The Spider Queen

Chapter 729 A Tempting Offer

(Zrudread University- Black Rose Hunter Guild)

(Private Room)

"It is good to see you again," an intelligent looking woman spoke gently as she sat down on one of the chairs in the private room.

The woman wore a simple white uniform with a black jacket.

The outfit was completed with a sharp golden watch on her wrist and a pair of dark leathery shoes that were pointed.

Her appearance resembled that of an office worker from the Ancient Earth era.

Well, if you didn\'t count her massive frame, the dark brown fur that covered her body and her wolf-like features.

Sitting across from her was a seven-foot-tall hybrid girl with striking golden eyes and four blade-like appendages jutting out from her back.

"It has been quite some time," Sophie replied calmly as she reached for the cup of tea on the table and took a small sip.

"The higher ups were very impressed after investigating your performance on planet Calypso. They were very pleased indeed," Melissa flattered politely.

"In addition, your one hundred percent completion rate of bounty hunting missions has made them pay attention to you."

"You are without a doubt one of the brightest new stars in our guild."

The guild receptionist reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver card with dark ivory markings engraved along its edges.

Sophie reached for the card and felt a cold tingle on her fingertips. The metal card was significantly colder than the environment around it.

"And what is this?" Sophie asked curiously as she tucked the card away in her storage bag.

"A premium membership card," Melissa smoothly explained as she leaned back in the chair and relaxed her shoulders.

"It allows you to select four star and five star missions without an evaluation process and you may also post your own missions on the board."

"The strength of the Black Rose Guild is yours to command."

"That sounds quite nice but… what do you expect from me in return," Sophie asked in a calm manner but her golden eyes shone eerily.

"Of course nothing in the universe is free but I suspect that you will find this arrangement quite palatable," Melissa assured her in a polite tone.

"We simply wish to become your exclusive mercenary guild. The only condition of your membership is that you not join any other groups."

Sophie tapped her fingers on the table lightly and gave the matter some thought.

She now understood why she had been called to the Black Rose guild for a private meeting.

The organisation wished to keep the current head of House Peterlor as one of their members in order to increase their influence.

Fair enough.

Sophie was not offended or upset. Rather it was comforting that they were so open about their intention.

Actually she would probably be more wary if the card was offered for free with no strings attached.

As an influential political figure… there was no such thing as unearned kindness.

Still, she could not appear to be too eager. It would be beneficial to pretend to be slightly reluctant.

Maybe she would even get some additional benefits.

Sophie opened her mouth and spoke with a hint of hesitancy in her voice,

"That does sounds reasonable but let me think over the matter. Send me a contract and I will review it with my legal team and get back to you."

"Of course… please keep the card in the meantime," Melissa replied with a small smile. Sophie got up from the table and the guild receptionist stood up as well.

The pair shook hands firmly and Melissa promised to send the contract over as soon as possible.

Sophie left the room and walked through a long and winding corridor until she arrived at the guild\'s main hall.

It was just as chaotic as she remembered.

A spacious hall with benches and wooden chairs spaced out at regular intervals.

People of all races and species were happily chatting and making small talk between each other while drinking glasses of purplish liquid.

As Sophie walked towards the exit, she noticed that a lot of heavy gazes were being directed towards her location.

Her enhanced hearing could easily pick up the hushed whispers that filled the room.

"Hey… is that?"

"The duchess of House Peterlor! Damn I almost forgot that she is a member here…"

"You think she would want to do a bounty hunting mission with me? It would be the perfect opportunity to make her acquaintance."

"Leroux you idiot! You barely survived a one star mission to find a lost pet! Didn\'t you see the tournament? She is out of your league."

Sophie kept her expression calm and her footsteps remained steady and unbothered.

It helped that she was used to the stares after growing up on planet Gaia as a hybrid.

It was just that now the stares had turned from curiosity and/or disgust to ones of greed. She was an influential noble so many wanted to win her favour.

Now she could understand why some of her peers back in high school saw themselves as gods.

Being flattered and adored by everyone around you would warp anyone\'s sense of humility.

Sophie clicked her tongue as she arrived at the door and pushed it open. Fortunately, her frosty demeanor prevented any of the mercenaries from getting too close.

She stepped outside and a cold gust of wind brushed loose strands of hair onto her forehead.

The sun was now beginning to sink towards the horizon and orange rays of light gave the landscape a soft and gentle glow.

Sophie walked towards the city in the distance and sent a few messages on her communicator to Cleo.

She turned around to get one final look at the guild building.

It really was like a fortress with sturdy walls, plasma cannons and robotic guards patrolling the nearby area and those was just the defenses that were easily visible!

She supposed that when you were one of the best mercenary groups in the Federation… you probably made quite a few enemies.

There was one detail about the fortress that did stick out in particular and that was the green vines that were wrapped around its outer walls.

Growing on those vines were several black roses swaying gently back and forth in the wind. A mysterious scent wafted off the flowers which made her feel a bit woozy.

Sophie shook her head to drive away the strange feeling and then continued on her journey back to the mansion.

Tonight, was the second day of the quarterfinals and Astrid would be facing off against the representative of Mer University.

Sophie\'s footsteps hastened as she could not wait to turn on the livestream and support her friend in the tournament.

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