What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 283 - She Has It Too


Ah, we\'re back to the pronoun game I see.

"I do not know who you are referring to. If you are referring to this power I have, it had laid dormant within me until I recently unlocked it some time ago."

"So you really are one of them… Wielding Origin as though it was your right all along… You damn despicable Fallen Gods… My Mother cleansed you all and sent you down here for a reason, I see she had not been thorough enough in prying the Origin from all of you scum."


When did things get so complicated? And this power is called Origin? Kind of a lame name if you asked me. I think I\'ll just start calling it \'Star Power\' or something, that\'s much better.

Also, I seem to have gotten myself mixed up in something quite large of a scale…

I was just joking about her being a daddy\'s girl and it seems this little demoness actually does have parents she was close to, I thought she would be in the whole rebelling against the parents phase like the typical demon girls.

And if what I\'m interpreting is right, her mother was the one who got people like Sylphy to drop into the Earthen Plane as \'Fallen\'? That must mean she is quite important right? Seeing how she has authority over gods and all.

And what\'s more… Since, I\'m also not sure about my actual origins, perhaps I was one of those \'Fallen\' too?

Could my name really be Jeff?

Wait, now\'s not the time to be having an existential crisis when there\'s an angry demoness in front.

Lilith\'s body began to glow as well, the colour suspiciously similar to mine.

"I will rip that Origin out from you and cast you back even further than this Plane!"


Seems like she has the same Star Power too. This is bad isn\'t it?

She reached her hand upwards and the entire ceiling was torn open, mountain and all.

Not giving her the chance to use it I reached out my own hand and clenched, crushing the entire mountain top into pieces and disintegrating them.

She reached both her hands up into the sky and swung it down, prompting a meteor to appear from behind the clouds.

This is going to be really troublesome…

As the meteor hurtled towards us, I shot out a beam that struck the giant rock in the middle, breaking it into a million pieces before using those smaller pieces to pelt Lilith with at supersonic speeds.

Just to be sure, I summoned my own meteor, letting it float up there in case I need it for any reason.

While I was concentrating on keeping Lilith pinned down with the stone barrage, a telepathic call came from Manami.

"Master! Where are you? There\'s something going on at the Death Mountains!"

I grimaced, "I know. I\'m dealing with it."

"We are coming over to help right now!"

"No! Stay away! You girls will only get hurt here! If you can see what\'s happening here you guys are already too close! Take who you can and run!"

"But… Master…"

"No buts! Hurry and leave!"

I cut the connection just as Lilith created a shockwave that turned the rocks into dust, her glowing eyes staring straight at me with obvious hate.

"Would it help if I mentioned I have lost all my memories?" I tried.

Her only response was another roar as she blasted a beam of energy at me.

I created my own energy blast and shot it at her, our beams meeting in the middle.

At the edge of my senses, I could feel my monsters and her thralls had ceased fighting, opting to just gape at our exchange.

It was apparent that Lilith had more control over the Star Power than I did since her beam was slowly gaining ground against mine.

"Divine One!" The white fox shouted, summoning a beam of ice in front of her to aid me.

Her sister did the same as well with a beam of fire, prompting the Hydra, Behemoth and Leviathan to chip in too.

Even with all of us together, her attack was still able to slowly push us back.

I extended my control over the giant meteor above us, breaking a chunk out of it to send it crashing towards Lilith.

The rock shattered against her head, the demoness not even flinching from the impact.

Very well then.

I broke off half of the meteor and hurled it at her.

Lilith noticed the falling rock and scowled, lifting up one of her hands and clenching it into a fist.

The meteor was sucked into a black hole, the entire giant rock disappearing almost instantaneously.

She looked back down again, finally realising that her beam of energy was no longer meeting any resistance.

I had already moved out of the way when she was distracted, letting her attack pierce through the ground and cleave this mountain in half while I blinked beside her, my monsters leaping out of the way at the last minute.

The demoness just managed to cancel her beam before I threw a white coloured ball at her.

The entire weight of a star crashed into her chest, Lilith gasping out in pain for the first time in this fight before being sent crashing into the ground below.

I was prepared to throw another star at where she crashed, but something made the hair on the back of my neck stand.

I shifted myself to the side just as a blood red lance flew up towards me. I was not fast enough and it managed to pierce through the right side of my abdomen.

The lance continued its way up and struck my meteor, turning its surface a crimson shade of red.

I looked down at my side to see red tendrils forming at where I was struck, sapping me of my strength while burning the corrupted area.

Not hesitating for a moment, I made a chopping motion with my hand, cutting off the infected flesh and letting it burn away in the air.

My meteor up in the sky slowly disintegrated as the tendrils ate it away, leaving nothing behind.

Looking down below me while I regenerated my flesh, Lilith was staring straight up at me while black miasma spread around her, eating up everything that it touched, even her own thralls.

By now, only a few of my monsters were left. The two giant foxes seemed to be holding back her miasma from reaching them, albeit just barely, while the Behemoth, Hydra, Lich, Squidhead Guy and a few Orcs and Kobolds huddled underneath them.

Surprisingly, the female giants and the slimes were capable of a few Techniques, seeing how they were helping the foxes maintain the barrier too.

It seems that whatever her miasma absorbed were also empowering her, evident from her energy spiking every time one of her thralls was absorbed. Apparently when my monsters were absorbed into it, they turned into light particles to return to my sealing orb instead.

Not liking the odds, I sent all the remaining monsters back to where they came from using the Sealing Orb.

Once they were gone, I covered myself in Divine Flames while charging Dark Lightning in my right fist.

I shot back down to the ground at supersonic speed, my fist poised and prepared to punch.

Lilith shot up into the air as well, her miasma cloaked around her like a cape while her right fist was encased with red coloured light.

Our two fists met and the world became silent.

A split second later, sound returned as a deafening blast as black and red lightning crackled all around us while the ground shook from an earthquake.

The mountain that we had started from collapsed into a heap of rubble and the clouds above us parted in a perfect circle with us in the middle of it.

Both of us were staring at each other in the eyes, my own glowing eyes boring straight into hers while we held our ground against each other\'s strike.

Her mantle of darkness tried to wrap itself around me but my Divine Flames kept it at bay, not allowing it to reach within five metres of me.

Just as I felt our stalemate reach a critical mass, a pillar of light crashed down nearby, a toga wearing figure floating out and hovering a short distance away from us.

I only managed to recognise him as one of those damn busybodies before my vision shifted and both Lilith and I were teleported away, moments before our attacks exploded and sent us flying away from each other.

I flipped myself and landed on my feet, looking down to see piles of sand all around me.

Memories of my brief foray with giant sandworms and a giant sword user flashed through my mind.

Great. I\'m back here again…

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