Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 145 Shell Shock

Chapter 145 Shell Shock

Wanting to get some rest, Xavier asked Achara if he could use her home at the back of the dojo, and she didn\'t hesitate to accept. But it was clear that she had ulterior motives that all the unit leaders caught onto and decided to get involved in.

As Xavier ventured into Achara\'s small home, he climbed into her bed. Since he hadn\'t gotten much sleep, he wanted to at least relax and didn\'t have much else to do for the rest of the day. He was planning on checking in with everyone, especially Rachel and Eddie, to see how they were getting on, but he was in no state to complete any training.

However, it seemed as though he wouldn\'t be getting any rest soon as 5 others followed in after him before closing the door and bombarding him with questions.

"Slow down. I\'ll tell you all what happened."

Making space for the others to join him, Xavier couldn\'t help but smile slightly, glad that he had such people around him. He also couldn\'t help but be worried about his mother and see how she was getting on. However, he planned on keeping his promise to himself to wait until the week was over. Allowing him to focus on the Outlaw Gang so that it could successfully crush the 2 gangs without any complications before seeing her again.

It was challenging, but it was for the best.

And, everything he did and sacrificed was for the future of the Outlaw Gang, which would benefit all those that joined him and those that they cared about.


"Basically, I rode to an abandoned area on the edge of the city on Zack\'s shitty bike, then I was taken to a penthouse in the middle of the city where I was forced to dress nicely before meeting their boss. Then their boss turned out to be a body double and the food we were given was poisoned and knocked us both unconscious. Then when the real boss came out, there were snipers, grappling hooks and 4 assassins. I ended up having to save her by taking down the 4 assassins, in the process, getting shot twice. And it turned out that the body double was a traitorous bitch. I took her down as well, then had a chat with the boss who turned out to be around my age and pretty nice. Her dad used to run a big gang and her uncle now also does supplies but has power that is on a similar level to the Wolf Gang. And now we\'re in partnership with that little girl and her organisation."

Xavier\'s summary of everything that had happened was almost too much to take in all at once for the unit leaders, who had so many questions for him. However, it connected all the dots for Zack.

"The Skull Crushers. The Skullheads. The Numbers. That person who found my location and broke past my firewalls and security. It all adds up," he mumbled to himself before praising Xavier for being able to make a deal with her.

Her skills alone were enough to make her worth forming a partnership with. Let alone the fact that she ran the Numbers, who even he struggled to find the name of or any information about, which was incredible. After Xavier had left to meet them and after discovering that he had been beaten digitally, Zack struggled to get back to sleep. He worked harder than he ever had in order to break into her servers and find out whatever he could.

Other than the name of her organisation, he hadn\'t found much, but he did find ties to the previously renowned gang, the Skull Crushers. Now that Xavier had given them a brief run through of what had happened, Zack\'s curiosity was finally quenched and everything made sense.

But the others had no idea what was going on and instead were more curious about what \'taking down the assassins\' meant.

And surprisingly, it was none other than the usually reserved Sam, who was the first to ask.


"Did you kill the assassins?" Sam asked in a serious tone with a solemn and deep look in his eyes.

"I recognise that look in your eyes. That shell shock you experience after your first time taking the life of another is difficult to mask. Even for you, Xavier," he added.

"Is it the same one that is in your eyes?" responded Xavier enquiringly.

However, not wanting to get confrontational and already gauging all he needed to from Sam\'s reaction, he backed off and admitted the truth.

"Yes, I did kill the assassins. They threatened my life, and that of some people that I wanted to work with, so I had no choice."

"Do I feel guilt or regret? No. Was it something I enjoyed or wanted to do? No. Would I do it again? Yes, if I needed to."

"You guys should also prepare to have to do the same, possibly even tonight," he said to Sam, Connor, and Achara.

They didn\'t know how to feel or what to think about what Xavier had just said to them. He killed 4 people, albeit they were assassins. But that didn\'t change the fact that he had killed, and yet he didn\'t seem to be affected by it.

However, they were too invested in the Outlaw Gang and the life that came with being a part of it. Especially since they were in leadership positions and had already helped accomplish so many incredible feats. And so they couldn\'t back out or shy away from potentially doing the same themselves.

"I couldn\'t sleep after it happened, but now, seeing what I fought for, I feel much better. The Outlaw Gang and those I care about are worth killing for. Even if I lose my humanity, it is worth it for all of us and those we care about to prosper. That is what it will take for me to become the greatest gangster. And I selected you all since I know you can support me on this journey and achieve all your dreams through the Outlaw Gang as well."

They couldn\'t disagree and no blame lay with Xavier either, but it was a harsh reality to face. He took the life of another for the first time and they were likely to have to do the same in the near future.

Whether they would be prepared for that, only time would tell. However, they steeled their wills and mentally prepared for what was to come that night before tending to their units.


Elsewhere, back in the penthouse, Jasmine had been working the entire day from the moment that Xavier had left. Saying she had a lot to deal with was an understatement. And just like she had been told by the unusual youth that saved her life, there were likely still disloyal spies in her organisation. But since they had been there since the original separation of the Skull Crusher Gang, they were deeply rooted in her organisation and would be difficult to weed out.

Meanwhile, despite her position as the boss of the Numbers being absolute, her authority and esteem had become shaky. After all that she had done for those that had opted to remain with her, it was difficult for them to turn their backs on her. However, having second thoughts and doubts is natural as humans.

In order to restore their trust and belief in her abilities, she began by issuing bonuses as well as initiating a number change period. It was her organisation\'s unique formation and competitive foundation that created the growth-promoting environment. By starting a number change period, she was presenting them all with the opportunity to promote their numbers. This was apart from \'1\' and \'2\', who had cemented their positions after their display of loyalty and skill. Moreover, she would be able to detect any suspicious individuals after surviving an assassination attempt. She was looking out for any unusual actions or sudden changes in behaviour. But, with her 2 closest, most capable and most trustworthy subordinates being hospitalised, she had to be careful even within her own organisation.

All it would take was the simple pull of a trigger to end her life and everything she had built.

For that reason, she couldn\'t allow herself to make any mistakes and also made sure to get Xavier everything he needed as quickly as she could. A lot of what he requested could be easily supplied to him from her own storages that were packed with all sorts of weapons and equipment.

However, the 3 vans and the motorcycle he requested, as well as an abandoned and safe storage location that was nearby, were quite difficult to come by. He also had specific requirements for the vehicles, which made them slightly more challenging to prepare, as well as much more expensive.

She doubted that the money he left with her was even enough. However, she told her men not to worry about the money and prepare for him everything that he had messaged her to the best of their ability.

And that was exactly what they did.


The vans had to be bulletproof, blacked out, and have interchangeable licence plates for different uses. The motorcycle was the same. She also prepared for him a thick leather jumpsuit and helmet to go with it, assuming that it was for Xavier, which was she right about.

Everything was prepared, and she even provided him with internal contacts of hers if he ever needed repairs done to the vehicles or any more ammunition. She wouldn\'t usually do so for clients that spent only as much as he had. However, no amount of money could compare to her life and what Xavier had done the night before, so it was the least she could do.

She even went as far as to call him herself when everything was ready, and she had checked everything, despite everything else she had going on. And that surprised the injured youth nearly as much as how quickly they had gathered everything he needed...

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