I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 131 129. Foodie Fox

"But what about Maharathi Bhishma? Can we beat him?

"There is no way we can beat him, that\'s none of our concern, Our target is the person and legendary weapon, I am sure King Dhritarashtra will understand the grave situation he is in and hand it over to us."

"Yeah that might be true but then who will keep that weapon? We alone can\'t attack and win Hastinapur, The Bhishma is not the only Maharathi with the skill they have."

"Well…Why not just decide that later on? I am sure that Hastinapur will not hand over the legendary weapon to us at all, They rather chose to fight, The only reason we include the condition of the weapon is so they will understand and cut their losses by giving up on the person with such a strong archery talent."

"Make sense, Our army will reach the borders of Hastinapur soon."

"Yeah, Make sure all the escape routes will be blocked, No one is allowed to escape, Be it our force or Hastinapur, We don\'t know if that person will try to disguise as one and runaway."

"I will do it king but what if the one who awakened this talent is someone we can\'t provoke, Someone like Maharathi Bhishm- "


"How dare you jinx it? Do you have any idea if a monster like Bhishma gets such a talent what will happen? Not only we can\'t do anything but also Hastinapur will expand further and all we can do is to watch."

"Forgive me king, I misspoke, There is no way he will be one who awakened it, Maybe it is Maharathi Kripa-"

*Slap* *Bang*

"*Huff* SHUT THE *DOLPHIN NOISES) UP!! Both of them are not someone we can mess with at all, Just hope it will be someone else or we are doomed, Now go!!"

In the camp of the marching army this conversation was tapping but they were not the only one with just a talk and worry.

This worry is so terrifying that most of the strong kingdoms do not even send their army here at all. They were terrified by the power that archery talent showed them.

If just like they feared Bhishma or even Kripa awakened such a talent then all they were doing was to poke the bear while losing a vast part of their own army, as it would be a death trap.

But that doesn\'t mean they give up on it just yet, They send smaller vessel kingdoms to march down towards the Hastinapur, If Hastinapur was soften and give in then that means what they fearing did not happen and they can freely attack on it to get both talent and weapon.

And if their fear was right, Then it has nothing to do with them at all.

They can just say the vessel kingdoms become greedy and think that they can become independent and grow large if they get the legendary weapon.

So they just used their backer\'s name as deterrence and attacked Hastinapur on their own and they know nothing about it

This way even if Hastinapur knows that they were behind this "March" on their borders, They can just destroy or punish that small kingdom, And they being "disappointed" in them can only allow it with a big heart.

This way they will not only have great enmity between them rather they will just get the favour of the Hastinapur, Which at that time was gone above their power level grade.

And so such scheming was happening outside of Hastinapur, While there is a legend being written in the soil of Hastinapur.


"Why…Why is Angaraj Karna not waking up Bhrata?"

In the royal treasury, Sushala was getting more and more worried as she seeing Karna was standing there with his eyes closed even though all the starlight and such was long gone.

She was also terrified of her surroundings, The reason being all the bows present in the treasury currently were hovering around Karna in a circle looking like trying to please him to let him pick them.

But the starlight bow in his hand was releasing such a deterrent power that those bows were terrified of getting too close to Karna but even still they do not give up. At a safe distance they are still circling around him doing their best to please him.

After all, why don\'t these bows do their best to please Karna? He just awakened and said the best talent or physique there is.

This set in stone that when Karna grows up, He will be the best if not great archer of the current Yuga (period), And when he grows up so will his bow, That is the biggest honour for any weapon.

That is how they become a legendary weapon and go down in history. That is a dream of every weapon ever made, to support their wielder on the path of glory.

Hence why all these bows were fighting over to get his attention, Because if they luck out and get selected by him, Then they have a chance to also become companions in his journey.

And if they feel or break in the midway even then they will be happy as they get used and not trapped here as a treasure then to be used in war, The sole purpose they are made for. 

But these things are not unknown by the little Sushala here. All she saw were the weapons were hovering around Karna making her think that they wanted to harm Karna.

Because in her tiny innocent mind, Karna just did something incredible, and these bows became jealous of him and wanted to harm him, Which was prevented by the new bow in Karna\'s hand.

To her, this made all the sense and kinda she was not wrong. These bows are jealous but not because of Karna but the bow he was holding in his hands.

"I don\'t know but I know nothing will happen to Mitra, Just look at those bow how they are maintaining their distance. They are obviously terrified of something."

Duryodhana was though also concerned but not least bit worried about the well-being of Karna, He had a confidence in Karna that he will be safe, He just have that blind faith in him.

In his eyes now his mitra can do anything, He uses an avatar of some god who specially comes in his life to show him the way and give him his support.

Now all he had to do was to wait and see what new stunt his mitra was about to pull of, to be fair he was even a little excited to see the next events unfound folded with his own eyes like before.


"Hey little fox where we are and how are you here with me?"

Karna this time was in the both familiar and unfamiliar spaces, It was the same space where he was last time when he reached the LV 100 in his treading skill where he had to break through it.

Now he was here once again, just this time he was not in the dark place like before but under the starry sky, Where every inch of the sky had multiple twinkling stars in it.

He was lost in the glory and beauty of the scene in front of him, So much so that he did not even realise that the little fox somehow was also coming with him here.

So he asked the such a question, He from last time figured out this space exists within his body, Maybe in some way or another the skills and him connected to this place through his body.

This is why Karna was so surprised when he saw the little troublemaker and his own one of the sin gluttony come with him here.

He for a second felt glad and a little proud and soft that this fox cared enough for him that she came here with him, Though he still did not know the reason how she came here but he felt she came here to protect him.

"...You just come here thinking you get to eat new things, Right?"

Karna but then realised that the fox was not even looking at him, She while licking her lips were looking around obviously for something she can eat, This just made Karna realise why the foodie he was rising.

But Karna was also was little smug. Now this little fox understands how stupid she was just to jump here with him expecting some food. Here is nothing but just a starry sky, Which he doubts she can eat.


Well the moment Karna thought of this, He saw the fox jumped from his shoulder and then started eating it to his utter horror, Karna just couldn\'t believe in his eyes what was unfolding front of his own two eyes.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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