Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 63 - The Fox And The Wolf Have A Heated Clash

Chu Yun got up to his feet, his back against the door. Something in Xiao Zai\'s dark eyes pinned him in place, made him swallow dry.

"Maybe we should make some noise? Make them think we\'re fighting," Chu Yun whispered, looking at the room around him, at anything really, in order not to face the intensity of Xiao Zai\'s gaze.

"Good idea," Xiao Zai said.

In the next moment, Chu Yun was held by the shoulders and slammed against the door as Xiao Zai\'s lips descend on his in a kiss that pulled him under like the tide.

Chu Yun had no strength to fight the current, and let himself be overwhelmed by the warm invasion of Xiao Zai\'s tongue. But giving in didn\'t mean giving up. Chu Yun took advantage of Xiao Zai\'s single-minded focus on his lips, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, using his distraction to switch their positions.

Xiao Zai gasped into the kiss when it was him being slammed against the wall, the breath leaving him in a huff, before Chu Yun could seal his lips again with his own.

They traded kisses like blows, until Chu Yun\'s foot got tangled on the hem of Xiao Zai\'s robe and the two of them toppled to the floor in a heap of limbs and expensive fabric.

Xiao Zai surged up against Chu Yun, intent on kissing him again, but Chu Yun stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"I think we\'ve made enough noise to sell this fight," he said, leaning back on Xiao Zai\'s hips.

He made to get off of him, but Xiao Zai\'s hands flew to his waist, keeping him in place.

"Maybe we could make it even more convincing,"he trailed off, smirking up at Chu Yun.

His grip on Chu Yun\'s narrow waist grew more adventurous, his deft fingers found their way under the cream sash holding the two halves of Chu Yun\'s robes closed. 

Chu Yun grabbed Xiao Zai\'s wrists in his fists and pried his hands away. "Don\'t get ideas."

He climbed off Xiao Zai inelegantly, but he needed to put some distance between them fast. His voice was cool, and his face revealed nothing, but inside his blood was boiling. 

The feeling was unbearable. 

Xiao Zai got to his feet as well, and drew Chu Yun back against him by the arm before he could leave the room.

"Let go of-" Chu Yun\'s protests died in the wake of another breathless kiss. Xiao Zai held him fast against his chest, his roving hands hooking under his hipbones above the layers of his robes. 

Chu Yun\'s head was swimming, the undertow threatened to pull him under again. In a desperate bid to return to his senses he bit down hard on Xiao Zai\'s bottom lip. A hot gush of blood flowed into his mouth.

It reminded him of the night of Xiao Yuan\'s engagement, and how he had almost lost himself then too.

But Xiao Zai gasped in pain, and that was enough for Chu Yun to put some distance between them.

"Fuck," Xiao Zai hissed, his teeth stained with red. Despite the pain he still smiled at Chu Yun, more amused than anything.

Chu Yun squared his shoulders and nodded at him. "Good, now everyone will think I punched your mouth."

He left while he still had the high ground.


Chu Yun avoided Xiao Zai for the rest of the night, and most of the following day. Whether to make their \'performance\' more convincing or because he was trying to deal with his own actions, Xiao Zai didn\'t know.

He accepted that he was irresistibly attracted to Chu Yun. At this point denial seemed pointless. For the first time in his life, Xiao Zai was actually looking forward to his ruts, and the promise of Chu Yun\'s company -- if he would even extend it.

Thinking about Chu Yun\'s own rut left him more at a loss, he didn\'t know what Chu Yun\'s plans entailed. From the way he talked, Xiao Zai got the impression he made use of the services of the brothels in Lanzhou.

There were no brothels in Haolin, but there were high-end escorts who could be called directly to one\'s residence. 

Xiao Zai still didn\'t know how he would react if Chu Yun wanted to employ their services. \'Not well\' was his best guess.

He was currently sitting across from his dam, in one of Gu Wei\'s favourite restaurants, overlooking a busy road, and rows of trees stripped bare, now that autumn had had its way with them. 

