Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 127 - The Fox Won't Be Intimidated In His Own Home

Chu Yun could tell that delivering that single line was the entire purpose of the King\'s visit: he knew, and wanted to rub it in their faces.

The King looked from Chu Yun to Xiao Zai in avid anticipation, eager to drink in their despair, their fear.

Chu Yun dug his fingers into Xiao Zai\'s thigh, grounding himself along with him.

He took his chopsticks with a pleasant smile and brought a mouthful of rice of his lips. "The rice is excellent too, cooked to perfection. The cooks outdid themselves to serve his Majesty."

On the other side of the table, Gu Wei too reached with his chopsticks for a thin slice of pork and brought it to his lips. "Yes, the food is delicious."

The King wanted a big and dramatic reaction to his shocking declaration, but Chu Yun wasn\'t going to give him the satisfaction of walking into his home and trying to scare him into cowering to his demands. So he knew...eventually Chu Yun would begin to show and there was only so far the "put on some weight" excuse could take them -- he would have found out eventually.

The best strategists were adaptable. Chu Yun had spiralled into a blind panic when Xiao Zai was arrested, fearing the worst. But this time Xiao Zai was at his side, safe and hale, and the King would have to try harder to scare him.

Despite his stiff back, Xiao Zai too started to relax. He poured himself a cup of wine and downed it, his eyes never leaving the King\'s.

It was  obvious the King was disappointed to not get the reaction he wanted, but he wasn\'t one to give up easily. "Do you want to tell them how I found out, Bailiu?"

Ah, now he was going to try and sow discord. Chu Yun shot him a look of exaggerated interest, like someone indulging a child\'s whims.

"I think his Majesty should be the one to tell them, seeing as it was his discovery."

The look on the King\'s eyes was murderous. Chu Yun had no doubt he would have slapped Gu Wei if they were alone. There were no guarantees he wouldn\'t once they were.

The King lifted his cup and a servant immediately approached him to pour his wine. He drank it, and cleared his throat, like a storyteller in front of a riveted audience at a teahouse. 

"I couldn\'t help noticing how unusual the Queen Dowager\'s behaviour was on the day of the hunt, and in the following days during the deliberations about the events that happened then."

Despite his penchant for theatrics and dramatic acts of violence, the King was very astute. He wouldn\'t have been able to hold on to his position otherwise, considering his disastrous reign and less than positive reputation with his own ministers. 

Something as unusual as the Queen Dowager suddenly speaking in favour of Chu Yun wouldn\'t escape his notice.

"Of course I wouldn\'t bother her Royal Highness with such mundane enquiries," he said, and oddly, Chu Yun believed him.

Maybe he didn\'t love his mother, but he respected her. Chu Yun would never forget the way she had declared her son to be a cunt just like his father. There had been only bitterness and resentment in her words. She regretted ever having borne Xiao An. It was impossible for someone who spoke that way to have ever loved her child.

It made Chu Yun wonder if the King would have been a different person had his mother loved him, or would his rotten character have shown itself regardless?

Below the table Chu Yun trailed his fingers over his abdomen. 

The King smiled pointedly at Chu Yun, as if sensing the direction of his thoughts. "Her servants however had several interesting things to say, like how her sudden interest in you started after you spent that night in the snow and she called a physician to examine you."

Chu Yun nodded. "Her royal highness was very kind in looking after me," he said, and then turned to Xiao Zai. "We should invite her over for a meal someday. I\'m indebted to her."

Xiao Zai grunted in acknowledgement. It wasn\'t as easy for him to pretend everything was fine, but Chu Yun appreciated him trying.

The King was getting annoyed that his words weren\'t having the desired effect. He signalled the servant to refill his cup and slammed it down on the table after drinking.

"After that it was only a matter of tracking down the physician and...applying some pressure."

One could imagine what kind of pressure he applied.

The King turned to Gu Wei then, his expression a mockery of fondness. "The confirmation came when I went to ask Bailiu about it, and he was so determined to make me forget the whole thing, and convince me there was no reason behind the Queen Dowager\'s sudden change of behaviour that he tried to seduce me."

Gu Wei\'s pale cheeks showed a hint of colour. This was an excruciating humiliation for him. His real punishment for trying to deceive the King. The split lip was just a detail.

The King smiled condescendingly at Gu Wei, running a thumb over his cheek. "As if I would have any use for a withered omega when I have a garden full of fresh flowers."

Xiao Zai growled, the sound coming from deep within his ribcage. He was on the verge of doing something really unwise. 

The King was elated, having finally gotten the reaction he came looking for.

"I think this is wonderful news personally, and I\'m hurt that I wasn\'t told sooner," he said, smiling at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun returned the smile. "We wanted it to be a surprise."

The King\'s smile slipped at Chu Yun\'s glibness. "Oh, it is a surprise indeed. It\'s not everyday that an alpha gets pregnant."

Chu Yun hummed, not meeting the King\'s eyes. "It\'s unusual."

The King\'s chuckle was devoid of any humour. "Fragile too.. I bet."

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