Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 158 - New Forbidden One's Fragment!


Chaos felt his power increase exponentially.


[Your [Existence Realm: [Pseudo Demi-Deity: 8/9 (Initial Stage)] has increased to Rank 9/9 (Initial Stage)]!]

[All your stats have increased!]

[You can now evolve]

[You acquired the [Fragrant Flesh Organ of the Forbidden One]!]

By just eating another fragment, Chaos Rank increased to 9!



Chaos suddenly felt his monstrous body change once more, evolving… the flesh of the Forbidden One fused with him and became part of his body.

The remaining mind it had was easily devoured by him, leaving nothing behind. The Power of All-Consumption was almighty.

But what did this fragment could do? His eyes could shot lasers, float around, be controlled from afar, let him see from afar, through walls, and more…

But what could this one do?

"I would assume this fragrant organ was what caused these demons to go wild…" thought Chaos.

Fragments of the Forbidden One lacked descriptions in the Universe Origin Records because they were not part of it. They were not a skill, nor an ability. They were the fragments of a completely alien being that came from outside this Universe, so it was obviously not capable of seeking its descriptions.

However, Chaos learned about it and more or less for what it was after he devoured the mind within the fragment and acquired its knowledge.

This organ was for the purpose of creating pheromones of all types. There was one in specific capable of triggering wild instincts in monsters or monster-like demi-humans. He didn\'t knew the limits of it, but it seemed capable of controlling an entire army of wild demons into a mass of destruction.

It was a powerful ability without a doubt.

But was that all? Of course not, there should be something more to it! But what could that be?

There were pheromones that triggered other instincts, such as being overprotective, disregarding their life, or to reproduce faster, or even giving them more energy through brain stimulation similar to how coffee works.

This power seemed truly wondrous… And the flesh by itself would be also used, it could be launched into a bomb to block the senses of someone, or even made into tentacles or other things that Chaos flesh could already do.

Nonetheless, the important thing was that Chaos had managed to get to Rank 9 out of 9 in Pseudo Demi Deity! Now, he needed to reach Peak Stage on it, and he would become capable of reaching the next Realm.

Chaos played a bit with his new powers as he reached the faraway Kingdom of the Red Demons, Lucives.

He reached it finding his companions in the gate with the King and many other soldiers, they were all healing each other and attending their wounds, while moving many corpses of those that had perished.

"Ah, Chaos-sama is back!" said Abyss.

"My lord, your power has increased once more! Could it be that you have acquired the fragment?" asked Belphegor.

"I did, it was fairly easy." Said Chaos.

The Demon King of the Lucives Kingdom reached Chaos as he lowered his head.

"You must be Lord Chaos, right? Thank you very much for helping us win against the wild demons!" he said, kneeling before Chaos.

Chaos looked at the man.

"Don\'t kneel, aren\'t you a King? It is fine, I came here to pick up something." Said Chaos, he was about to leave now.



"Would you like to… stay here for a bit and celebrate with us? We can offer you good food, comfortable rooms and beds and… erm, whatever you want!" said the King.

"Really? For free? We don\'t have money." Said Chaos.

"Yes, for free. It is the least we could do to show our appreciation to you… Please, lord Chaos." Said the Demon King.

Chaos thought it for a bit.

"Fine, let\'s stay this night here."

Every Red Demon celebrated, the King was intrigued to know more about Chaos and what was he all about. And he might also wanted him to stay longer and find a way to recruit such a strong fighter as the Vampire Dragon.

  As they walked inside the walls, Chaos was greeted by a beautiful sight, a citadel greeted him, where many red demons were living peacefully. However, due to the recent war, they had been preoccupied and concerned about what was happening outside, remaining inside of their homes.

As he walked through the streets with his allies, he looked at the place, it resembled his Kingdom a bit, but only a bit.

He compared both and thought of his own Kingdom as superior, of course.

They were quickly moved into a large castle, where a feast began right away.

"My lord are you sure about this? I could cook you something yummy instead of this food." Said Abyss.

"Yeah, let\'s go with the flow." Said Chaos.

"I wonder if you\'re okay with us, King, even when most of our members are monsters." Said Chaos, looking at the King.

"Ah, well, we were surprised, very surprised. But after your companions protected us and also fought the crazed wild demons, we realized you were good people. No matter if you\'re monsters." Said the King.

"Such an open-minded mortal, quite rare… Oh well, in this world, there are mostly monsters and demi-humans, so I guess it is not so rare." Said Belphegor.

"Indeed, but in this world of monsters it is not so rare for us to be open-minded, unless you come from the outside… But oh well, it has been a long time since we found people from the outside." said the King, referencing to most likely space pirates.

"So, how about a brief explanation about this little strife you had?" asked Chaos.

"Oh right, my bad…"

The King, who was so happy that he seemed to be spacing out sometimes nodded to Chaos words, as he explained his strife with the wild demons, the origins of the red demons in this world, and more.

"Incredible, so you\'re a big tribe of former slaves that got this far by yourselves? You even made a proper Kingdom and more…" said Natalia.

"How did the leader of the Wild Demons ended getting such a dangerous fragment?" asked Chaos. He got bored of the King\'s story and asked a direct question.


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