Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 4: Born To Be Rebellious Brbr Garbage Star

  The full and round candy has melted into a thin slice with sharp edges, leaving a slight pain on his taste buds when his tongue was rubbed.

  Ge Xiu couldn’t help thinking that he should search pockets of some more people.

  But he kept on walking in the long corridor lightly and quickly.

  Xiao Yi stepped closely behind him and as he walked he looked around the ship timidly and curiously.

  Through the isolation glass on the metal cabin door they could see that the cockpit was very quiet. Four crew members fell to the ground awkwardly. The huge blue screen showed autopilot icon and a metal bottle dedicated to storing high-quality materials was lying on the table. Above, amber wine dripped down from the edge of the table to the ground.

  Xiao Yi peeked inside from the window’s edge and took a breath.

  Ge Xiu swept his eyes over them lightly and withdrew his gaze indifferently and then lowered his head to play with the smart brain that came from the crew.

  Xiao Yi looked away reluctantly and turned his head to look at Ge Xiu in shock and admiration: “My God, Xiao Qi, how did you do it?”

  Ge Xiu shrugged, and his thin, skinny shoulders were quite conspicuous under the grey cloth of the uniform. His malnourished body made it look angular. He said casually:

  ”Smart brain showed that their emergency procedure is to knock out everyone in all areas outside the cockpit which means that there must be an air system in the cockpit independent of the outside of the ship and that it’s sealed enough to prevent the anaesthesia gas outside the cabin from seeping in.”

  While speaking he used his fingertips to poke flexibly on the blue screen, his expression was light and breezy as if he was saying something very trivial:

  ” ——So I found the starship route map. Reconnected the lines inside to make sure that as long as they activate the emergency program, anaesthetic would be injected into the air circulation system in the cockpit.”

  With his operation, independent ventilation system in the cockpit began to operate buzzingly, quickly replacing high-concentration anaesthetic gas in the cockpit with normal compressed air.

  Ge Xiu took out Leach’s identity card from his pocket and swiped it at the door.

  He turned up corner of his lips and whispered silently: “Okay.”

In the next second, cockpit door slowly opened in front of them.

  Ge Xiu made an exaggerated and funny opening curtain gesture, as if he was paying tribute to an invisible audience.

  Xiao Yi stared at his childhood playmate in awe, almost timidly, but he thought about it and still gathered the courage to ask:

  ” Xiao Qi…how do you know…?”

  Ge Xiu’s steps paused, he thought very seriously for two seconds and then said carefully:

  ”I had a dream…”

  He lifted his skinny knuckles and pressed them on his lower lip with an unpredictable smile on his lips. He said half-truth:

  ”In my dream, a stranger told me that I had my own fleet in my previous life.”

  He blinked slyly at the confused Xiao Yi and then turned and jumped into the cockpit before he could continue to ask questions.

  Ge Xiu first stepped over the unconscious crew members on the ground and then skilfully began to search the containers.

  Ten minutes later, he gathered anaesthetic injections, adrenaline and ID card smart brain which he found on the crew members and piled them up on the cockpit floor. Then he carefully put all the candies into his pocket.

  Finally, he took out what he had prepared before and walked towards the unconscious sergeant on the ground.

  During the whole process, Xiao Yi looked around curiously in the cockpit.

  He has now changed from the initial panic and fear of learning the truth and finally had some excitement of this age on his face.

  ”Xiao Qi, shall we go back next?” he looked at the driver’s seat a little timidly, carefully reached out his hand and curiously stroked the texture of the bionic material on it, asking with bright eyes.

  Ge Xiu peeled another candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Without looking back, he said in a vague voice: “No.”

  Xiao Yi was taken aback. After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded, pretending to be very calm: “Well, you’re right, the environment of the garbage star is too bad, we can now take everyone to live on better planets.”

  This time, Ge Xiu stopped what he was doing.

  He raised his head to look at Xiao Yi, his left cheek bulging from the candy, which looked quite funny, but his expression was particularly concentrated and his pitch-black eyes were like whirlpools, with a strange attraction. Xiao Yi’s back felt numb when he saw them and he almost wanted to turn around and run away.

  In the next second, Ge Xiu broke the silence and asked nonchalantly:

  ”Do you know why I asked you to destroy the fuel tank according to the data on the brain?”

  Xiao Yi slowly shook his head.

  ”Because that place has just been repaired by a crew member, so when other people saw the repeated data they would only suspect that he didn’t do a good job, not that the ship itself had a problem and so they would let their own people repair it instead of sending report to the main ship.”

