I Don’t Want This Reincarnation

Chapter 69

“Welcome, Requiem Guilds. My name is Park Ji-won (박지원), the Head of the Research Team at the centre.”

Park Ji-won, who smiled brightly, shook my hand and asked.

“I heard the story from Master Cheon Sa-yeon. Who is the person who will be measured today?”

“It’s this person.”

Woo Seo-hyuk pushed Kim Woo-jin, who was standing behind me, and said. Kim Woo-jin, who had a sad expression on his face, wrinkled his brow.

“Kim Woo-jin-nim, right? Follow me. I will guide you to the measurement room.”

Whether Kim Woo-jin was dissatisfied or not, Park Ji-won took the lead and led us without losing her smile.

“When I heard the news that the grade had been raised from C-rank to A-rank, I put all the talented people on standby. I will do my best as the Master Cheon Sa-yeon directly commissioned me.”

The measurement centre was larger than expected. It was full of vitality with those who came to receive measurements after awakening, or those who wanted to check the grade and performance of the item.

“If you have read the brochure we sent you, you will know that we are proud of the largest scale in Korea. By having an experienced measurement research team and state-of-the-art devices, you can receive more accurate and safe performance of the measurement.”

Park Ji-won’s voice, introducing the facility as she walked through the hallway, overflowed with confidence. Park Ji-won, who took the elevator and came to the basic measurement room on the third floor, looked at us and said.

“Only those who will be measured will come in, and others will be asked to wait. It takes about 2 hours to complete from basic measurement to in-depth measurement and ability analysis. If you go to the centre, there is a cafe, so you can wait there.”

At those words, Kim Woo-jin became sullen. He didn’t want to go into the examination alone. However, we couldn’t follow along, so we coolly handed Kim Woo-jin over to Park Ji-won and the researchers.

“Get it well.”

When I briefly greeted Kim Woo-jin, who was looking at me with sparkling eyes as if hoping for something, turned his back with a disappointed expression.

We saw off Kim Woo-jin, who entered the measurement room, and there was nothing to do, so we went to the cafe that Park Ji-won told us. Seeing the cheesecake at the showcase, Min Ah-rin pulled my arm with her excited voice.

“Cake! Let’s order the cake, too!”

“The cake is good. Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi, what would you like to drink?”

“I’ll just have an Americano.”

“If I’m going to buy it, shall I also buy chocolate cake?”

“Yes, yes.”

I nodded my head as I pulled out my card with the intention of buying something for Min Ah-rin, who had suffered so far. Min Ah-rin, who loved sweets as much as I did, ordered desserts and drinks as if she was running out of breath, and Woo Seo-hyuk took a step back and watched. I could feel his will to never join us.

“Can I eat them all?”

After placing the order, Min Ah-rin made a slightly regretful look, whether the reason had returned. After finishing the payment, I put my card into my wallet and comforted her.

“It doesn’t matter. You can eat it all and leave it when you are full.”

“Yi-gyeol-ssi… It’s so touching.”

As if she liked my answer, Min Ah-rin smiled satisfied and handed the tray full of desserts and drinks to Woo Seo-hyuk. Woo Seo-hyuk, who received it in the blink of an eye, followed us with an awkward expression.

* * *

“Except for me…”

“You’re here?”

The measurement ended earlier than planned, Kim Woo-jin returned less than two hours later. Kim Woo-jin, who found us chatting with desserts and drinks piled up on the table, pouted out.

“You worked hard.”

I thought he would get sulky, so I sat Kim Woo-jin in his seat and pushed the dessert to him. Kim Woo-jin, who glanced at me like that, relaxed his expression and started eating the cake quietly.

“Did the measurement result come out?”

“Approximately. The details will be sent in documents by tomorrow.”

Kim Woo-jin, who quickly ate a cake because he was hungry, told the result.

“I was confirmed as an A-rank clone magician (분신술사로, “bunsinsulsaro” so yup, like kage bunshin no jutsu). If I practice consistently, I can create up to two clones, and if I use my abilities, my body will be strengthened.”

“When you say strengthened, is it an additional ability?”

At Min Ah-rin’s question, Kim Woo-jin shook his head.

“It’s not to that extent.”

It was said that from a B-rank attack, wounds were inflicted. If so, it meant that Kim Woo-jin and his clone could not be injured with an attack below C-rank.

“Even though your body is strengthened, you need to have combat skills because you share the senses with your clone.”

“That’s for sure.”

Woo Seo-hyuk, who was quietly listening to the conversation, took out his cell phone and got up from his seat.

“Now that the schedule is over, we will prepare to return to the guild. I will report to Master, so please go down first.”

“All right.”

After clearing the table and leaving Woo Seo-hyuk behind, I came down to the first floor and stopped walking. Dozens of reporters, who had not been seen until morning, were encamped at the centre entrance.

“Wait. Wait a moment.”

I quickly grabbed Kim Woo-jin, who was about to leave without thinking, and looked around the situation. It must have come from a broadcasting station camera.

Min Ah-rin, who understood the situation just like me, made a worried face.

“Hey, I think the news has already spread.”

“Han Yi-gyeol-ssi.”

Woo Seo-hyuk, who followed us down to the first floor, hurriedly approached us.

