the Narada, And the moment he felt the presence all pieces of puzzle were put into their places, There is no need to even think what would have happened here.

Narada definitely for the fun instigated a fight between two sages to enjoy, This mischievous behaviour of his is like an edged sword. It helps to deal with some pesky issues but then there are also problems like this one.

"*Sigh* I should stop them right? But if I do that I have to go back, Everyone will say gods are not allowed to interfere into the mortal world, I don\'t wanna, What to do now?"

Little Ganesh falls into thinking, he must stop those two fighting as it is going to cause catastrophic destruction and he is the only one present here to stop those two, But once he reveals himself he has to go back.

There is a rule that immortals are not allowed to interfere in the mortal realm as it might deviate from its predestined Niyati but he really wanted to see Mahabharta happening in front of him.

Niyati is not that easy to change, So as long as he doesn\'t do too much everything will be fine but he can\'t do that anymore as his godly duty is to keep trouble away from his devotees.

"Huh? He is also here?"

As Lord Ganesh was about to teleport to the place both of them were fighting, he sensed the figure travelling faster than sound heading towards the same position and when he found out who that person was, Ganesha halted his action.

The man who goes there is indeed capable of stopping both of them fighting, And so Ganesha decided to just sit back and enjoy the fight, After all it\'s a rare occurrence, Only happens once in a while.

(A/N : Who do you think is that figure?

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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