"Something is preying on your mind," Gu Wei said, dipping thin slices of lamb in sauce. "Does it have anything to do with that cut on your lip?"

Xiao Zai\'s fingers instinctively flew to his lip, the slight sting brought with it the heated memories of kissing Chu Yun.

Xiao Zai told Gu Wei about Chu Yun\'s new plan, and how he planned to use Fan Jiang\'s presence to his advantage.

Gu Wei listened attentively, only humming here or there. Xiao Zai had already told him that he\'d taken Chu Yun to meet A-Xiang, as well as the events that transpired afterwards...although haltingly, and with much embarrassment. Not to mention, only superficial detail.

"I think...Chu Yun is warming up to you," Gu Wei said, after Xiao Zai was done explaining everything.

Xiao Zai lowered his eyes. He didn\'t want his dam to see how much he hoped that was true.

Gu Wei smiled ruefully over the rim of his wine cup. "You are my beloved son, anyone would be lucky to be on the receiving end of your affections. I\'m glad your husband is beginning to realise that."

Xiao Zai clutched his chopsticks a little tighter in embarrassment. "Papa, stop," he whispered.

Whenever Gu Wei laughed everyone around them looked in his direction, attracted by the crystalline sound. "I\'m sorry, to a parent there is nothing more adorable than their child, no matter how big and strong they grow," his smile softened his sharp eyes into crescents. "To me, you\'ll always be my cute Zaizai."

Despite his protests, Xiao Zai was glad for his dam\'s affection. It settled over him like a warm blanket. For years it had been the only thing keeping him safe in face of his father\'s cruelty. 

It was especially moving because Gu Wei had always been generous with his warmth when he had so little himself.

"Don\'t look so embarrassed," Gu Wei said, still amused. "You\'ll understand when you have your own children."

It was such a careless comment, the kind of thing Gu Wei told him all the time growing up, but this time it made Xiao Zai\'s stomach twist painfully.

He would never have any children.

He was sure of that. 

Even if it ever came a time where he could have other spouses beyond Chu Yun...would he want to? Would Chu Yun ever allow something like that?

The worst part was that it felt like a betrayal. Not to himself. The idea of having children was always a distant concept, personally, but in his mind, he\'d promised his dam that he would be a better father than the King. He would never mistreat his children, or abuse his spouse. In that way, he would honour Gu Wei and the education and love he\'d been given throughout the years.

Now, he was ready to give that all up. For what? To keep the peace in his own household? For Chu Yun\'s approval?

He cleared his throat. "I\'m afraid that won\'t be possible, for me," he said, his gaze drifting towards the open window and the busy road.

Gu Wei hummed. "Perhaps," was the only thing he said. 


In another part of Haolin, Chu Yun was meeting with Tan Ruo in her estate. Partially to get the story straight, in case any enterprising servants made enquiries, or Fan Jiang was more resourceful than he thought.

"Oh, so even Brother Chu is afraid of his father-in-law," she said with a giggle, after hearing Chu Yun\'s excuse for the whole thing.

He told her that in order to avoid having a meal with Gu Wei he had fabricated a dinner with her. 

"Well, he can be very intimidating," Chu Yun said, his smile tight. Intimidating wasn\'t quite the word for it. Gu Wei was disconcerting. Chu Yun had a hard time getting a read on him, and he hated that.

Tan Ruo made a noise of commiseration, but then brightened up. "Well, I\'m lucky that my inlaws are very kind with me. Honestly, my poor dear gets the rougher end of the deal, I\'m afraid that my parents can be a little overwhelming."

That was the other reason Chu Yun had come to see her. There was something else on his mind, scuttling around like a scared mouse.

"Actually, I\'ve been meaning to ask Sister Tan about that," he cleared his dry throat. "How did you, as an alpha, develop, ah...feelings for a beta?"

Tan Ruo shot him an amused look, her peach blossom eyes sparkling. "Why is Brother Chu only asking now? Did something happen in the Second Prince\'s household?"

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