The Spider Queen

Chapter 441 - The Final Night Together

"Help! Help! I\'m being kidnapped!" Cleo loudly screamed as she wildly flailed her body around in an attempt to escape her captor.

"Do you have to do that?" Sophie groaned as she pinched her girlfriend\'s ear. 

Cleo immediately burst into a fit of giggles and refused to apologise.

The hybrid girl let out a heavy sigh and stared at her girlfriend with an indulgent smile on her lips.

Cleo was currently blindfolded and being led to a mysterious place. Sophie gently grabbed her arm and escorted the princess like an overprotective knight.

Today was the last day that they would spend together since Cleo\'s extended vacation was finally over, and she would have to return to Zrudread University.

Just the mere thought of Cleo leaving made Sophie feel a mixture of sadness and anger, but she refused to let her dark desires get in the way of what was best for her girlfriend.

Cleo would happily take a semester off to spend time with her in the mansion, but Sophie did not want her to do that.

Well… only a tiny part of her did… okay maybe a bit more than a small part.

"So, are you going to tell me where we\'re going?" Cleo asked softly as she was guided through a maze of corridors and passageways.

"It\'s going to be a surprise," Sophie replied with a teasing grin. 

She bowed her head and planted a soft kiss against Cleo\'s cheek.

Finally, after several minutes the pair appeared in front of a metalloid door. Sophie pressed her finger against the scanner and a green light flashed twice.

She entered the room and carefully escorted Cleo inside. Even though her girlfriend was a cultivator, Sophie treated her with care and attention as if she were made of fragile glass.

Sophie gently reached for the blindfold and pulled it off with one smooth motion. Cleo blinked rapidly to get adjusted to the sudden light.

Cleo gasped in shock as she saw where Sophie had brought her. They were currently standing inside a magnificent ballroom with an expensive chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

The floor was made from a shiny metalloid substance that had been painted to resemble a field of wildflowers.

A small dining table had been placed in the middle of the room and a few candles were placed in the center.

The scent of roses filled the air as flowers were wrapped around the columns scattered across the room.

"Surprise babe," Sophie whispered lovingly. She held Cleo\'s hand and guided the awe-struck girl to the nearest chair.

She pulled back the chair like a gentleman and made sure to symbolically wipe the seat even though it was definitely clean.

"When… when did you do this?" Cleo asked in shock.

"I had to borrow one of the spare rooms in the mansion from my dad. Its our last night together and I wanted to do something special," Sophie explained proudly.

"But wait… let me show you something."

Sophie powered on her wrist communicator and pressed a series of buttons. The lighting in the ballroom dimmed and a metalloid stage rose from the ground.

A classical tune began to play, and four hologram figures appeared on the stage. They were members of the latest virtual boyband group.

They were called \'The Sunset Boys.\'

Well to be more precise this was a recording of one of their unreleased songs that would not come out for several months.

It was amazing what money could buy. Especially in the entertainment industry where credits were all that mattered.

The lead singer was a feminine man with long, spiky hair who opened his mouth and began to sing in a low tone.

"Baby my heart reaches out to you…"

"I see your smiling face in my dreams… baby for you I would go through wind and rain…"

"Our love is all I need…I\'m on my knees baby..."

The other members of the band pulled out different instruments and began to play. The lead singer increased his volume and belted out more lyrics.

"For my love is like a burning volcano… baby its hot and burning."

"There is no greater beauty in the universe… in my eyes you are my one and only soulmate."

"Let\'s grow old… let\'s grow old… our story is yet to unfold…"

The song was ridiculously cheesy and sappy, but Cleo felt her heart melt as she stared at her girlfriend.

"You did this all for me?" Cleo whispered softly. Sophie opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by the warm body that rushed into her arms.

Cleo had leapt over the table and was now sitting down on her lap and showering her face with lots of kisses.

Sophie closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft touch of her girlfriend\'s lips. She wrapped her arms around Cleo\'s body and began to gently stroke her back.

Thank you… whoever had sent this angel into her life… thank you.

Cleo finally stopped her attack and nuzzled deeper into Sophie\'s embrace. The princess had never felt as safe and protected as she did when inside Sophie\'s arms.

The band continued to play in the background as the pair silently listened to the lyrics and enjoyed each other\'s company.

"Okay darling… let me get the next part of the surprise ready," Sophie reluctantly spoke. Cleo got up from her lap and returned to her chair with an expectant look on her face.

Sophie hurriedly walked towards one of the walls in the corner of the ballroom and tapped her knuckles against a certain part.

The wall shuddered and then a hidden door swung open to reveal a room where several plates and bottles were stored.

Sophie grabbed the most expensive bottle of wine and two glasses and returned to the table with a happy smile.

"Is that fruit wine brewed by the Armeron race?" Cleo raised an eyebrow in surprise as she noticed the label on the bottle.

"Only the best for my princess," Sophie gave a mock bow and then smiled. 

Cleo\'s heart skipped a beat as she saw her girlfriend\'s childish antics. 

The princess had to fight the urge to jump over the table and repeat her actions from a moment ago.

Sophie was usually the aggressive one when it came to intimacy in their relationship and maybe it was because this was their last night together, but Cleo felt unusually confident.

The hybrid girl twisted the cork using her right hand, and it eventually released with a loud pop. 

A spicy aroma entered her nostril that was both pleasant and exotic. She poured the purplish liquid into the two glasses and handed one to Cleo.

"Cheers… to many more nights together," Sophie spoke warmly.

"Cheers," Cleo replied with a gentle smile.

The two girls pressed their wineglasses together briefly as they cheered. Sophie raised the glass to her lips and gulped the expensive wine.

The taste was unlike anything that she had ever experienced. 

It was bitter at first, but the aftertaste was like a mixture of vanilla, brownies and cookies all combined into one overwhelmingly sweet package.

Due to her Arachnais physiology Sophie was unable to get drunk, so she quickly refilled her wine glass and downed another drink.

Cleo on the other hand took small sips and savoured the wine with all the elegancy and class befitting a member of the royal family.

Sophie leaned forward and stole a kiss while Cleo was contemplating the flavour of the wine. The sweet taste of Cleo\'s lips mixed with the aftertaste of the wine to produce a pleasant sensation.

"I love you," Sophie whispered sincerely as she stroked Cleo\'s cheek. 

"Part of me wants you to stay but…. I… I will see you soon. These months will fly by quicker than you think, and I promise to contact you ever day."

"Every. Single. Day," Cleo spelled out her requirements firmly. The princess crossed her arms sternly and waited for her girlfriend\'s reply.

"Every single day," Sophie promised solemnly.

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