What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 842: Just Sit There And Be Prayed To

Chapter 842: Just Sit There And Be Prayed To


Tatiana actually went and made a festival for me…

I really wanted to reject it but apparently Phoebe had gone ahead to announce it yesterday and the entire city was expecting me to appear.

Of course, they assured me that it was perfectly fine for me to reject their invitation, but I had a feeling they would then take the chance to embellish my existence or something if I wasn\'t there and that\'s going to cause its own set of problems.

Thus I felt it would be a safer choice to just attend it and deal with anything that comes up myself.

That\'s why I\'m currently standing on top of the platform right outside the main temple, dressed in a really flamboyant set of robes they had prepared for me. In front of said platform was an entire crowd of people currently praying to me.

Geh… There were even some people who were crying out tears of joy upon seeing me…

They didn\'t even have that big of a reaction when Tatiana appeared and introduced herself to the people.

I realised the reason was that almost everyone only knew their High Maiden by name and not what she looks like. So for all they know, the Tatiana in front of them might just be a descendant or someone else claiming to be her.

But when I descended from the sky in a ray of golden light, all of them immediately reacted like this.

I guess having statues and other various artworks of me around had ingrained my image quite strongly within their minds so they could recognise me so easily like that.

Just saying, the golden light and descending from the sky thing was all Tatiana\'s idea. She hugged my ankles and begged for it so hard that I pitied her and gave in.

Well, since she told me that\'s all I needed to do, I was assuming that I would simply show up, wave a bit and then leave. But having the crowd suddenly start praying to me was not within my expectations.

Hey, I expected them to just faint or something, which seemed to be the usual thing to happen to most people I meet, so you can\'t blame me for this!

Also… Why the hell are my disciples joining them too?! Don\'t think I don\'t see you guys hiding amongst the crowd with your hands clasped together trying to blend in! I\'m definitely going to punish all of you later!

"We thank Founding God for gracing us with your Divine Presence and blessing us with your protection all these years. May we continue to be worthy of your blessings," Tatiana prayed, her head bowed low.

That prompted the rest of the crowd to bow their heads in prayer as well.

Right, is that my cue to leave? Because you guys really just put me up here without telling me what I should be doing so I have no idea what was expected of me.

Erm… Tatiana? The silence is stretching quite a bit now… Why is nothing else happening? Was I supposed to do something? Hello?

I took a look around me and it looked like everyone else was keeping their heads down as if waiting for something, even my disciples were doing the same thing too.

What do you want me to do?!

"I think they want Master to do something…" Xun Guan whispered conspiratorially from under my robes

Yes, I know that, but what?

Err… She said blessing right? So I guess I just need to bless them or something? But what kind of blessing am I supposed to give?!

Hmm… Ahh… I know! How about just a simple Technique that simply makes you a little healthier? Shouldn\'t be too big of a deal.

Let me just… Oops, wait a minute. I know exactly where this is going, I\'m definitely going to overdo it somehow aren\'t I?

Ah ha, almost got me there, but I\'m learning!

Let me just check with omniscience what would have happened if I didn\'t stop myself…

Ah… I forgot I was using this on normal mortals and not Practitioners…

If I had gone ahead with my initial plan, everyone\'s sickness would be cured, anyone with missing limbs would have them grown back, all the old would revert back to the age of their prime and this city would have suddenly been filled up with superhumans…

Well… Good thing that didn\'t happen huh?

Right… Let me just adjust the Technique a little… Double check with omniscience that it was indeed fine… And then release it.

I spread my arms out and particles of light showered down from the sky, illuminating the entire city with the Technique I just released.

Everyone gasped when they saw the light, their bodies should feel rejuvenated right about now.

"Thank you, Founding God!!" All of them cried out at once, pressing their heads to the ground.

Ok, this is getting a bit heavy for me so I\'ll just take that as my cue to leave.

Whatever man, I can\'t deal with this anymore… I never asked for any of this ok?

I turned around expecting to go back to the temple when I realised there was an entire procession of priests and priestesses waiting behind me. Behind them was an exceptionally large and conspicuous palanquin which clued me in on what they were expecting me to do after this.

Great… The next thing on the agenda was to have me be paraded around the city huh?

Ok, no. I am not going to do it. There is no way I am--

"Papa! Papa! Pillow house!"

I looked at the palanquin carefully.

Ah… Cai Hong is sitting inside it and waving at me… Now she\'s patting the pillow beside her beckoning me to sit there as well.

Beside her was Akari and Shiori, both of them curled up amongst the pillows and waiting for me to join them as well.

Ughh… There\'s no way I can turn that invitation down… How did they even convince them to do that?

I reluctantly joined them in the palanquin and the three of them immediately curled themselves up on my lap, making themselves comfortable.

There was the sound of a horn blowing and the procession started to move towards the outer circles of the city.

I raised an eyebrow at the two foxes, "Ok, what did they do to you girls?"

"Mmm… Forgive us, Divine One, but I have to agree with them on this one. Only like this would the people here know of your Divinity."

"And they will know how awesome Master is!"

"Papa coolest!"

Ah well… Small price to pay to see them happy I guess…

At least all I need to do is just sit here, smile and wave.

Can we just skip ahead to the part where we leave for the Cloud Plane already? Don\'t tell me they still have other activities planned for me…

Ugh… I can\'t even get mad since the people of the city looked really happy to see me…

But seriously, no more surprises, ok? I\'m not even a god.

Hmm… Now that I mention it… I haven\'t seen Iris around… I guess she\'s avoiding this so that she doesn\'t need to hear them call me something I\'m not?

Eh, I\'m sure she\'s fine.

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