Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 130 - Resolve


After having a comfortable sleep, Chaos woke up from bed with a lot of energy and vitality.

He looked at his side and found Abyss sleeping cutely beneath the blankets.

He began to recall when she was first summoned, it was perhaps within the first hours since his birth in this new world, so she had been accompanying him this whole time.

It has been over two months ever since then, although many would think this is not near enough time for someone to develop emotionally, through the various stimulations both in battle and in companionship, Chaos had developed greatly, he had gained more emotions and became less dull and more thoughtful, while becoming considerate of others and attaining a greater self-awareness.

Above all, Abyss had impacted him in a great positive way, alongside Belphegor and his close subordinates.

However, as Abyss… well, it was obviously a different relationship than with Belphegor and the rest.

After all, he had admitted he felt a certain romantic attraction to her, and he also found her quite pretty when he admitted it, and because Abyss thought the same of Chaos, they began a romantic relationship and had become boyfriends ever since.

At first it was rather normal for Chaos to not understand much about love, true love, was something he had never received on his previous life as a laboratory subject, but now that he had the freedom to develop emotionally and physically, he had begun to understand certain aspects of what love is about. And had admitted being in love with Abyss too.

Abyss, whose emotions were more developed than him, only grew more in love with him, and their relationship had strengthened to the point that both became the emotional pilar of the other one. Chaos had developed a closer relationship with her, sometimes even speaking things he wouldn\'t talk to anyone else, and she world do the same, learning more about one another made each other fall more in love with the other, understanding was a crucial part for a healthy relationship.

Yesterday was spent nicely, he had done a lot of things that didn\'t revolve around fighting, and he had a lot of fun, nonetheless. Chaos had begun to realize that there were still exhilarating things in life that didn\'t involve putting himself in danger to break his limits or whatever.

Despite how monstrously strong he was, he even enjoyed things such as attending his crops below a bright sunny day, enjoying a large dinner with his friends and girlfriend, and simply eating delicious food, drinking refreshing ale, and being… happy.

Was this what his father wanted of him?

Belphegor had never questioned Chaos nor anything he did, because he knew that he wasn\'t being forced to do it, Chaos was merely doing what his father wanted him to do, which was to have a fulfilling life, to enjoy it however he wanted, and to… live life to the fullest.

So in short term, yes. Chaos was doing what his father wanted of him, Chaos was… having a life of happiness, despite the hardships, despite the enemies that popped up out of nowhere, and despite the many threats that would soon befall upon him, he was living a fulfilling life.

His enjoyment of a daily life of leisure activities only had strengthened his resolve, he looked over at Abyss as his heart began to beat faster. He gritted his teeth and looked at hist, grasping them with tightness.

He knew deep down that everything was frail in life, this happiness, everything.

And for one person to attain true freedom, you must first become strong, strong enough so nobody can mess with you anymore.

By living this peaceful bits of life, he only strengthened his resolve to fight even harder and to defeat his enemies even swifter and precisely. Unlike many would think, living like this didn\'t made him softer, because he began to comprehend the preciousness of life, he understood that it was a beautiful and incredible treasure he couldn\'t let go for anything in the whole universe.

This life, these people, the Kingdom he had built, Abyss at his side… They were all his most precious treasures, the things he had to hold on tight and to never let go. It had become, perhaps, an obsession, but it wasn\'t a bad one, but one that would only make him even more ruthless and therefore given him higher chances of survival in the future.

"This world… this happiness… this family… I am not going to let it go…"

Chaos muttered a few words to himself, to carve even deeper his resolve into his mind, his eyes flashed with such intensity that his distortion capabilities began to tear apart space itself.

A small black hole opened where Chaos had been looking, he got a bit startled by it and quickly let it close itself.


It seems that he had to be careful, if he thought things too hard and ended increasing the intensity of his thoughts and resolve to incredible levels, his abilities might rampantly come out without him realizing, and things such as a giant black hole appearing out of thin air could be a reality.

Such as the ridiculousness of Chaos powers, he was truly someone powerful… But was this enough? Was this truly enough to let him defeat beings as powerful as Gods?

He had to grow stronger, although he had been growing stronger at insane pace, it was not enough, he was still stuck at Pseudo Demi Deity, he wanted to become a Demigod quickly.

For that, he required more essence, absorbing the essence of two dungeons at the same time, devouring the summoned octopus and more, wasn\'t enough yet, he required more essence, more "EXP"!

He looked over the window, the dark horizon emerged, far away, through his incredible eyesight, he was able to see the shores of the isle, a large highly technological city was erected, where many spaceships floated above it.

This was his next target, space pirates.

He was going to clean them from HIS island, and then, move on into the large continents of this dark planet… Endless challenges and adventures await those willing to take them.


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