What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1098 Let's Turn This Place To A Resort


"So… Is Daddy going to get rid of this World now?" Lilith asked while I was cuddling with Cai Hong, Iris and Brendan.

Brendan was the only one who was asleep while the other two were just getting comfortable.

I tilted my head at her, "Hmm? Why would you think that?"

"Well… You\'ve made Mother understand how it\'s like to be considerate of others now, right? So you don\'t need this place anymore?"

"But… Everyone\'s still having fun, right? Do you want me to get rid of it?"

"... No?"

"So are you going to come cuddle or not?"

"Yes please~"

She skipped towards me and tried to find a spot where she could join in the cuddling.

Iris looked up at her before scooting over closer to my side, giving her space in the middle.

Needless to say, Lilith was plenty surprised by her actions but decided not to say anything and crawled into my embrace, settling herself down to cuddle me in the space Iris had vacated.

"Nnngghh~ Is it too much to ask for this to continue forever, Daddy?" Lilith mumbled into my chest.

"Ara, ara? I would not mind that too, Master," Iris added.

Cai Hong buried her face into the other side of my chest, "Muuu~ Papa warm~"

I wrapped my arms around them all and brought them closer, humming softly while patting their heads, even creating extra floating hands to pat the other two as well.

Soon enough, the girls\' breathing became softer until they fell asleep in my arms.

I was just about to close my eyes myself when I felt Brendan shift himself on my shoulder.

"Ma… Master?" He whispered in a voice that was barely audible even with him right beside my ear.

I figured he didn\'t want to wake the girls up so I restricted the sound to only travel between the two of us.

"What is it, Brendan?"

"Umm… I think I fell asleep and missed quite a lot of things… Also… Should I be here? Should I just go back to where my senior sisters are?"

I smiled at him, "Oh? Is Brendan shy?"

"Umm… Not really… It\'s just that in the event things happen, I\'m not confident of surviving by myself..."

Hmm? Is he talking about playing games with the girls? I guess he doesn\'t know that everyone here is restricted from using their powers and he\'s worried that he\'s the only person here who hasn\'t at least ascended to godhood yet.

Or maybe he just feels awkward being the only shota here?

I cleared my throat, "Well… I guess to first catch you up on things… Iris is fun now."

Brendan gave me a look that told me he had no idea what I was talking about.

I considered my words, "Hmmm… I guess to put it simply, she most likely wouldn\'t be content with just standing by the side and watching me anymore."

"Eh… Eh? Then does that mean she\'s going to try and change Master again?"

"Ah, no, no. That\'s not what I meant. I mean that she would be happier if she would join us for our activities from now on."

Brendan\'s face lit up in understanding, "Ah, I see. But err… She wouldn\'t start trying to compete with us… I mean… With senior sisters for your attention, right?"

I thought about it for a moment and pursed my lips, "That\'s… Actually a pretty good question… I believe she would simply act more like your senior sisters from now on, since there\'s a high probability of her learning from them."

"Ummm… That\'s not exactly reassuring but I suppose it\'s better than what I feared."

Eh? What does Brendan mean by that? Aren\'t his senior sisters getting along quite well together? I don\'t think Iris being like them would be a problem, right?

Brendan then looked around the place, "So… Master isn\'t going to destroy this World right? Are you just going to keep this place as it is?"

"Hmmm… I\'m pretty sure if I were to get rid of it, a whole bunch of cosmic beings are going to be really upset, wouldn\'t they?"

My shota alchemist gestured towards the city in the distance, "But isn\'t this effectively making it a prison for everyone here? No one here would want to leave and they\'ll be trapped inside this World forever…"

Ah… I… Admit I didn\'t really think about the fallout of this. I was thinking that they will eventually leave this place on their own but knowing these children… They could be here till the end of time and still not want to leave.

Maybe it would be better to just End this World and just let them be upset for a while? Things should then go back to normal after some time right?


Oh no… It\'s showing me multiple destroyed galaxies and ripped realities too… Some of them would even go on to fight their other siblings over this, sparking another cosmic war.

Well… The good thing is that we no longer need to worry about the Great Ones since Iris has basically been pacified so their desire to End things should be gone.

I suddenly felt a tug on my arm and I looked down to see Iris looking up at me, "You could turn this place into a sort of vacation resort, Master."

"A vacation resort?" I parroted, not even surprised that she was able to hear us despite the barrier I placed.

"Ara? That\'s right~ We set a time limit on how long someone can stay here and limit the number of people that can enter this World at any given time. It\'ll be a premium vacation World so that there is a waiting list for it to avoid everyone staying here all at once while also letting Master\'s children play here~"

Oh my, that\'s a great idea, Iris! We\'ll just make this World into a vacation planet that also caters to other cosmic beings around the universe! I think that might make things a little more interesting around here too! You\'re a genius, Iris!

Her thoughts echoed in my head, \'Ufufufu~ Thank you Master~\'

Brendan was staring at her with wide eyes and Iris turned to smile at him, "Hello Brendan. You need not be so surprised by me, you know? What Master had told you about me is true. I hope we can get along from now on~"

Brendan\'s smile looked a little strained when he answered her, "Like… Likewise, umm…"

"Ara, ara? You can call me senior sister like the others too~"

"Senior sister Iris then…"

"Ufufufu~ You really are cute~ I can see why Master likes you~"

Ahaha, see? There was no need to worry about this at all, Brendan.

Now, I\'ll just have my split bodies deliver the news to everyone and we can finally go back home~

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