What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 987: You Are Free To Treat Trash AsTrash

"Oh! Master! That shop looks interesting!" Lian Li squealed while tugging my arm.

Naturally, when we come to a new place like this, the girls would want to do some shopping.

Not that I mind since I\'m also on the lookout for any souvenirs I could bring back for the ones staying back at home.

I looked in the direction of where Lian Li was pointing and quickly realised that it was a store selling various kinds of cultivation materials. No doubt there are things there that are unique to this Plane.

Hmm… Perhaps I can get something nice there that will help my disciples speed up their ascension to godhood.

There weren\'t any doors so we simply stepped through the entrance of the shop, the smell of herbs and pills assaulting our noses.

The shopkeeper immediately looked up, "Welco-- Oh… Hmph."

Huh? What\'s with that sudden flip in attitude? Do we look weird or something?

The girls instantly recognised the change in tone and set their eyes on the shopkeeper with clear hostility.

Either he didn\'t notice their glares or didn\'t care since he leaned on the counter lazily and waved his hand in the air, "What do you want? I don\'t think my shop has anything that will interest honourable immortals."

\'Honourable immortals\'? Where the heck did that come from? Did someone spread some weird rumour around the city?

Manami stepped beside me with her sleeve covering the bottom half of her face, "Ara? Your attitude sure doesn\'t fit someone who is welcoming \'honourable immortals\'."

"Tsk… What do you want? The whole city is already aware of your tricks in case you don\'t know."

I frowned, "Tricks?"

"Yeah, do you seriously think anyone buys the lie that you\'re from the Earthen Plane? You might as well just tell everyone the truth already. You possess a Sacred Treasure, right? There\'s no need to hide it behind such an obvious lie."

The girls turned to look at me and I had to check with Omniscience what that guy was talking about.

"Sacred Treasures are artefacts that the Gods can grant to mortals that win their favour, they are quite powerful treasures with unique abilities. We do not have a Sacred Treasure though."

The shopkeeper sighed, "Whatever, I don\'t really care. I\'m not interested in gaining any God\'s favour anyway. I just hope you actually have money to buy something seeing you\'re all basically a bunch of liars."

Lian Li turned to me, "Master… May we?"

I couldn\'t help but chuckle, "You don\'t need to ask for permission. In fact, I\'m giving all of you my express permission to deal with such situations however you see fit. Consider this as my test to see how you have all grown. You are goddesses now and goddesses are not an existence that should be trampled upon."

Kiyomi gasped, "Is Master giving us your express blessing to deal with trash how trash should be dealt with?"

"That\'s a rather weird way to phrase it but yes?"

They were especially elated to hear that and Lian Li immediately turned back to face the shopkeeper who had been looking at us like we were crazy.

I wondered how she was going to argue with him until she reached up her hand and grabbed him by his head, slamming him down onto the counter in one smooth motion.

So unexpected I was by the sight that I actually snorted out in laughter.

"You\'re talking mad shit for someone within slapping distance," Lian Li growled.

The man gritted his teeth, "How dare you?! Do you think I\'m a pushover just because I\'m tending to a shop?! I\'m still a Practitioner who reached Stage eight of the Sky realm!!"


Well, he is tending to a shop specialised in selling cultivation materials after all, it would be a surprise if he was weak.

Still, in the face of my disciples, you might as well tell them you have the strength of a ten year old kid.

He pushed against the counter, roaring out in defiance as he tried to lift himself out from under Lian Li\'s grip.

The only thing that achieved was the groan of the wooden counter cracking from his exertion, his head not even moving an inch.

"Eh? What? This can\'t be!! ARRGHHH!!" He roared again, doubling his efforts only to yield the same results.

"Impertinent," Lian Li growled, pushing his head further down until the wood cracked to leave an imprint of the man\'s face there.

"You… Just because you have a Sacred Treasure…"

"Did you not hear? My Master already said we have no such thing. But even if we do have one, is this the way you treat customers?"

"Ha! Customers? I\'m sure you guys can\'t even afford anything inside here! Not when you\'re reliant on Sect Master Qing\'s charity!"

Is that how everyone is seeing us? I suppose it is true that Trash Qing voluntarily offered to pay for our stay at that inn, but I could have paid for ourselves too.

He was pretty desperate in helping pay for us so I didn\'t press the issue, but who knew others would think we were utterly dependent on him just because of that?

Kiyomi stepped up next and flashed him her storage ring, giving the shopkeeper a clear view of its quality before activating it.

A bag full of gold coins spilled out on the counter. I\'m not sure about the economy of this place but I\'m quite certain that there\'s enough money there to buy everything in his shop including the building itself at least twenty times over.

Money that most likely Trash Qing wouldn\'t have given out since he can\'t afford that either.

Just putting it out there, that bag of coins belongs to my disciples themselves, so it\'s not like they are tossing around my money to show off.

His eyes widened at the most amount of money he had ever seen in his life, right before Lian Li picked up his head to slam it down on the counter again.

Manami appeared beside her sister with a sneer on her face, "Ufufufu~ Are we still unqualified as your customers, or is it you who is unqualified to serve us with your dog eyes?"

"It… It\'s me… I am unqualified… For… Forgive me…"

"Oh? Is that the proper way to beg for forgiveness? Maybe we should burn this place to the ground?" Manami suggested, a fireball appearing in her hands.

"No! No! Please!! Forgive me!! This servant… No! This dog truly has no eyes!! To think I was stupid enough to offend honoured Immortals!! This dog deserves a thousand deaths!!"

Damn, girls… All of you really aren\'t holding back after I gave you permission huh?

But… Huh… I actually see no problems with this.

I guess this is also a sign that they\'re growing too, so I shouldn\'t hold them back too much.

Mhmm, watching my disciples grow is just the best!

Eh? Iris? Why are you smiling at me like that?

\'Ara? Was I? I suppose I was just lost in my admiration of how beautiful you looked, Master~\'

Ok… Headpats for you then.

\'Ara, ara? Ufufufufu~\'

Yep, this is good.

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