  Explained slowly Ge Xiu.

  ”What do you mean, sending the report…?”

  Xiao Yi’s remaining words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

  He stared at the boy’s scrawny, but unrecognizable face and from the outside he caught a glimpse of the “autopilot” logo that was still lit on the main control panel. He shuddered inexplicably and his heart suddenly rose a guess like a flash of lightning.

  Xiao Yi asked tremblingly: “Xiao, Xiao Qi, do you want to…”

  Ge Xiu showed a pure smile, revealing two lovely tiger teeth.

  But the excitement glowing in his eyes did not match his expression. The extreme and evil burning heat almost made the onlookers fearful:

  ”Yes, our next destination is the main ship.”

  As the voice fell, Ge Xiu’s hand tugged up forcefully and the non-commissioned officer lying on the ground was instantly hung upside down by the rope tied to his feet.

  He tied the rope to the side bar to fix it in place, picked up adrenaline from the ground and injected it into the non-commissioned officer.

  The sergeant opened his eyes abruptly, panting for breath and struggling in panic, but the upside-down posture made his brain overflowing with blood and he had nowhere to use force. He bounced in mid-air like a dehydrated fish.

  Ge Xiu sat cross-legged on the ground, watching him struggle with interest.

  A few minutes later, sergeant finally calmed down. He took a few breaths, looked around and found that there were only two small thin half-mature teenagers in the entire cockpit, which made him feel slightly relieved.

  It seems that the scope of this riot was not large, culprits were only two children.

  He sneered: “It’s really impressive that you two can go so far, but you end here.”

  It’s a pity that sergeant was still shaking in the air like a dried bacon. This situation makes intimidation in his voice a lot weaker.

  The autopilot on the screen flashed with bright blue light, shining on his face, making him more arrogant: “This cargo ship is heading towards the main ship. Unless you have a password, the autopilot will not be cancelled. Yes, you should surrender now, put me down and I can still leave you with a whole body, otherwise you will beg for mercy when we return to the main ship—”

  A fleeting smile crossed Ge Xiu’s lips.

  He stared at the man hanging upside down in front of him for a second as if a child was watching an insect struggling in his hand, with an almost innocent malice in his expression.

  Next words of the sergeant suddenly got stuck in his throat.

  ——Because Ge Xiu quickly reported a series of numbers.

  The non-commissioned officer froze: “What are you…”

  The number that the young man just said was the administrator’s password.

  How can it be?

  Ge Xiu stared at him with a smile, as if he had expected his reaction a long time ago.

  He tapped a finger on the non-commissioned officer’s eyebrow and pushed him, causing him to sway in the air.

  The completely inverted vision became more blurred due to the shaking and the boy’s voice sounded in his ears, the still tender voice contained unconcealed pleasure as if every minute and every second of the situation was nothing but an enjoyment to him.

  ”For ships of your size, only one password would be set. As long as you have the optical brain of the administrator, how difficult can it be to crack?”

  The sergeant gritted his teeth, but before he could figure out how to deal with it he heard the other party say:

  ”But don’t be nervous, I am not going to cancel the autopilot mode, let alone turn the starship away.”


  The non-commissioned officer was taken aback for a moment and his brain couldn’t wrap around the meaning for a while – not going to escape with the spaceship? What does that mean?

  Ge Xiu tilted his head looking very innocent:

  ”Now, you have to tell me all the information about the main ship.”

  The way he said it was very normal, but the impact was like a thunder hit the ground.

  The sergeant’s mind was blank for a moment and it took a long time to realize what the two people in front of him were doing. His face turned pale, the blood in his body seemed to have frozen and he blurted out with horror:

  ”Are you crazy?”

  Ge Xiu answered his question with an even brighter smile.

  Cold sweat oozed from the back of the non-commissioned officer.

  He wasn’t stupid. After experiencing all the things just now, it is even more impossible to treat the boy in front of him as if he escaped by chance. If he sold him information about the main ship and led wolf inside the base consequences would be much more serious than loss of the cargo.

  His expression became firm, and he rebuffed: “Impossible!”

  There was still hope in the non-commissioned officer’s heart. After all, time required to travel back to the main ship was not that long. As long as he was determined not to tell anything before arriving on the main ship, it didn’t matter if they changed the route temporarily. Cargo ships had positioning devices and he would soon be rescued.

  And when he got free… sergeant’s eyes flashed fiercely.

  Someone dared to treat him this way, he must break the bones of their whole body and throw them in a place with wolves that had been hungry for three days, leaving them to die in pain without a place to bury.

