This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 123 24.1 Reset?

The world moved on, and things stayed the same despite me just going through a cutscene. Seeing as I was outside the [Rig] for some god-forsaken reason, I just shrugged and walked back in. Not like anything was stopping me anyway.

"Guess I have to climb all the way up to the bridge..."

Letting out a sigh, I forced myself to go through the motions of walking up the stairs all the way up to the bridge. I was pretty sure that everyone else spawned back up there when we left the dungeon, with me being the only one that had somehow spawned outside. A bug? Some kind of glitch? I did hear a faint buzz back when the cutscene ended, and that usually only happened when something had changed.

"Knowing Guidance, I wouldn\'t put it past her..."

I chuckled to myself. Surely, the dev would\'ve already tweaked their own codes to allow them to accompany me through the death loops. It didn\'t work inside the dungeon, but surely it would\'ve worked now, and Guidance would certainly not let even a single minute go by without fixing her own life\'s work.

"At least I won\'t be alone next time..."

Shaking my head, I found myself once again in front of the door to the bridge. It was closed shut though, something that I wouldn\'t expect especially if there was someone inside. Did they close it and just forgot to open it back up?

[*Knock Knock*]

Giving it the customary knock, the sound of metal hitting my knuckles pinged faintly against the dim hallways before I positioned myself to open this heavy thing. Placing both hands on the handle, I gave it a might pull, hoping that it wasn\'t at least screw shut.


Okay? It was open, at least.

Stepping inside, I was ready to give out my usual greetings when the obvious lack of people hit me right in the face. There was no Shade or Shen, or Shizu, Guidance, or Maruki for that matter.

"Huh," I shrugged at the sight of the empty bridge. "Nobody\'s home..."

Looking around, the sophisticated knobs and dials all looked to be glowing, at least. So I guess that thing we did back in the engine room did some good. The only problem now was finding out where exactly my party had gone.

"They wouldn\'t have gone far..."

Where else were they supposed to go though? They wouldn\'t be in the cabins, that\'s for sure. Out on the deck? I would\'ve at least heard or seen them on my way up the bridge...

"The engine room then?"

Well, it made sense... Shen\'s probably doing some last-minute checks on the whole thing before we set sail. She might be doing stuff with that potential [Manifest] of hers, and wasn\'t that a good thing to think about-


"Woah... The hell was that?"

I almost flinched as I heard the sound of an engine whirring to life. All of a sudden, the bridge sprang to life, lights and random beep boops flashing all around the machinery as the [Rig] appeared to be in working order again. It was kind of awe-inducing, the sight of this many doodads blinking to life and awaiting our input.

"Damn... It actually feels like a spaceship in here now..."

Walking up to the nearest navigational machine to me, I let out a whistle as I ran my hand over the things that would hopefully make our journey easier. Currently, I was looking at what seemed to be some kind of sonar? Wait... did this world even have that kind of technology?


Now that I thought about it, this entire [Rig] didn\'t make sense when compared to Kattleyna\'s overall level of technology. From what I gathered, the Empire was more along the lines of very early industrial revolution with a sprinkle of high medieval Asian military and architecture. There was electricity, sure, but the infrastructure wasn\'t fully there yet. Hell, I don\'t even know where the electricity is even coming from.

Then again, why was I even thinking about this stuff? This is all fantasy. Surely, Guidance wouldn\'t think of that stuff too much... Or maybe she did. She seemed to be the passionate sort in regards to her work.

"Something to ask Guidance later then," I shrugged as I swept the question of technology under the rug that was my brain. "I don\'t wanna think in circles around the logistics and what ifs of it all..."

Letting out a sigh, I found myself looking around the bridge again. Just where the hell was everybody anyway? Weren\'t we supposed to set sail anytime now? What with the engine fixed and all?

And no, I won\'t think about how the engine even worked right now. I\'ll dump that all on Guidance once we get some downtime.


My ears perked up as I heard the door open behind me. Right on time too.

"Moriya?" Guidance greeted with a questioning tone. "Where have you been?"

"I was stuck in a cutscene," I chuckled with a shrug. "And for some reason, I spawned back outside of the [Rig]. Where did you guys appear earlier anyway?"

"We, uhm... just appeared back here on the bridge," Shizu thoughtfully replied. "We were just outside the dungeon\'s entrance. Just right over there."

The princess then pointed towards the dungeon portal that was somehow still swirling about inside the bridge. I didn\'t know why it hadn\'t disappeared yet, but I guess that was just there now?

"Well, as much as I\'d like for us to have all this chat about our friends and adventures, why don\'t we finally set sail and continue with our mission?" Shade suddenly butted in, his arms raised up in a shrug as he leaned on the nearest wall. "And while we\'re at it, I would like for our illustrious leaders to come clean to us."

I raised my eyebrows at his accusing tone. "Come clean? About what?"

"Don\'t play coy, Moriya. You and Lady Guidance have been hiding something from the rest of us," Shade rightfully accused with narrowed eyes. "And while my Princess clearly has an idea as to what it is, I\'d like to think that we\'re all in this together. As such, a thorough explanation is in order. Don\'t you agree?"


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