Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 418 - Desperate Battle

Chapter 418 – Desperate Battle


Belphegor showed off his strength, frightening the prideful Brutus from before! The man looked at Belphegor while gasping for air, his entire body was burned to almost a crisp, but his natural regeneration as a god was slowly healing his wounds, however, the damage he took was not only physical! His Soul was also greatly damaged, for the first time ever, Brutus felt his souls lowly gain a few cracks! This was the power of Belphegor\'s flames, they were not merely normal flames, but phantom flames, they were able to directly target the foe\'s soul and damage it.

"Do you like the deadly power of my phantom flames? After becoming a god they also became quite divine! Who would had thought that a skull like me could become a god? Anything can as long as they gather enough energy in this Universe…" Laughed Belphegor. "Now, Brutus, I am an impatient man…"


Suddenly, Belphegor flew towards Brutus like a meteor on flames, reaching up to him at an incredibly quick speed! His blazing body was unleashing a tremendous quantity of flames that started to destroy Brutus aura and burning it, something unthinkable of!

"Y-You…! What sort of monster… Are you!?" Cried Brutus, as he swung his axe insanely, unleashing his truest and titanic might!



Phantom flames capable of burning him alive and his axe techniques capable of slicing entire pocket spaces and mountains clashed against one another, enormous explosions started to spread across the entire skies atop the city of Valen, as Brutus was unleashing all of his Orcish wrath!

"GRAAAAAHHH!!!" He roared desperately, completely losing his sense of humor as he was growing desperate with each passing second, his body and his soul were burning agonizingly, he couldn\'t take things easy!

"RAAAAAHH!!!" And Belphegor also roared like a ferocious monster, as his flames constantly poured out of his body, dancing around Brutus and burning through his body! However, as Brutus fought, his strength and speed began to finally match Belphegor as the floating skull was surprised by his might!


Suddenly, Belphegor was unable to defend in time, the deadly axe hit his skull, cracking a big chunk out of it!

"Uungh…!" Belphegor groaned in agony, as he was hit violently!

"Hahhh… Hahhh…!"

Brutus looked at him as Belphegor moved a few meters away, gasping for air in agony, his entire body was covered in wounds and burns, and his soul was already very damaged as well… He was just as exhausted as Belphegor… However, he was more resilient than the skull.

Belphegor locked his sight with Brutus, as he felt weakened and dizzy, breaking his own skull was like breaking a person\'s entire body into chunks, as it composed him entirely, a piece of his skull gone meant a big piece of his vitality gone, which also brought mental damage that made him confused and tired, even as a god, he was also fighting another god, so such amount of damage was to be expected.

However, his fiery and reckless charge also made Brutus weaken, his entire body was shrouded in blood! Belphegor moved forward without faltering, he knew he wasn\'t near as strong to even compare to his lord, or even Abyss at this point, but he had been training this entire time to be useful! He couldn\'t possibly simply die here and let this bastard alive.

"NNGRAAH!" Belphegor roared monstrously, as his entire soul suddenly emerged from his damaged and cracked skull, which was missing a big piece of its mass. Brutus looked with fear clear on his eyes as her realized Belphegor was someone he couldn\'t even underestimate when he was damaged!

What emerged was a specter made of phantom flames, unleashing a tremendously strong and dreadful presence that encompassed the entire area, forming a powerful blazing domain!

"UNGH…?!" Brutus cried, as he was impacted by the powerful and dreadful spirit of Belphegor, his flames devoured him alive, as Brutus found himself fighting inside of his very soul, burning and being roasted by the flames of hell itself!

"UUGRAAAHHHH…! Y-You bastard…! I am not… here to fucking die to a skull…!"

Brutus cried in agony as his entire body suddenly began to change, his body size grew several times, reaching almost five meters, and his muscles grew stronger as well! His axe grew bigger with him, and his forehead suddenly gained two enormous black horns, while his hair turned completely white, his eyes shone brightly with golden light…!

"N-Nnnggh?!" Muttered Belphegor, suddenly feeling as if his soul was being torn apart from the inside! Brutus was unleashing a tremendously powerful force from within, his cage of flames was not working properly, despite all the power he was using!

"I admire you for pushing me this far, Belphegor! But this is it! This is… my truest form as the God of Orcs!" Roared Brutus with a serious and monstrous voice, as his enormous hands and his axe slashed Belphegor apart!


"UUUAAAGGGH…!" Cried Belphegor in agony, as he was slashed in half!

Brutus was freed from his flames as he flew outside of his soul, seeing the soul shattered in half with his skull broken into pieces… Belphegor began to fall from the skies.

"B-Belphegor!!!" Cried the closest ally, Natalia, as she flew towards him to save him. Brutus didn\'t pursued the woman, as he let Belphegor to his own fate, admiring him for his strength.

As Chaos and Abyss flew towards Valen\'s Tower, he suddenly felt something. As if something was going badly… His heart began to beat faster and he felt a chill run down his spine. For a moment, he looked behind him but he only found Abyss who was controlling this pocket dimension.

"Chaos?" She asked confused.

"…Something… happened." He said, as he began to regret not having left any small clone with his allies, but if he had separated himself anymore, his stats would had decreased too much and he needed as much power as possible now…

"Something?" Asked Abyss.

"…No, let\'s move forward, I have to trust them." Said Chaos.


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