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Chapter 630: On the cusp

Some felt it was nonsense and sneered, some were dubious, and more people were full of curiosity.

Are there really two supreme treasures in the Lord of Human Chaotic Origin?

During the three reincarnation times, the eyes of the two holy places were cast on Wang Yi.

Many of the strongest in the universe were also attracted by this news.

Some feared giant axe, although the strongest in the universe moved a little but did not act, but some did not care about the threat of giant axe.

Especially the strongest person in the lonely universe in the first reincarnation era, is even more lawless.

Not to mention the current great axe, even the return of the original ancestor can not make them truly afraid.

Some evil and overbearing ones are that the two sacred places are not in the eyes, and the master of the universe who encounters them kills if they want to kill, and they don\'t think about the master of the universe who goes out to explore in their own small universe.

Unlike the God Eye Clan, Cumin had no scruples who were not dragged down by the race.

If there is a chance, they don\'t mind putting two Xeon treasures in the bag.

Even if the Great Axe and the human race are offended, what about? The universe is so big, it is not inevitable.

A certain area within the spacecraft.

"The God Eye Race is really sinister."

"There is also the Purple Moon Holy Land, which is also contributing to the flames behind it."

In the vast mountains, a red figure with three pairs of wings spread out flying in the endless gust of thunder and lightning.

Wang Yi was a little emotional.

This is the first thousand years after Wang Yi entered the universe.

He is about three to four hundred years away from the destination "Tongtian Demon Column" (the name given to the black stone pillar by humans).

Almost two hundred years have passed since the Battle of the Dangling Soul Sea, and the news that Wang Yi possessed two of the most powerful treasures spread throughout the universe.

He is no longer the master of the fifth-order universe, but the master of the sixth-order universe who surpasses the most top-notch masters of the universe such as the chaos city master, the galaxy master, and the golden horn master!

It is also one of the only sixth-order universe masters in the primitive universe!

The first one, of course, is the mysterious identity. The horrible soul method used to kill dozens of universe lords in Primordial Star killed him. Now he does not know where he is hiding!

The second one is the "Master of Chaotic Source" of mankind!

I don\'t know how many Cosmos Lords envy and hate the "Chaotic Source Lord" after receiving the news.

The two sacred grounds have fallen, they are in a special situation, and only then can the Lord of the sixth-order universe appear.

But for a mere primordial universe, why is the new master of the universe possessing the strongest treasure?

More than one!

When this news first spread back, the entire primitive universe was shaken.

The Monster Race, Mechanical Race, and Zerg Race are even more likely to call it impossible.

They didn\'t know how poor the human race was before, and none of the great axes in the past had the strongest treasures.

But now not only the giant axe has several Xeon treasures on his body, but also the master of the universe of mankind has Xeon treasures on his body...This reality makes them feel a little magical.

They were shocked, and then began a frantic investigation, wanting to unearth the origin of the human Xeon, there must be something they don\'t know about.

And Wang Yi in the inner space of the cosmic ark also often meets the masters of the universe from other forces, but most of the masters of the universe avoid him, and only a small number of fifth-order and above will bump into him.

It\'s just that Wang Yi didn\'t want to expose more secrets, didn\'t want to fight against each other, relying on the Wing Treasure to easily throw them away, all the way into the space ship.

Since the news of more than one Xeon Supreme Treasure was exposed, it has indeed caused some trouble to Wang Yi.

However, the spacecraft is very big, and the dangerous environment is everywhere. Wang Yi\'s whereabouts are uncertain, and it is not so easy for other people to find him.

Most of the strongest in the universe are in the core area, and they are rarely seen in the inner area, so unless they deliberately chase after God\'s Eye Race last time, they will generally not be encountered.

Others, whether they are the masters of the fifth-order or sixth-order universe, pose no threat to Wang Yi at all.

"Those guys, if they know that I have several Xeon and Treasures in my body, including the Tower of the Sky, I am afraid that the entire universe will be crazy." Wang Yi sighed.

The treasures of Wang Yi\'s human deity are now extremely luxurious, including the most powerful weapons, armors, palaces, souls, domains, wings... there are six in total!

In the entire universe, it can be said that no strong person has as many as his strongest treasures.

If it is known to others, let alone a giant axe as a deterrent, ten of them are useless.

Especially the Tongtian Pagoda, which has a mysterious origin, and is suspected to be the heavenly treasure related to ancient civilization and transcending reincarnation.

All the forces in the universe were already jealous when they learned about it. If they knew that Wang Yi had managed to kill dozens of the strongest in the universe, Wang Yi would truly become a public enemy of the universe.

You must get the Tongtian Tower at any cost!

"Actually, it\'s not impossible for Tongtian Tower to draw in primitive cosmic forces or those in the Universe Sea who desire to transcend reincarnation."

The Tongtian Tower can be taken out. Although it takes only 100 million years to comprehend 10,000 years, only 1008 people can enter each time. But whoever enters is entirely up to Wang Yi to decide.

As long as Wang Yi let go out a little bit, maybe many strong people will be moved.

However, it is not as simple as imagined.

Fortunately, the Tongtian Pagoda has no owner. Once in the hands of human beings, even the strongest in the universe can\'t come out. They can only be slaughtered. Once they are brought into the giant axe small universe, it is not impossible to kill.

No one dares to bet that no one will put his life in the hands of others.

Therefore, the most likely thing is that all parties will unite to persecute human beings and try their best to force them to share the Tower of Heaven... at least there must be a life guarantee.

Going in is tantamount to bowing to humans. Fortunately, the Lord of the universe who has a clone, I am afraid that none of the strongest in the universe dared to go in.

Of course, this is also a card, and there are also the masters of the universe and the strong who may not help being tempted. They will really surrender to humans and join the human camp. This is also an advantage.

However, mankind is now only more than 20 masters of the universe ~ Hongmeng alien races are not counted, they are not really a part of mankind.

Even if you win, you have to consider whether it is worthwhile and whether it will cause bad consequences.

If too many people are drawn in, the number of enlightenment places for human beings will be reduced, and there will be fewer masters of the universe born. On the contrary, the masters of alien universes may become the strongest in the universe. One universe is stronger than one hundred universes. The threats of the Lord are great, and it is difficult to suppress them.

Therefore, as a last resort, Wang Yi would never consider opening the Tongtian Tower to those alien races.

Wang Yi sighed softly, "It\'s still the mankind\'s own lord of the universe that is reliable. Maybe we have to find a chance to resurrect the fallen human lord of the universe, but the price is still too high, and it is difficult to do at present."

It\'s not impossible. It\'s difficult. For example, Wang Yi\'s current treasures are all exchanged. It is not a problem to resurrect a group of masters of the universe, but it is not worth it for Wang Yi.

Therefore, we can only resurrect when the conditions are sufficient in the future.


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