“It seems that information about Attendant Kim Woo-jin’s rank has been posted on the Internet. Master said he’s sending the security personnel right now, so we’ll have to leave a little later.”

Woo Seo-hyuk opened his portal site on his cell phone and showed it to me. Kim Woo-jin’s name was on the search term.

「Rising search ranking

1 A-rank

2 Requiem Kim Woo-jin

3 Rank up

4 C-rank Kim Woo-jin

5 Kim Woo-jin」

Even though his name was on the search list, Kim Woo-jin’s expression did not change much. Kim Woo-jin just seemed annoyed and bothered by all of this.

“I expected it to get a lot of attention, but I didn’t know it was going to be this fast.”

“In the meantime, more reporters came. The centre is blocking them to some extent, but…”

At Min Ah-rin’s words, Woo Seo-hyuk looked outside and made a troubled expression. No matter how fast the security personnel sent by the guild arrive, it would take 30 minutes.

I sighed and said.

“I can’t help it. Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi, please cancel the security personnel. Let’s just fly.”

“Will it be okay?”

“Four people are enough. If you stay here, it will be a nuisance to the centre as well.”

“…I understand.”

After thinking about it for a while, Woo Seo-hyuk finally nodded his head when he said that it was a nuisance.

“We’d better leave in front of reporters. Then those people will no longer gather here.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“Kim Woo-jin, are you okay?”

“I don’t care.”

After the discussion, we walked out of the building without delay. When we appeared, the waiting reporters quickly started filming.

“Talented Kim Woo-jin!”

“Please give me a short interview!”

“Please say something about your rank up!”

Kim Woo-jin frowned at the white flash that was pouring towards him. The number of reporters I met in person was much higher than when I saw them inside the building. I made sure that all three grabbed my arm, and I quickly used my ability to prevent the damage from increasing.

“Oh, oh?”

“Please wait! Talented Kim Woo-jin!”

“It’s the ability to fly!”

As our bodies rose high, the reporters shouted Kim Woo-jin’s name in bewildered voices. I started moving in the direction of the guild, rising to the point where my feet could barely be seen.

“Everyone, be careful not to miss me.”

“Wow, it’s amazing. I’m finally getting Yi-gyeol-ssi’s ability.”

“Isn’t it better than you think? It’s very high, isn’t it scary?”

“It’s fun. I’m not afraid of heights. Are you two okay?”


Woo Seo-hyuk calmly answered Min Ah-rin’s question, and Kim Woo-jin nodded his head but grabbed my arm with strength. Come to think of it, Kim Woo-jin was nervous the last time he went to see Cha Soo-yeon. Pretend not to, but aren’t you afraid of high places? I lowered the altitude slightly.

We arrived safely at the Requiem Guild and came down to the ground. Fortunately, in front of the guild, there were no reporters in sight as to whether Cheon Sa-yeon had taken action.

“Let’s go to the representative office. Master is waiting for you.”

After talking a few words with the attendant who was guarding the front of the guild, Woo Seo-hyuk spoke to me and Kim Woo-jin.

“I will return to the Healer Team now. See you later.”

Leaving behind Min Ah-rin, who originally had a schedule, I went up to the representative office located on the top floor.

As if waiting for us, Cheon Sa-yeon closed the document he was looking at and opened his mouth.

“You came sooner than I expected.”

“I just used my skills. Information about Kim Woo-jin, where did it come from?”

“I’m guessing it’s a measurement centre employee, but it doesn’t mean much to me now. Anyway, as soon as the A-rank was confirmed through measurement, I was prepared to leak it out.”

“I thought it was a rumour under the water. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but this is a bit of a headache.”

“After the official announcement, it will be even more chaotic. At that time, foreign media will also flock in.”

Kim Woo-jin was not particularly interested in this part and was bothered by it, so I was very worried. Perhaps he noticed my heart, Cheon Sa-yeon said slowly.

“Unlike Han Yi-gyeol, Kim Woo-jin is a member of a guild. You don’t have to worry too much because he can be managed and protected by the guild.”

“Then… that’s a relief.”

I looked at Kim Woo-jin with a dismal answer.

“Master is right. Don’t worry too much.”

Kim Woo-jin nodded his head proudly at my gaze. I don’t know if I can trust you.

“Kim Woojin. I’ll give you training room no.17 for a while. I’ve also pre-selected S-rank guild members to teach you, so starting tomorrow, start practising your skills and training for six hours each.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Even though six hours would be burdensome, Kim Woo-jin nodded his head without any complaints. Yes, I think he needed some practice too, but six hours was too long.

“The official announcement is set for four days later. Until then, let’s have some control over the clones.”


“And Han Yi-gyeol.”

What. There was tension in the gaze of Cheon Sa-yeon looking at me came over. What else are you calling me to say?

“I’ll send you a present to your room next week or so. It’s an important item, so make sure you get it.”

“A… present?”

What present suddenly? I tilted my head as I had no idea what it was, but instead of giving a proper answer, Cheon Sa-yeon raised the corner of his mouth slightly and laughed playfully.

“If there is something you don’t know well after receiving it, please come to me anytime.”

“…what, yes.”

I felt uncomfortable, but I nodded my head. I don’t know what it is, but there’s no need to refuse.

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