Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 70 - The Fox Is Offended, But The Wolf Makes A Promise

In the time it took Xiao Zai to return from his private meeting with the Minister, Chu Yun learned that "us", thankfully didn\'t mean all of the Minister spouses, and that he wasn\'t actually drawing a raffle to pawn one of them off to Xiao Zai.

Unfortunately, it did mean one of his "godchildren" was getting pawned off, and they were all foaming at the bit to be picked.

Chu Yun remained as quiet as possible, offering nothing while questions rained down on him, prompted by that first\'s omega\'s industriousness.

Finally, the doors to the little study opened, and Xiao Zai came out, looking absolutely furious. He cut Chu Yun a look that meant they weren\'t going to stay long.

Chu Yun got up from his seat, lifting one hand to his temple. "I\'m sorry that I\'ll have to cut such a pleasant evening short, but I have a terrible headache."

Xiao Zai went to his side, supporting his back. "Thank you Minister Hu for the hospitality, but we\'ll be on our way now."

The Minister nodded, smiling at Xiao Zai. "His Highness should make sure to consider our conversation, and the terms for any future agreement."

Xiao Zai nodded stiffly. "Will do."

His hand never left the small of Chu Yun\'s back ad he guided him out of the reception hall, and into the courtyard. 

Hua Nanyi was already waiting for them by the carriage, as if she had been there the entire night.

They all climbed aboard the carriage, but Chu Yun waited until they were on the street outside the Minister\'s estate to ask Xiao Zai:

"Did he offer you one of his godchildren?"

Xiao Zai\'s eyes went comically wide. "How do you know that?"

Chu Yun closed his fan with a loud flick and shoved it back inside the wide sleeves of his robe. "Well, they were all practically begging me to put in a good word for them." He smirked. "One of them generously suggested I could have a go too, outside of heats."

Xiao Zai\'s expression darkened. "I can imagine the kind of conversations that go on in that house. What were their parents thinking?"

In the seat across from them Hua Nanyi was doing her best to become one with the wood panels behind her. 

Chu Yun snorted. "Their parents were looking at them like meal tickets, what else? Minister Hu promised them good marriages, to rich families, that\'s music to the ears of any omega\'s parent, especially..." he cut himself off abruptly.

"Especially what? Especially here, in Zui, was that what you were going to say?"

Chu Yun met his eyes and raised his chin. "Yes, that\'s what I was going to say," he paused, "would I have been wrong?"

He knew he hurt Xiao Zai\'s national pride each time he mentioned Zui\'s cold-blooded treatment of omegas, but he also knew that self-same pride made the damn wolves look down on him constantly. Chu Yun had no illusions that if their roles were reversed the people of Xin would have been open-minded and tolerant about Xiao Zai being a wolf -- people didn\'t work like that, not about longstanding prejudices.

But he highly doubted they would constantly rub it in his face, the way they did with Chu Yun.

After a tense moment where they held each other\'s gazes, Xiao Zai finally deflated with a sigh. "No, you\'re right, you\'re always right -- about everything."

Chu Yun blew a breath through his nose and cut him an unimpressed look. "Don\'t be dramatic." He looked away from Xiao Zai and towards the moving street outside their carriage. "Besides, if anyone should be offended it should be me. Minister Hu is trying to find you another spouse."

"I\'m not taking him up on the offer."

"Good, because I wouldn\'t let you."

Xiao Zai went very still and then turned towards Chu Yun, one corner of his lips pulled up. "You wouldn\'t let me?"

Chu Yun met his smirk with one of his own. "That\'s right, you belong to me."

Xiao Zai\'s smirk fell, but the intensity in his gaze doubled. "I thought it was you who belonged to me."

Chu Yun reached across the seat and grabbed the front of Xiao Zai\'s robes, hauling him close until their noses almost touched. "That was just talk for the Minister\'s ears. I own you...don\'t get it twisted."

He saw the way Xiao Zai\'s nostrils flared, but before he could say something Hua Nanyi cleared her throat, loudly and pointedly.

"Oh look, we\'re almost at the estate," she said, completely unnecessarily.

Chu Yun adjusted Xiao Zai\'s collar, and then his own. "I\'m sorry, I forgot you were there."

She shot him a blood curdling glare. "I could tell."


When they arrived home, for once they didn\'t go their separate ways. Xiao Zai was suspicious when Chu Yun called him up into his rooms, but went after him regardless.

"Minister Hu won\'t be the only one," Chu Yun said, as soon as Xiao Zai closed the door behind him. "Even less slimy allies will raise concerns over the fact that you do not have an heir."

Xiao Zai sat down at the low table in front of Chu Yun\'s bed. "I\'m aware, but they\'ll just have to get over it," he said, pouring himself a cup of wine from the pitcher on the table.

Chu Yun observed him for a moment, his head titled to the side, and his arms crossed in front of his chest. Considering him.

After some time, he approached Xiao Zai, standing over him like a graceful crane, his neck impossibly long and slender.

A slow smile spread across his read lips, and he sat down on the table, startling Xiao Zai into almost spilling his wine. "You really mean that, don\'t you?"

Without waiting for Xiao Zai\'s answer, he reached for him and ran the tips of his long fingers across Xiao Zai\'s forehead, down the bridge of his nose.

Xiao Zai\'s heart beat frantically inside his chest, he closed his eyes just as Chu Yun\'s fingertips traced the lattice of his eyelids.

"I only have you," Chu Yun said, his voice oddly soft. He was still running the soft pads of his fingers along Xiao Zai\'s closed eyes. "You can\'t betray my trust. You\'re all I have in this strange land."

Xiao Zai took hold of Chu Yun\'s wrist and brought his palm to his lips.. With his eyes still closed he said, "I won\'t," and tenderly kissed the inside of Chu Yun\'s warm hand.

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