  Ge Xiu shook his head regretfully as if he really felt sorry for him:

  ”It’s too bad. The answer is wrong.”

  As he said that he took out smart brain that he carried with him and the suddenly lit up screen reflected blue light on his fingertips.

  Ge Xiu casually said while playing with his smart brain: “Your control bracelet is really a good thing. I just looked at it and it actually has an electric shock function…”

  The sergeant suddenly felt cold and had a bad premonition. Gathering his thoughts, he raised his head with difficulty and looked at the wrist tied in front of him – there was nothing on his wrist.

  Before he could figure out what was going on he saw the boy in front of him smile radiantly, like a kid who did a prank, naively and slyly, as Ge Xiu said:

  ”Guess where I put it?”

  The sergeant’s brain acted too late. While processing the information he suddenly felt a burst of violent pain which could almost tear person in half coming from between his legs. Such intense pain made him tremble crazily in the air and he curled up like a dried shrimp.

  After half a minute, the electric shock stopped.

  The sergeant was dripping with cold sweat, his pupils shrank in horror as he watched tremblingly the boy’s eyes that had a pure and innocent smile inside but looked like a demon’s reincarnation to him:


  Ge Xiu moved the candy in his mouth to the other side with tip of his tongue. He squinted his eyes and looked at the other’s expression carefully, corners of his lips slightly hooked up: “Why? It isn’t enough? There seems to be a second gear here…”

  Before his words fell the sergeant interrupted in panic: “Wait, wait!”

Ge Xiu’s fingertips stopped.

  He pretended to be suspicious and asked: “Huh? Do you remember the answer now?”

  The sergeant’s face was grey and he nodded frantically “I, I will tell you everything!”

  Ge Xiu smiled brightly and put his hand away. “I need the number of crew members and combat facilities, including internal line defence.”

  He paused, watching the non-commissioned officer who was hanging upside down in front of him, and slowly added: “If the information you said is wrong next time it will be pushed to the highest level– “

  Ge Xiu drew his gaze lightly to the opponent’s shifting legs and his sharp teeth chewed up the remaining sugar in his mouth — sergeant shook subconsciously.

  The same sweet smile on his lips after an even deeper look seemed harmless:

  ”After all, I cannot guarantee that you can get through the next wave – and believe me, I have plenty of methods to verify true and false.”

  The last hope in sergeant’s heart was broken. He looked desperately at the boy in front of him and nodded tremblingly.

  He will just say it…

  After all, there are only two people rebelling here, it’s impossible to actually do anything to the main ship, at best he would find a better escape route.

  The non-commissioned officer thought comfortingly in his heart.

  Leibert was one of the eight main ships retired from the war. After having retired it was turned into an interstellar transit station. Except for few small combat warships that stayed, the main ship had the rest replaced by cargo ships for transportation, but even so, its indestructible energy barrier and battle-tested lasers could still ensure that its sufficient combat and self-preservation capabilities and it was one of the core ships in the Alliance.

  No one imagined that it would be stolen ten days after being dispatched to take over the task of slave cargo transportation.

  At the same time as Leibert’s positioning device disappeared from the Alliance’s interplanetary surveillance equipment a video was sent to the Alliance Command.

  The Alliance Command was located on the A-class main star of the central galaxy. The huge conference hall made out of expensive Albert Asia steel was suspended high in the air and the icy black steel was illuminated by the bionic light source as bright as daylight. All the sharp edges and corners were cold and inhumane.

  A breathless depression filled the command post.

  At this moment, on the huge round table in the conference hall, there were sitting several senior military officers who were permanently stationed there by the Federation, their faces solemnly staring at the floating electronic screen opposite the round table.

  The data was scanned by military-level brains, confirmed to be without any virus attached and there was no trace of hostile forces on it, as if it were just an ordinary visual document.

  The reason it attracted the attention of the Alliance was because it was sent from the coordinates of last appearance of Leibert.

  In the next second, video started to play.

  A skinny boy appeared on the huge screen and laughed showing two tiger teeth:


The author has something to say: the

cp appears!

Come out after a thousand calls! ! ! applaud! ! ! (applause applause applause applause noises**)

**呱唧 apparently that means applauding noises

*Funfact, Xiao Yi’s name means literally Little One and Xiao Qi means Little Seven.

Bamboo has something to say!

we’ll see the gong~

The novel’s CP can also be called

Crazy intelligent violent shou x protective indifferent and loyal gong. They’re both so worth it!!

Little Theater:

The sergeant: are you crazy??

Ge Xiu: took you a while to realise

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