Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 113 - Skill Fusion Gallore


Skill Fusions of the d ay:

1) [Deadly Blazing Bite] + [Crushing Bite] + [Deadly Chaotic Bite Attack] + [Mimic Monster Bloody Bite] = [Chaotic Blazing Crushing Bite Attack]

2) [Chaotic Blazing Crushing Bite Attack] + [Blazing Fire Dragon Bone-crushing Jaws] + [Razor-sharp Jaws] + [O r e-Eating Jaws] = [Chaos Dragon King Destructive Soul-Eating Blazing Phantasmal Jaws]

3) [Orc\'s Burly Physique] + [Improved Physical Damage Resistance] + [Ore Body] + [Fat Accumulating Stockpile] = [Energy Storing Enhanced Burly Ore Body]

4) [Blazing Fire Dragon Undying Stamina] + [Giant\'s Corpulence] + [Giant\'s Strength] + [Earth Wyrm\'s Strong Physique] = [Blazing Earth Giant Dragon\'s Undying Stamina and Strengthened Corpulent Physique]

5) [Blazing Blood] + [Chaotic Dragon Magic-Enhancing Black Blood] + [Mana-Conducting Veins] + [Divine Bloodline: Royalty of the Aurora Empire] = [Demonic Chaotic Family: Vampire Dragon Abomination Bloodline]


In the morning of the next day, Chaos woke up eagerly, his cooldown as he had fused Skills the previous day rather early in the morning, so he quickly decided to continue fusing where he had left it at, as he was fusing over several body-enhancing Skills together.

S k i l l F u s i o n s o f t h e d a y:

1) [Energy Storing Enhanced Burly Ore Body] + [Blazing Earth Giant Dragon\'s Undying Stamina and Strengthened Corpulent Physique] + [Giant Yeti\'s Titanic Mighty Muscles] + [Super-Enhanced Muscles] = [Giant Dragon\'s Essence Storing Super Enhanced Undying Strengthened Muscular Corpulent Physique]

2) [Giant Dragon\'s Essence Storing Super Enhanced Undying Strengthened Muscular Corpulent Physique] + [Radiant Physique of the Holy Martial Artist] + [Magic-Enhanced Muscles] + [Magic-Enhanced Bones] = [Chaotic Dragon King\'s Supernatural Power-Storing Undying Physique]

3) [Tentacled Aberration] + [Deadly Tentacle Attack] + [Nether Worm\'s Razor-Sharp Teeth] + [Tentacle Extension] = [Aberrant Tentacled Abomination]

4) [Aberrant Tentacled Abomination] + [Abhorred Abomination] + [Chaos Birthed Monster] + [All Body and Flesh Manipulation, Division, and Assimilation] = [True Monstrous Self: Abhorred Abomination Complete Body Manipulation, Division, and Assimilation]

5) [Soul Manipulation] + [Soul Materialization] + [Enhanced Soul Strength] + [Chaos Dragon Abyssal Soul Aura] = [Abominable Chaos Dragon King\'s Grotesque Soul]

The moment Chaos finished fusing Skills, he felt anew in many senses. His flesh had been strengthened several times by the combination of passive skills that affected his body, and his own Soul began to overflow with a new power within it as well, growing larger and even as if it were an entity by itself…


Chaos glanced at the information of the five new Skills he got out of fusing a dozen of Skills…

[Chaos Dragon King Destructive Soul-Eating Blazing Phantasmal Jaws]

Unleash the deadly power of your jaws, enhancing them with an aura of several chaotic elements entwined together, unleashing such jaws can tear through souls directly and damage flesh greatly. They can also emerge as a phantasmal semi-transparent energy from your physical jaws for long-ranged attacks. Ignores -20% of all defense and damage is enhanced with every successful bite by +1% up to +50%.

[Demonic Chaotic Family: Vampire Dragon Abomination Bloodline]

The bloodline of your Demonic and Chaotic Family can enhance the power of any of those that can wield your bloodline, be it a converted Vampire Dragon or your direct offspring. Inserting your blood inside the blood vessels of compatible targets can convert them into a variety of Vampiric Draconic entities at random, inheriting a part of your powerful bloodline, which brings enhancement to all their growths, alongside a better and easier time at developing and discovering inner abilities.

[Chaotic Dragon King\'s Supernatural Power-Storing Undying Physique]

Your Physique is capable of storing incredibly immense quantities of power, which enhance all of your physical body\'s strength to insane levels, unleashing the true power of a Chaos Dragon King against your unlucky adversaries. Grants the ability to store up to 50% of your maximum Mana into your body and use it to enhance all your physical capabilities by 10% with every 1% Mana Storage, the Mana Stored can be released in a [Chaotic Flare Beam] from your body, which would blast anyone within your path.

[True Monstrous Self: Abhorred Abomination Complete Body Manipulation, Division, and Assimilation]

Unleash your true monstrous self and expand the vision that those near you have of your existence. Your body is limitless and the shape it can take is up to your imagination, this Skill grants the [Shapeshifter] Ability, although the assimilation of more bodies can enhance the accuracy of which bodies you want to shapeshift into. You can also release your [True Monstrous Self] and become a chimeric abomination, enhancing all your Stats in the process.

[Abominable Chaos Dragon King\'s Grotesque Soul]

Your Soul has evolved into its next stage, now, it has become a monstrous phantasmal entity of its own which can shapeshift, materialize and attack indiscriminately at your foes. It has a tougher outer layer and when materialized, not as much soul mass is lost. Your soul can be used to both enhance your physical attacks or help you attack with long-ranged methods.

These wondrous Skills were nothing but ridiculous, Chaos thought that he would had never imagined that such powerful Skills could come out of the fusion of so many skills, most of them which he got from very weak creatures. But it seems that even as strong as he was, as long as he continued fusing Skills from weak creatures, he would continue to strengthen himself to new heights. Despite this, Chaos decided that nothing could be as easy, so he had already planned to move on with his next plans very soon.

He woke up to find Abyss sleeping tenderly at his side. He caressed her black purple hair as she woke up rather quickly, greeting Chaos.

"Good morning, master!"

"Good morning, Abyss."

Once more, another morning came to Chaos\' life, as he decided to do a lot of work today, mostly expanding the area where the people lived, and assess some important things regarding the naming of this "Kingdom".

After taking a bath together with Abyss in the new warm water baths, where both made sure to scratch each other\'s back, Chaos walked with Abyss at his side through the large castle, as he moved towards Edward\'s Office.

"My lord, I\'ve been waiting for you."


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