What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1036 In Another Universe

I was honestly expecting nothing to happen but the moment I finished the front flip, I found myself in a different place.

Looking around, I found myself in an unfamiliar room made completely out of wood, which was odd considering our room in Master\'s courtyard definitely did not look like this. That was when I realised the lantern hanging on the wall was swaying slightly like it was being rocked back and forth.

I also realised that there were the sounds of crashing waves coming out from the window, something I recognised a little belatedly was probably a ship\'s porthole which gives me an idea of where I was.

I flexed my fingers and tried to get a sense of this body of mine, nodding to myself when I realised that my powers seemed to have been carried over. How does that work even though I\'m in another body?

Oh whatever, I\'m not going to question it since it\'s not like I understand how this parallel Universe thing works in the first place anyway.

Also… What kind of clothes are these? There\'s so many straps and leather all over the place… And what\'s with these knee high boots too? Why is the me of this Universe even wearing clothes like these? I\'ll take my usual clothes over these any day.

Out of habit, I tried to materialise my spare clothes from my storage ring, only to remember that I was in a different Universe.

Wait… I don\'t even have a storage ring? That\'s really inconvenient… Am I too poor to afford one in this Universe or does Master find it unnecessary for me to have one?

Then again, this version of me may have hid it somewhere instead of wearing it all the time.

I sighed, deciding to just focus on finding Master first.

Stepping out of my cabin, I found myself in a narrow corridor with rooms on either side. The sounds of crashing waves were still audible from inside here.

Unsure of where Master was, I thought that perhaps going outside might be better than staying down here, since it\'s my first time on a ship after all.

Moving towards the stairs, I was surprised to find Master descending it just as I reached the bottom of the stairs. It was honestly very weird to see Master also dressed in those straps and leather instead of the white robes that we usually see Him wear.

He smiled at me, "Oh, hello Lian Li. Out for a walk?"

Deciding to just go with it, I quickly went up to Him, "Master! This might sound impossible but I am Lian Li from another Universe! I was sent here to help you!"

Master raised an eyebrow at me, "Err… What?"

"I know it\'s weird Master but you have to trust me! There\'s multiple Universes out there and there\'s a stalker bitch that is screwing everything up! You need to read my memories, Master!"

Master narrowed His eyes, "You drank seawater didn\'t you?"

"Master! I\'m serious! I really am from a different Universe! Look!"

I materialised my will upon this reality and altered the concept of gravity within the space.

Master looked around the space before narrowing His eyes accusingly at me, "Ok… Did you slip something into our food, Lian Li? You know what I said about this the last time you did it."

I shivered slightly, feeling both intimidated and slightly excited by the intensity of the stare Master was levelling at me.

I quickly reminded myself that this was not my version of Master and pushed down the excitement to look at Master seriously.

"You have to trust me Master, I truly am Lian Li from another Universe! Just read my memories and you will see!"

Master frown deepened, "There is just one problem… I can\'t read minds, Lian Li. Seriously, did you drink seawater though?"

I was about to ask Master what He meant when I heard a bell start to ring above us, causing both Master and I to look up.

"Crossbones at starboard!! It\'s the Black Kraken pirates!!" Someone shouted above us.

Master turned back to me, "We\'ll deal with this later! All hands to battle stations!"

In an instant, the ship came alive as the doors in the corridor I had just come from burst open and sailors poured out from the rooms.

Since the tide of sailors were rushing up the stairs, I had no choice but to be swept along with them as well.

Amongst them, I even spotted a familiar face.

This Universe\'s version of Eris came up to me and slapped me on the back, "Looks like our Golden Girl Lian Li is already up and about! Did you have a late night rendezvous with Master or something?"

"N… No. Umm… What… What are we doing?" I asked, unsure of what position I was or even how different this place is compared to mine. That\'s why I was hoping Eris might at least give me some kind of idea what this world is like.

Unfortunately, she misunderstood my question and brought me up to the deck, "Shouldn\'t be anything big. This is the Black Kraken crew we\'re talking about, we\'ve already beaten them back once so I guess they\'re just back for some revenge. We just need to beat them back again."

"Umm… Can\'t Master just blast them out of the sea?"

"Eh? Well… I guess it\'s a given that we would start with the two sides firing cannons at each other first but--"

"No, no," I interrupted her. "I mean, couldn\'t Master just use His powers to sink their ship? Or maybe just have you cut their ship in half or something?"

Eris blinked a few times at me before breaking out into laughter, "Ahahaha! What is this? I didn\'t think I could see you telling such a joke with a straight face, Lian Li! What kind of monster do you think I am? Who the hell can cut a ship in two?"


Wait… Are you saying…

"Eris… Do you know what a Practitioner is?" I asked.

She tilted her head at me, "What the hell is that? Some martial arts expert or something?"

This… This is a Universe where there are no Cultivation Techniques and no immortals?! How am I supposed to get Master to read my memories then?!

Oh wait, I could just use my power over concepts to deal with that problem, I can\'t believe I didn\'t think of that.

First things first though, it looks like Master is completely focused on leading the ship to destroy the other ship that was sailing towards us. I should just help Master deal with this and then show Master the memories.

I just realised something… How do I go back to my Universe?

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