I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 145 143. Infamous Oath

If Drona really loses it and picks up the weapons now feeling of being insulted, Then there will be a bloodbath here, There will be a lot of casualties and worst of all, he will have to fight him.

"Drona!! A cow, you ask for? A meek plea from a man who has abandoned the world of war for that of the humble? Are you reduced to such modest requests, you who once bore the mantle of war and glory, Are you forgotten the divine knowledge bestowed on you?"

Drupada\'s voice echoed with amusement, a cadence that seemed to dance through the room, His voice carried a hint of condescension, a melody of wealth and status that sought to overshadow the man before him.

But after he spoke he was stunned by not knowing why he said such things to Drona. He wanted to calm down the situation and yet he saying this just crossed the line.

For Drona what is most precious and is pride is his knowledge about warfare and divine arts of Astra and martial arts, and now he touched the nerve of Dorna.

Durpada stopped thinking about why or how this happened. All he was thinking about was what to do now? Drona will definitely go berserk now, He really didn\'t want to fight his old friend in battle to death.

"Hahaha, Indeed old friend Indeed, I too felt the way you describe it, If not how come a tiny king like you have guts to humiliate me to this degree and top of that have courage to insult my knowledge.

Indeed I might have forgotten how to use the terrible power of Astra, Or I might have gone crazy to stand here to take all this in without retaliating, right?"

Drona once again burst out laughing, He could not able to control his laughter as if he was using the laugher to conceal the pain and hurt he was feeling right now.

His obsidian like eyes which once used to hold the infinite knowledge and wisdom now tinted by hue of fury and humiliation.

The one who wanted nothing but the detachment from the world to search for higher power, The one who only wanted enough to feed his family, The good man who wanted nothing more than necessary now was gone.

With each laughter the little by little that part of Drona died here, There court here bare witness to the dying of a patient of a good man and father, And now reforming as something else.

Something so twisted that even Drona was not aware of, The flame of fury, the hurt fully occupied him to the degree he finally lost the battle between good and bad, Sane and Insane.

"Drupada, Now my time to speak, You humiliate me, I don\'t care about that as you are once my friend, You humiliate me on the basis of status between us, Which also I ignore as that was my foolish mistake to assume you were my friend, Which now I realise of. 

But one thing I can\'t forgive you for is making fun of my knowledge. That is my forbidden you disgrace, not only me but also the our Guru, my father who gave both the equal knowledge, You also insulted him.

This is not a crime but an unforgivable sin, Of which punishment should be given to you, But don\'t worry, I will not taint my hands nor will I insult the bounds we once shared.

Here me O\' Drupada, I Drona the son of Rishi Bharadvaj ask this ground beneath me, the sky above me, The air around me to bear witness to my oath, I will teach students, Pour my knowledge in them, Train them and make them knowledgeable.

I make them so skilled that they will destroy you and your Himalaya-like tall arrogance. Wait, My students will be the one who took the revenge of my simulation here.

They will be the ones who trample your honour and dignity like you did mine, They will make me equal to your status and they too make you stand in the same place I was here.

But don\'t worry, At that time unlike you I will honour friendship, I will take my leave now, we will meet when my students drag you to me."

Drona stopped laughing, His eyes with pure rage locked on the Drupada, who too looked at him with utmost alertness.

Then Drona took that infamous oath from which he took a path that put the blocks to lay the foundation of hatred and jealousy disguised as the place to gain knowledge.

But without that agreeing, Drona just turned around after speaking and walked away. No one, not even a single soul, dared to stop Drona right now as he was looking like a volcano that was about to erupt.

"Go back to usual task, *Scoff* I know him, If he himself came and fought me then and only then there is a chance of what he said happening but he wanted to send the delicate newborn warriors to fight me? He was daydreaming.

Before I was just saying it but he might really lost his mind, Don\'t pay any attention to him."

Drupada come out of his trance state when Drona was existed the court, And when he realised what oath Drona took nearly made him laugh out, Drona wanted a new born warriors wants to beat him, HIM?! THE MIGHTY DRUPADA?

It is nothing but wishful thinking of Drona, before he felt a little bad for Drona but after this oath, All Drupada felt was just funny, He even doubted why he was friend of the fool like him?

Drona was mighty but now it\'s seems not good in brain, So he ignored him and his oath. If Drona really dared to send new flesh against him, he would have to carry their bodies back.


"Aren\'t my new friend Karna supposed to be here? Where is he now? It\'s so close to noon."

Ashwatthama walking back and forth in the royal garden waiting for the Karna as he promised him he would come to him to play, But he had yet to make an appearance.

But Ashwatthama didn\'t give up and went back in the hut to rest. He stood in the blazing sun standing in the garden waiting for Karna to come, as he was afraid that if Karna didn\'t see him here he might leave. 

"Maybe, He was got into trouble, The power felt before, That might be the reason he is not coming, It has to be such a reason if not that divine boy will not break his promise."

He couldn\'t help but make an excuse for Karna if he showed up, Though Karna didn\'t said the time he just said in between noon means anywhere between modern 12 to 4 pm, Ashwatthama was still uneasy.

He never had anyone his age close to him, not to mention a friend but now he have it or at least he thinks he have. He wanted to try and keep this friendship at any cost, he didn\'t want to lose it.

"I should keep this under the shade or it will spoil."

Ashwatthama suddenly stopped and looked towards his hand in which he was holding the cloth pouch, in which some food his mother packed for him and his friend after knowing he was coming out to play.

Seeing that it will take a while, He decided to put somewhere cold and shape a place to keep food good or it might really spoil, and then there would be nothing for them to eat.

So he decided to walk towards the place he found yesterday night while going home. It was cold and there were lots of tall and majestic trees surrounding it. There is also a lake which lowers the temperature of its surroundings.

In his eyes it is the best place to store food, And thinking that he walked towards that direction thinking he should hurry back here.

Soon he reached to that place which obviously was an garden of near the royal treasury, Where most of the events unfolded just few coup of moments before.

"Is something happened here?"

Ashwatthama though not knowing about anything felt the strong residual energy in the atmosphere, He being little did not understand the meaning of it but thanks to he being part of Lord Shiva, He has a strong feeling he missed something big.

And yet he ignored it. He didn\'t care about other things. What he wanted was to come quickly, Put the food in a safe place in the shade and rush back to the royal garden to wait for Karna, His new friend.

He quickly saw the range of trees not far away from the lake, and decided to put his pouch there, and so he walked toward it.

"Huh?! Is someone standing there?"

But as he got close he saw that the figure standing there like a statue holding what looked like a makeshift bow in his hand, Looking straight at the lake without paying attention to anything else.

Seeing that Ashwatthama got curious and approached him with hope that he too will want to be friends with him.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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